As for the cost of my Heavy Tanks, remember that they are a tech, so (apart from Russia) the cost is born largely in development, and they don’t have the breakthrough ability (more powerful than blitzing).
Well, I guess I dont know as much as I should about this, but i would imagine that you could produce alot more medium tanks than heavy tanks even if you have the tech. Maybe the German over-engineered heavy tanks were an exception but I rebember learning how hard they were to make and were greatly infeior in production ability to the medium tanks like the T-34 which were made so you could produce them in large numbers. Wernt the IS-2 and M26 harder to make than the T-34 and Sherman. Heavy tanks should not obsolete medium tanks, thats just unhisotrical, as medium tanks were still being produced in larger numbers at the end of the war. Also it is not fare to call the KV-1 a heavy tank even though it was technicaly due to its weight. Should the CharB have the stats of a heavy tank?No. Th KV-1 in combat, attacking or defending, was inferior to the T-34. The Russian command beleive this at least. Its production was stoped in 1943 and almost ten times as many T-34s were built
I think 8-9 IPCs is a good price for heavy tanks that defend at four and fire pre-emptivly when defending.
And Flashman, what do you have against paratroopers? I see how you could say it was not used in big enough units for this kind of game, but is was a fairly decsive weapon. If could have stats that are lower than a normal infantry unit to show that it only represents a divsion or two, but then give it a powerful surprise attack ability during airborne attacks. maybe they should select their targets the first round like fighter bombers might do at sea.