What 2 categories of tank should FMG produce

  • WotC seems to have chosen a medium tank for those that had them and a light tank for those that didn’t really (Italy & Japan.)  FMG has chosen a light tank and (basically) a tank destroyer/ SP gun for Italy, but then Italy’s tank options are rather limited.  For Germany, though, FMG has announced that a Panzer III (a medium) is to be one of the options (though as far as I know, they haven’t announced what the second German tank will be…)

    Given that we’re hoping for some variety from the WotC line-up and some consistency of categories, which GENERAL CATEGORIES do you think those tanks should fit into?  Or do you prefer no set pattern at all, but rather a range of options based entirely on “iconic” or “typical” types for each individual nation?

  • I think it should all depend on the type of tanks said nation deployed into combat.

  • Customizer

    I vote for a Light Tank + Heavy Tank for each nation.  I know that for some nations, like USA and UK, their Heavy Tanks entered service too late in the war to really see a lot of action and I’m not sure if Japan even HAD a Heavy Tank, but these are just the pieces I would like to see made.

  • I think it’s pretty obvious based on my previous posts that I’m for the medium + heavy line-up.  I think there’s not much room between armored infantry and “regular” armor units to fit in a “light” tank in the A&A scheme.  If there was I’d be wishing for a three-tiered system (even though FMG has already partially ruled it out by settling on 2) and settling for hoping FMG does light + heavy (since WotC already did mostly mediums.)  But since I don’t see much A&A application for a light tank, I’d rather them give us the upgrade (or alternate) medium + heavy approach.

  • Customizer

    Given that historically Russia (and arguably) France started with heavies, while Japan and Italy had what could only pass as light tanks, see each power having the ability to upgrade it’s starting armour one step.

    Therefore only Japan and Italy have need of light tanks, and have no heavies produced.  Nor is there any need for a Soviet light model.

  • TripleA '12

    The question has arisen before. I remember saying that FMG had produced a Tank and a Self Propelled Gun for Italy, and I was of the opinion that they should therefore follow this trend for all the nations they produce. However, I believe FMG stated somewhere in the long thread history that they chose the Italian Semovente (SPG) because of its iconic status, and because of the limited range of Italian tanks. That said, the Italians had at lest 3 or 4 different tank designs that I can think of:

    L6/40   (Light)
    M13/40 (Medium)
    M15/42 (Improved medium)
    P-40     (Heavy)

    And those are just the tanks… If there was indeed a trend going on, I would love to see the medium/heavy tank combo. But I’m more than happy with the light/heavy combo.

  • Customizer


    The question has arisen before. I remember saying that FMG had produced a Tank and a Self Propelled Gun for Italy, and I was of the opinion that they should therefore follow this trend for all the nations they produce. However, I believe FMG stated somewhere in the long thread history that they chose the Italian Semovente (SPG) because of its iconic status, and because of the limited range of Italian tanks. That said, the Italians had at lest 3 or 4 different tank designs that I can think of:

    L6/40  (Light)
    M13/40 (Medium)
    M15/42 (Improved medium)
    P-40    (Heavy)

    And those are just the tanks… If there was indeed a trend going on, I would love to see the medium/heavy tank combo. But I’m more than happy with the llight/heavy combo.

    The M15/42 is one I’m not familiar with.  I don’t suppose you would have a picture handy?  Or a link to one?

  • TripleA '12

    Easiest way is to just Google/images, but here you go:


    A beefier version of the Carro Armato M13/40 with modifications to engine, armour and barrel, if I’m not mistaken.


  • Customizer

    Thanks for the pic Lozmoid.  Yeah, I know I could simply go and google the images, I’ve done that before.  I just wasn’t thinking, and maybe being a bit lazy.

  • The question has arisen before. I remember saying that FMG had produced a Tank and a Self Propelled Gun for Italy, and I was of the opinion that they should therefore follow this trend for all the nations they produce. However, I believe FMG stated somewhere in the long thread history that they chose the Italian Semovente (SPG) because of its iconic status, and because of the limited range of Italian tanks. That said, the Italians had at lest 3 or 4 different tank designs that I can think of:

    L6/40   (Light)
    M13/40 (Medium)
    M15/42 (Improved medium)
    P-40     (Heavy)

    And those are just the tanks… If there was indeed a trend going on, I would love to see the medium/heavy tank combo. But I’m more than happy with the light/heavy combo.

    The thing is, the  Italian P40 (called a “heavy”) was more comparable to other countries’ mediums, their mediums were more comparable to other countries’ lights and their lights were not much of a step up from an armored car!  (The same holds true for Japanese tanks.)

  • TripleA '12

    My friend, there lies the dilemma of matching sets of unit types for all FMG nations…  :-)

  • @Lozmoid:

    My friend, there lies the dilemma of matching sets of unit types for all FMG nations…  :-)

    Agreed lozmold. You can’t do matching sets because some nations simply did not have/use certain unit types (like heavy tanks).

  • I still think you could do a matching set including the best medium and heavies available for the four that had them and for those that didn’t… (i.e. Japan & Italy) a medium-light (M 15/42 & Type 97 Chi-Ha) and a medium (P 40 & Type 3 Chi-Nu or Type 4 Chi-To)

    Alternately, the Medium + Medium Tank destroyer might make sense.  That would be my second choice, I think (after the Medium + Heavy option.)  I guess I just always prefer as much logic and consistency as possible…

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