• Yes. US had pershing heavy tank but to late to make a difference at the end of the war.

    Of course, heavy Tank must be a tech. Germany and USSR only.

    Italy and Japan didn’t have the industrial capacity, the technology and money to produce medium and heavy tank. In 1941, japanese didn’t have any tank division!
    Only tankette.

    Light tank cost = 4    2,2,2 but attack at 3 in the first round of combat. 
    there’s a difference between a mechanized infantry. Light tank is stronger.
    I think you can put both in the same game).
    Let see…mech inf. cost 3 = 2,2,2 but may retreat after one round fo combat).

    medium tank = 5 (USSR) 6 (USA,UK,Ger).
    Heavy tank = (USSR 6) Ger 7.

  • @crusaderiv:

    Italy and Japan didn’t have the industrial capacity, the technology and money to produce medium and heavy tank. In 1941, japanese didn’t have any tank division!
    Only tankette.

    So your rules are saying that if Japan had conquered Burma, India, Australia and driven to Moscow… or any of the other ahistorical achievements that occur in this game, they still would never have been capable of producing a heavy tank formation.

    IPCs pouring in by the bucketfull and the entire Pacific Rim joining the co-prosperity sphere but sorry, no heavy tanks for Japan…

    Naw, sorry doesn’t work for me.

  • Customizer

    Light tanks can blitz, MI cannot.

    Japanese heavy tank prototype:


    Remember that in 1941 the Panther and Tiger did not exist, and were a response to Soviet tank designs.  The nature of the eastern front dictated the priorities of these powers, rather than the others being incapable of producing similar weapons.

  • @Flashman:

    Light tanks can blitz, MI cannot.

    Japanese heavy tank prototype:


    Remember that in 1941 the Panther and Tiger did not exist, and were a response to Soviet tank designs.  The nature of the eastern front dictated the priorities of these powers, rather than the others being incapable of producing similar weapons.

    Eleven man crew! lols :lol:.

  • Moderator

    that thing is a huge pile o Shet.  Yeah 11 man crew, Get real.  The Damn thing looks like Rivets hold it together.  One shell hits the center of a plate and the whole Plate comes off.

    :roll: :roll: :|

  • So your rules are saying that if Japan had conquered Burma, India, Australia and driven to Moscow… or any of the other ahistorical achievements that occur in this game, they still would never have been capable of producing a heavy tank formation.

    LOL, well if you driven to moscow with Japan, Don’t need tank anymore!!!

    • fighters, a lot of fighters…

    It’s up to you but I prefer accurate game.
    The day i wil had heavy tank tech to Japan and I will add A bomb tech to germany!

    Oh, why not bacteriological weapon for Japan?
    1 Balloon per turn. Attack at 3 or less over USA?

  • @crusaderiv:

    It’s up to you but I prefer accurate game.
    The day i wil had heavy tank tech to Japan and I will add A bomb tech to germany!

    Well  I still think everycountry should have a chance at any tech. Just because they didnt dosnt mean it was impossible for them to have these techs. All the nations in the game have modern econamies and had a good shot at producing any of the wars weapons especailly if the war continues longer than its hisotrical conter part, which you have to assume happens in many A&A games. Its probably not very accuarte to restric techs.

  • in the new AAE40 the tank is a 3-3-2-6 unit… 6 ipc to buy.

  • @Imperious:

    in the new AAE40 the tank is a 3-3-2-6 unit… 6 ipc to buy.

    yah so heavy tanks should cost at least 8, if you want to show how much harder they were to produce.

  • yea 4-4-2-8

  • @Imperious:

    yea 4-4-2-8

    I have always questioned the heavy tanks offenisve capabilities, perhaps it should just be a four and attack like a regular tank. from what I have read, in all the european terrain the heavy tank had much difficulty advancing and was most effective when defending against medium armor. Of course then this unit would probably be obsoleted by fighters. Maybe if should have a first strike ability on the defence to account for its high-caliber and high velocity gun.

    3-4-2-9 that has first strike on defence and acts like a normal tank otherwise, that feels like a heavy tank to me.

  • @Imperious:

    in the new AAE40 the tank is a 3-3-2-6 unit… 6 ipc to buy.


    What if instead of “land transports” trucks were “motorized infantry” distinct from mech inf.  I’m weary of this idea, because it overthrows some sacred A&A rules.  Here’s my new land combat unit chart for FMG’s New Pieces Project (NPP):

    Piece              Name                            Attack        Defense              Move          Cost                  Special

    Soldier 1        Light Infantry                1                2                  1              3                  N/A

    Soldier 2        Marine                        1                2                    1              4              + 1 Attack during Amphibious Assult

    Truck            Motorized Infantry          1                2                  2              4                Can Blitz

    Gun(1)          Light Artillery                2                2                  1              4                + 1 to infantry attack on 1-1 basis

    Gun 2**        Heavy Artillery              3                2                  1              5                +1 to infantry attack on 1-1 basis

    Half-Track    Mechanized Infantry        3                2                  2              5                Can Blitz

    Tank 1          Light Armor                    3                3                  2              6                Can Blitz

    Tank 2          Heavy Armor                  4                4                  2              8                Can Blitz

    *Note: Fighters can support tanks on a 1-1 basis.
    **Field Marshal Games is not offering two artillery molds at this time (unless we beg them to).  Rather, it seemed to fit, so I added it as a possibility.

    Umm, not to brag, but the 6 IPC 3-3 tank was my idea

  • I call it the “Post-Revised Tank”

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    Umm, not to brag, but the 6 IPC 3-3 tank was my idea

    so it was, +1

    I still dont like heavy tanks attacking at 4 though

  • Moderator

    why are you afraid?


    my H tanks work as a 4,4,2,10

    seems balanced in cost vs quality ratio

    Russia had no issues attacking w/ H tanks.

  • @Deaths:

    Russia had no issues attacking w/ H tanks.

    yah thats true, but i dont think that should be represented by a four or less attack. Alot of times it A&A it is good to attack with units that are good on the defence so you can better defend the terriotry. I think this is a pretty good way to reprsent soviet heavy armor because once they started attacking with it, they rarely lost any territroy.

  • Customizer

    Heavy tanks are definitely strongest on defence, and should not have the blitz ability.

    My values are revised to account for movement, which is always 1 territory into combat, 2nd breakthrough move for light and medium tanks, unlimited NC movement for all land units via train.

    Inf: 1-2-3
    LT:  2-2-4 (breakthrough)
    MT: 3-2-5 (breakthrough)
    SPG: 1-4-5
    HT: 3-4-6 (tech)
    Art: 2-2-4
    HA: 3-2-5 (tech)
    AT: N/A-3-6 (can transport 2 units safely)
    RG: 4-N/A-8

    Rather than elite infantry such as marines I’d prefer national infantry such as Indian (tan) and Anzac (tan and green).

    And armoured trains would be the coolest pieces you can make…

  • @Flashman:

    Inf: 1-2-3
    LT:  2-2-4 (breakthrough)
    MT: 3-2-5 (breakthrough)
    SPG: 1-4-5
    HT: 3-4-6 (tech)
    Art: 2-2-4
    HA: 3-2-5 (tech)
    AT: N/A-3-6 (can transport 2 units safely)
    RG: 4-N/A-8

    thats alot of different land units, are you sure they all have a role to play? I have always liked the idea of self-proppeled artillery or assualt guns as Germany and the Soveits used many of these weapons as subtitues for tanks as mobile infantry support weapons, but why are they defending at four, shoudn’t they be good at attacking for there purpose was to advance with the infantry not hide hull down. Also I think your heavy tank just dosnt cost enough to reflect how much harder they were to produce than the medium tanks like the Sherman and T-34.

  • Well yes it’s realy interresting but i agree.
    Too much units.

  • Moderator

    My axis and Allies pieces

    Sea based units

    All the traditional units including Cruisers

    Land Based

    Mechanized/ Elite Units
    H. Tanks

    Sky Trains for all country’s  (paratroopers need a ride)

    H Tanks, Paratroopers and Sky Trains are tech Based
    Mechanized Inf call Pull Arty during Noncombat

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