got 101. taking the train from moscow to hong kong adds quite a lot.
Two very minor problems with the map
First of all, let me start with a question:
Why does Western Canada not have a Canadian emblem like the other Canadian territories? Thank you!
Also, Greece should not have a Black Sea coast. Bulgaria should control that coast, to more accurately reflect the geopolitical situation at the time.
@superbattleshipyamato123 There are lots of map issues and political inconcistences. For example, the UK never controlled Iceland – the US “occupied” Iceland in 42.
I wonder if there’s a thread about that somewhere that lists all the issues.
Thank you for responding!
I disagree:
MarshmallowofWar '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16last edited by MarshmallowofWar Oct 7, 2021, 6:00 AM Oct 7, 2021, 5:59 AM
@superbattleshipyamato123 Bully!
Looks like the US put troops there in 41 according to that article.
Right, I’m going with “Where’s the naval base on Scotland to represent Scapa Flow?” :-)
This is a great thread that outlines every territory on the map:
Great point!
SuperbattleshipYamato 2024 '23 '22last edited by SuperbattleshipYamato Oct 7, 2021, 11:45 PM Oct 7, 2021, 11:45 PM
I love that! Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
Also, one thing that was not covered was this:
Africa is way too big compared to South America! Especially the northwestern part.
@marshmallowofwar Afraid not, the UK invaded it in early 1940/39, iirc.
@hengst So the article says, and read on until you actually get to what I was talking about in the article.
@marshmallowofwar Cmon even I knew that Iceland was occupied :)
Also they just gave the UK all of Borneo
I’m also aware of this problem.
@hungrymoose It’s for balancing purposes. Most of the stuff from Borneo was shipped directly for Malaya so it’s basically 1 IPC for the dutch and 3 IPC for the UK (pacific)
A 1-3 split for Borneo would be interesting since it gives Japan a spot to build an IC on. But I think this is one reason they simply combined the territories, in addition to scaling separate territories.
Corsica bugs me a little since it’s so easy to correct. But I wonder if that was also done for gameplay purposes since it opens up a UK attack on SZ 95 with a landing spot.
SuperbattleshipYamato 2024 '23 '22last edited by SuperbattleshipYamato May 31, 2023, 9:36 PM Jan 4, 2022, 11:53 PM
Corsica was given to Italy after France died. Since Germany usually kills it before any of the powers of the Mediterranean has their first turn, it makes sense.
It would be nice though to have an additional rule where Italy only controls it if France dies.