• Customizer

    With all the new nice minis coming out… I’m kinda puzzled as to what will happen to some of my OOB pieces, such as the hordes of painted infantry I have (out of the OOB minis, they are the most detailed so are liable to best “fit in” with the snazzy new FMG and HBG sets).  Seems a shame not to use 'em - and then I had an idea.  Conscripts & Militia - cost is $1, defend on a 1, can only be produced in a victory city owned from the start of the game, and cannot leave the territory of the victory city they were produced in (0 attack).  Cap amount of them is limited to the territory value.  Eh, just an idea. What do you think? Somewhere to throw those extra $1’s when you’re backed against the wall and struggling with what to purchase…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Interesting… I like the restrcitions… I might go for this!

  • i like that cheap vitory city defenders, 1 question though do you have to have a factory oon the victory city to buy them?

  • Customizer


    i like that cheap vitory city defenders, 1 question though do you have to have a factory oon the victory city to buy them?

    I wouldn’t think so, no.  It’s basically just equipping able-bodied locals and giving them a crash course in what arms can be scrounged up or shipped in for them.  They’re to hold defensive positions only.  This happened a lot all throughout the war, in Russia and Germany especially (I kinda imagine Hitler Youth falling into this category as well, and though England wasn’t invaded - they had forces of militia standing by).

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    HY was for the most part a “legitimate” fighting unit.

    They gave teh allies what for at CAEN for example.

    Militia are mostly escaped POW’s, irregulars, criminal conscripts, the mentally insane, OR the elderly/outright children.

  • Can you place them on occupied territories ie Germany takes Paris, can they now deploy militia here?

  • Customizer


    Can you place them on occupied territories ie Germany takes Paris, can they now deploy militia here?

    Conscripts & Militia - cost is $1, defend on a 1, can only be produced in a victory city owned from the start of the game, and cannot leave the territory of the victory city they were produced in (0 attack).  Cap amount on them is limited to the territory value they are produced in.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    So POLAND is going to see conscripts… interesting.

  • Customizer


    HY was for the most part a “legitimate” fighting unit.

    They gave teh allies what for at CAEN for example.

    Militia are mostly escaped POW’s, irregulars, criminal conscripts, the mentally insane, OR the elderly/outright children.

    That’s true, they were a “legit” unit - but not always, not originally.

    Polish conscripts… hmm… yeah, not too sure about that.  Like I said, was just wondering what interesting things I could do with my painted OOB infantry.  Huh… well, there was always a population of turncoats as well I suppose.  :|  Maybe it would be more appropriate to only allow their production in certain territories… eh, more lists though… any ideas Gar?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Just make it a unit that can be raised anywhere in your original territories.

    You can make up to 10.  Ever, period. IE when you start drafting children… there are only so many to draft :P  Or something?

  • Customizer

    Hmm… yeah.  I’m sold.  So my infantry will still serve some time on the tabletop… in a limited number.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    It’s that or you designate so many “crack” units to your forces.

    Like 6 SS Panzer Grenadiers.  Infantry that roll 2 dice when attacking and defending.

    Etc etc.  To get those troops out there!

  • Customizer

    There were people that actively collaberated with the Germans in the occupied territories.  It seems to me like you should be able to install these “militia” units in ANY victory city you control (Paris controlled by Germany, etc.).  After all, look at the values:  They only defend at 1, no attack value, must stay in that territory and limit is the IPC worth of that territory.  So, Paris would never have more than 4 of these militia units and defending at 1, they would almost be nor more than fodder to take hits for other combat units.  It wouldn’t be that big of a game changer, it would just make Victory Cities a little bit tougher to gain, which since capturing Victory Cities is how you win this game they should be a little tougher to capture than other territories.

  • Except that most VCs didn’t have too many collaborators with their conquerors.  Warsaw, for example.  And I don’t see too many Russians helping out Germany if they take Stalingrad or Leningrad.  I think Paris is the exception rather than the rule.

  • How do you know there fight by there own free will maybe the Germans gave them guns and uniforms and Marched them In front of there own troops.

  • Customizer


    Except that most VCs didn’t have too many collaborators with their conquerors.  Warsaw, for example.  And I don’t see too many Russians helping out Germany if they take Stalingrad or Leningrad.  I think Paris is the exception rather than the rule.

    Yes, I had thought of this point.  I think it’s more of a problem with finding a suitable category as to what they would be considered (conscripts/militia), more than functionality.  I think the advent of such a unit would be useful and doesn’t create any balance issues, and adds some flavor.  But in order to make it be more ‘historically’ appropriate, there would have to be some limits.  Such as only being able to produce them in a territory owned at the start of the game as was mentioned above, would avoid the Stalingrad example you give (and an amount cap is advisable… either an overall limited number, or dependent on the territory value).  Granted, there is still the conundrum concerning Poland - and numerous Japanese held territories from the start of the game that have like concerns.  BUT… the conscripts and militia aren’t necessarily all from the territory they are produced and stationed at.  :wink:  In other words, they are units with less training and/or less capable, perhaps limited weaponry as well.  For instance, they could be desk jockeys stationed at the territory as punishment (eh eh eh Hogan’s Heroes comes to mind, Klink was always worried about getting sent to the Russian front and likewise used it as a threat to subordinates).  So one could call them ‘lesser units’, but I think Conscripts/Militia captures this idea (and it sounds cooler). Perhaps someone has a different and more apt name?

  • This is good, and you should give Erie a mitia unit, but also make it a strict nuetral. Also, if you have militia, you should also have guerilla units, which can be the same thing, but always attack. They cannot, however, leave thier original territory. They can also have a kind of “Suprise Strike” and “Sumerge” abilities, because they blend with civillians.

  • These units should be 1-1-1-2 units and limited to special build restrictions:

    place one in each VC city you control, not in factories. This represents the effort to develop a true peoples army from recruitment from original VC cities. So total builds will always be limited to your original cities.

    I think also they could defend in these cities at 2 and 1 everywhere else representing light infantry.

    Pretty sure thats all you need, except Japan should be able to place them on small islands even if it is not a VC city.

  • Customizer

    Cool… yeah… I’m going to incorporate a hybrid of the above. Thanks for fleshing out the idea guys, it was rough around the edges  :-D

  • '10

    Thousands of Russian POWs joined the Germans during the war. Should be a house rule for that.

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