@Navalland said in Artillery to defend at 3?:
Just trying to figure out the most balanced unit set up and wondering if +1 defense to artillery would be good idea. Probably better to leave it as it is right now.
Ya I would for now.
It seems like you missed a couple pages (pages 22-23) between the second and third download. The article was talking about the differences between the Nova and MB versions of the game when it just stops and goes onto another variant.
Did you upload the Variant Cards??
Yes, it does look like it skips pages 22 and 23??
The variant cards are uploaded. The pages you refer too are just some simple type saying “Allies” or “Axis” like 40 times. I don’t see the need to scan them right?
The last paragraph on page 21 reads. “For weapons development, the current Heavy Bombers was the Atomic Bomb (eliminates everything in a land or sea area), but the real missing gem from the Nova edition was the Special Forces rule. In it, each major power got its own”- What? Got its own what?! It just stops. There’s no period, so I assume it continues. If it’s only a small paragraph, could you write it out and post it so you don’t have to go through all the hassle of scanning the picture? I’m sorry for bothering you, and I thank you again for posting this for everyone to enjoy.
ok. ill dig up the magazine and see whats going on and repost.
On p33 the last paragraph is headed: KAMAKAZI FIGHTERS.
Then at the top of p34 the beginning paragraph starts talking about moving your opponents units???
Is that what the Kamakazi Fighters Roll supposed to do or is this a misprint??
In the KAMAKAZI FIGHTERS paragraph p33 it talks about destroying units and there is a chart below detailing the possible exchanges, but then the beginning paragraph discussing movement on p34 seems strangely out of place? :?
Anyone have an answer??
as soon as i dig up the mag, ill post. give me a few days
ok here are the elusive 2 missing pages…
22 and 23.
Sorry for the trouble. Thanks a lot. :-)
ok np
Are we both hopping around between the “Battle Plan Magazine Thread” and the “Let’s Talk Paratroopers” thread this late at night?
yes… :-D
I can see what your doing…(avatar)