In all the games I’ve played, whether they be 1 player (yeah, I play myself sometimes :cry:), 2 player, or the dozen 6 player games I’ve played, I find the most balanced game is:
1. 1941 scenario
2. No National Objectives
3. Tech
We’ve been splitting games between Axis victories and Allied victories, and I’m not playing with a bunch of chumps, though I’m not saying they are masters either.
The National Objectives I find push for a quicker game due to more money being put out, but I do not believe they are balanced or necessary for playability. Also the byproduct of National Objectives is that they push for a prosaic and programmed game. I prefer the game to be balanced and all over the place without the game designers pushing one play style.
Now I know there are a lot of arguments that the National Objectives push for the more historical war, but who cares. If we were going for realism, I never would have had 4 Japanese Infranty and 4 Tanks in Western Canada. You never would have had 4 Italian Tanks sitting in the Cacausus. The game is balanced in my experience when it is played with the above conditions.
1942 - National Objectives or not, is broken. It plays almost exactly like Revised. Germany stronger, Japan pathetic. Again, just my opinion.
As for my 1941 strategies:
1. Industrial Complex in Manchuria in J1. possibly another Complex in Kiangsu once you’ve made some space. After that, the Tank Empire of Japan.
2. Italy is the thorn - that is all. Play her that way. Hit Egypt, hit Russia. That ‘no pass’ into Seazone 16 stuff is baloney. Italy’s only making 10 without National Objectives, so how hard can they possibly hit Russia even with their fleet hitting the Cacausus? They are a nuisance that can easily be crushed by any of the allies if they concentrate on them.
One game we played the Italian player had 30 IPC WITHOUT National Objectives (mind you his luck was through the roof, and the allies underestimated Italy early on. In reality, all Italy can ever be is the thorn, which the allies can squish at any time.
3. Germany - ALWAYS built one fighter every round.
4. UK - built factories in Africa and India. I see the Tank Empire of Britian right now.
5. Russia - my tendancy is to always build Infantry, but I saw a very effective all tank policy where they were gaining ground in Germany and supporting the Chinese. German player was new, so who knows if that works all the time.
6. USA - Try and hit Japan right away before they can consolidate their fleet. Built anti-fleet in Pacific, lend transports to Britian in the Atlantic.