Thanks for the design clarification… appreciate the thoughts during design… I know in the game design business you will always be second guessed, and i’d be happy to toss in a “what about just a simple rule like subs can’t stop passage of units unless its unescorted transports…” even if it’s just “one warship” which is the same rule you DID put in place for amphibious operations. Oh well, i’m sure they won’t be putting out an A&A Third Edition rules, Wolfshanze-style! lolz. Oh well, that’s what house rules are for.
Thanks again for a great game… I know I might sound a little grumpy, but I always have loved A&A since 1984 when I first started playing, and I really can’t wait to introduce the game to my kids and get back into it again… in the end, my concerns in this thread are minor in the overall picture, and I know i’ll love it now like I did 30 years ago… fingers crossed my kids will feel the same!