Title: USA in the Pacific
Date: 3/23/09
Special Rules: 1941 with Tech + NOs
Victor: Axis Victory > Allied Concession
Game Length: Almost 5 full rounds
Bias: About equal
This game went pretty fast. USA adopted a strategy of “all in” in the Pacific. Only USA action in the Atlantic was one landing at Algeria. USA max build every turn in Western USA. Culminated in a big naval battle in the Philippines which the USA won, but without enough forces left to threaten Japanese Empire seriously.
Germany slowly moved in on Russia and by the end of turn 5 Moscow was virtually surrounded and would have fallen on turn 7 for sure - no help was on the way from UK or USA for Moscow. Game conceeded by Allies.
UK got Long Range Aircraft, it helped sink a transport here or there was not a major factor.
3/24/2009 1941 with Tech + NOs General Strategy: USA Max Pacific
Ger Russia Japan UK Italy USA
1 45 31 40 42 15 49
2 49 31 54 43 10 49
3 49 25 59 26 10 40
4 53 31 65 19 14 50
5 54 28 57 31 Conceded
Axis by Team
G J It
1 45 40 15 100
2 49 54 10 113
3 49 59 10 118
4 53 65 14 132
5 54 57 111
6 0
7 0
8 0
Axis 250 275 49 574
Allies by team
1 31 42 49 122
2 31 43 49 123
3 25 26 40 91
4 31 19 50 100
5 28 31 59
6 0
7 0
8 0
Allies 146 161 188 495
Major Events
1 UK gets Long Range Aircraft, Germany tries and fails to take Egypt, sinks some UK fleet , Japan builds factory in FIC
2 Rus/Ger trade Karelia, Italy fails to Take Egypt, Japan Takes Egypt, UK sneaks into France
3 Japan expands into Africa, build mighty sea force to match US plus IC in Manchuria, UK sinks italian fleet, France is retaken
4 Massive Sea/Air Battle In Pacific, Heavy Losses but US is Victorious, takes back Java
5 Japanese forces in Persia and eliminate China, Germany tanks in East Ukraine, Allies Conceed