Amphibious assaults can be done in two steps, consisting of a sea battle and a land battle. In your example, both the cruiser and the transport would attack the destroyer. If the attackers win, the transport can offload and the land battle will occur. If the transport ends up retreating (or being sunk), the land battle will not occur and the transport may not offload.
AA50 Rules Errata and Q+A
I don’t see then why the subs would have to dive if ftrs are attacking them without a DD. But the situation is clear now: subs are safe from ftrs without DD, trns are never safe. Tnx for the help!
Well, technically the subs don’t have to dive. The battle is over because the subs and fighters can’t hit each other, and that leaves the transports defenseless against the fighters. The concept behind the defenseless transports rule is that if the battle continued, the fighters would roll again and again without response from the transports until the transports were destroyed. The rule just keeps you from having to roll all those dice.
Exactly. Remember transports have to be chosen last as casualties.
The new rules make the destroyer the foundation of every navy. They are now the cannon fodder/anti-sub vessel all in one. Not bad for only 8 IPCs and 2/2 attack/defense.
On the new anniversary edition gameboard (which is glorious) I seem to have noticed a point of conjecture regarding the border between sea zone 17 and the land territory Morocco/Algeria. In my first game my British opponent (who wasn’t nearly as familiar with A&A revised as myself) used his transport and land units from south Africa and invaded Morocco via sea zone 17 which the axis had left unoccupied by sea units (or land units in Morocco). I immediately questioned this move since it is clearly illegal in the A&A revised edition but after careful inspection it appeared that the territory boundary lines allowed for this move and the Morocco territory does share a coastline with sea zone 17. Is this an official map modification?
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 29, 2008, 7:25 PM
mo that is not correct. It does not.
Also, i have a commander named Spectre on the planet Attila. If you are the same cylon commander i placed in command of the Attila Garrison, communication is forbidden with the humans. I will have Baltar look into this. :mrgreen:
I have another question though:
The rules state that, during an amphibious assault, “a transport must either offload all units that were loaded during the Combat Move phase or retreat during sea combat. It may also offload any number of units owned by the transport’s power that already were on the board at the start of the turn.”Does this mean that if I load 2 inf in turn N, and I amphibiously assault some territory in turn N+1, that I don’t have to disembark both of my inf, but that 1 inf may stay in the transport? (because they weren’t loaded during the Combat Move phase)
HolKann, my understanding is that if you, prior to the current turn, loaded TWO units onto a transport, you can choose to only unload ONE of them during combat (since they weren’t both loaded during the same combat turn). I don’t think GDC’s answer made this clear, he basically just said you could attack with previously loaded units.
Sea Zone 17 doesn’t connect to Morocco/Algeria.
ok a few questions…
First:Transports must load one turn,then move and land the next?is this correct?
Second:Fighters can be hit by ground units,correct?
Third:Was Purple Hitlers favorite color?
First:Transports must load one turn,then move and land the next?is this correct?
Not unless they’re carrying an allied power’s units. If they’re carrying their own, they can do it all in one turn.
Second:Fighters can be hit by ground units,correct?
Third:Was Purple Hitlers favorite color?
No, it was brown.
First:Transports must load one turn,then move and land the next?is this correct?
Not unless they’re carrying an allied power’s units. If they’re carrying their own, they can do it all in one turn.
Second:Fighters can be hit by ground units,correct?
ok thanks….I was jokeing on the color thing
Yes.Third:Was Purple Hitlers favorite color?
No, it was brown.
hey all, new to the board. just wanting to clarrify with a question cowboybob, as this situation arose the other day in a game:
italy had one transport in the sea zone down from rome (is it 14?). germany also had one there. on italy’s turn, can they bridge units using both its transport and germany’s, landing them both on the african province opposite? or can this only be done with italy’s transport, making it wait until the next round before unloading its units from the german transport?
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Dec 3, 2008, 7:25 AM
yes when you embark units on your allys transport you have to wait a turn before you disembark
You can also bridge your units on your transports or drop off in NCM units on different territories you control.
ta for that. we were wondering about it in a game last night, but ended up going with waiting a turn to unload. glad we were right
… or drop off in NCM units on different territories you control.
does this mean that you can now ncm-land in 2 different areas?
thus a rulechange from AAR? -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Dec 6, 2008, 7:11 PM
if they are connected to the same SZ and are both friendly i think thats in the rules.
yes when you embark units on your allys transport you have to wait a turn before you disembark
You can also bridge your units on your transports or drop off in NCM units on different territories you control.
If you are using a single TR in NCM, it must offload into a single friendly territory. AA50 pg 31.
This includes bridging :wink: -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Dec 7, 2008, 12:07 AM
Oh NO! that sucks. I understand if its an invasion, but to friendly its too much. More house rules.
Oh well, TR only cost 7ipc now. Buy another.
Oh NO! that sucks. I understand if its an invasion, but to friendly its too much. More house rules.
IL, come on, split unloading is never allowed in an A&A game.
Actually, it was allowed in Classic.
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MOVED: House Rules
• Mar 11, 2009, 11:45 PM • Imperious Leader Mar 11, 2009, 11:45 PM