In China that CHANGED the map by adding a Chinese control symbol on a Japanese controlled area, to indicate that its Chinese influence
Difference Between Ships
Generally, cruisers tend to be more oval in shape when viewed from above (like battleships), while destroyers tend to be straight and thin.
Yeah, that’s what I thought. I figured the cruisers were a little bit bigger, but the silhouettes look very similar, which through me off.
It would be nice if anyone knows of a chart, though. :-)
I did not see as much flavor about the units in the rulebook as I had in previous editions. There were no mentions of ME-109s or Iowa Class battleships.
How was that info gonna help play the game?
The only problematic issue could be the CA and DD, but revised didn’t have any CA, so its easy to tell a NEW ship from an old one.
Also, under some lights the Italian pieces are close in color to the Soviet, so place a control marker under Italian pieces, or get some chips in green for Italians
The only problematic issue could be the CA and DD, but revised didn’t have any CA, so its easy to tell a NEW ship from an old one.
Unless Anniversary is your first A&A game. :wink:
The USA CA and DD are the only ones that I mix up when looking for a piece to place. The other major nations are fine.
The best way I found to tell them apart is that the destroyers have a square butt-end (aka aft) and the cruisers have a rounded one.
The silhouettes are diffrent but not enough for a noob to notice.
All of the destroyers look the same, regardless of the country. So if you get used to how they look, it isn’t so hard to distinguish them from the cruisers.
does anyone know what cruiser class are represented by nation’s chips?
(I mean: I know the US BB are Iowa class, German ones are Bismark class, Japanese ones are Yamato class… what about Cruisers) -
Japan - Takao class
Germany - Admiral Hipper class*
UK - County class, Kent subclass
USA - Portland class
USSR - County class, Kent subclass (British)
Italy - Admiral Hipper class* (German)- This is what has been reported, but it doesn’t look quite right to me.
I think the German cruiser looks more like the Prince Eugen
Prinz Eugen was an Admiral Hipper class heavy cruiser. The main thing that throws me about this is the squared-off stern, which the Hippers didn’t have.
Put a control marker under the cruisers. that way if you do screw em up, you still know what you meant to have had and what you paid for.
We used to do this a lot in classic when we had “special” units like Panzers (Att 4, Def 2) or Marines (Att 3 (amphibious only), Att 0 (ground assault), Def 0), etc.