Revised objectives and Victory Cities chart to correct error spotted by beaudoin996:
Hopefully no more corrections will be required…
is there a battlemap version for aa50 yet?
Email me and I will send you the files, I don’t think I can attach them here. (.rar is not supported I don’t think.)
Flames of Europe AA50. The file must be edited. Many of the unit placements are incorrect.
This is a fixed version of the Flames of Europe AA50 (as in: the set-up’s of both 1941 and 1942 are correct, and some map flaws have been adressed), with better looking units too. Because .rar isn’t allowed on this forum, I added “.txt” at the end of the file. Just remove the “.txt”, unrar, and add to abattlemap. Have fun :)
Edit: For some reason, it doesn’t always download right. Use instead.
HolKann…for some reason when I unpack your file it’s corrupted…would you please be able to repost perhaps in zip format? Or maybe someone else who was successful with the download? Many thanks!!!
You’re right, I get the error too. Because there’s a 256kb attachment limit, I’ll put a new rar-version here, a zip version for the '41 scenario in a following post, and a zip-version of the '42 scenario in a third post. Same way to use: remove “.txt”-extension, unrar/unzip, add folders to abattlemap folder.
For the latest version of the map:
screw that . use mediafire. its much better
i cant get it to work either
I got the .Zip file from Holkann, so I’ll try it out tonight and then see if I can post it (or just email it if that doesn’t work).
I’m not absolutely sure, but i think something might be wrong with the ipc. In the 42 scenario germany has only 18ipc
hey thanks HolKann, works now. However, for the 1942 I made several corrections to the map’s unit placements per the instructions that I received with the game. Also, please note that one of the Japanese victory cities is not Saigon, but Shanghai (in Kiangsu).
If you can make the above and below changes the default for the 1942 scenario that would be great!
I have the .Zip file but is too big to attach, so PM me (with your email) if you need it.
But per RD post, it looks like some corrections may be needed for the '42 setup. See his post for the attached map.
Allright, changes are made: Germany and Japan are getting the right amount of IPC’s now, Saigon is no longer a VC, Shanghai is, and added RD’s map as the default (there was no difference with the version I had on my pc, but strange things have happened with these maps, so I did add yours just to be sure ;) ) The updated map can be found here:
i cant get these maps to do anything, i need a step by step instruction to get this going
Step 1. Cut a hole in a box
Step 2. Put your junk in the box
Step 3. Make her open the box
If you got the .Zip file I sent you then
1 - Save it to your desktop
2 - Double click it ot open it up
You should see two folders there (A50 .GIM and A51 .GIM)
3 - Highlight these folders and right click and hit copy
4 - Open Windows Explorer
(right click on Start button and hit Explore)
5 - Go to Abattlemap
(probably C: Program Files …. Abattlemap )
You should see a bunch of other .GIM folders
6 - Paste your two new folders there.
Then when opening up Abattlemap to use, just pick the '41 or '42 map.