• Guess Japan just never got around to drive to Moscow in AA50!

    Perhaps too busy elsewhere.!!  :?

  • I don’t believe the playtesters have any influence on the no. of pieces they put in the box.

    IMHO, they finally did listen a bit because there are way more infantry and armor pieces for each country than before. Why they only included 8 armor for Japan is beyond me, but that has to do with the fact that the guy who makes the calls about the no. of pieces is not an A&A player but a business man.

    And of course the amount of Russian navy is ridiculous compared to Italian, so we’ll probably end up using Russian pieces for the Italian navy if needed.  :-P

  • To tell the truth it is much better than I expected. I have seen worse. Overall the components are sufficient I think. I like the numbers of bombers too. The only problems I anticipate are with the:
    -Italian Cruisers
    -Japanese Armour
    Of course the number of Russian Naval units is ridiculous (although you need some for the rookies), but better too much than too little.

  • Official Q&A

    My playtest group never had any trouble with the number of unit pieces available.

  • Moderator

    I’m going to buy AA50 just so I can have a battle between those pieces and my 2nd ed pieces.  Now AA50 will greately out number them but my 2nd ed pieces are battle tested.  It should be an epic struggle.


  • Japan only had 6 armor in revised… 8 is better than 6 at least… !

  • @Rakeman:

    Japan only had 6 armor in revised… 8 is better than 6 at least… !

    Sure 8 is better than 6. But don’t forget you now got more money to spend and more ground to cover. So it is probably not enough.

  • The soviets should not even have a navy.

    At max:

    1 BB

    the extra go to italy or japan or usa

  • I didnt get my set up cards!!!1 :x :x :x :x

  • well they are nice and thick. top quality. not to worry.

  • Well I’m gonna use all my revised pieces for AA50. And the chips as well, they really never give you enough.

    But for the Italian cruisers I was thinking of using the Jap cruisers from Gaudalcanal. Because I have the American cruisers in Jap orange, and those might do in a pinch for Italian cruisers.

    Maybe depending on house rules there will be a option for a tactical bomber unit……Stukas and other fighter models that have been modified could be used. Maybe.

  • @Stockus13:

    But for the Italian cruisers I was thinking of using the Jap cruisers from Gaudalcanal. Because I have the American cruisers in Jap orange, and those might do in a pinch for Italian cruisers.

    Hmm… add a little paint and maybe those miscolored cruisers will have some use after all…

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