• '10


    Do you mean additional German cruiser painted in brown? Or additional German DD painted in brown? Sure that do you need them?  :-D

    Seriously, I think that Italy is already good in BB and CA department and Italian navy requires an AC (in the real war, it was launched but never completed), and some DD and 1 more TRN.

    In our test game the italian player bougth a third cruiser to cover a new transport in the italian SZ (wasn’t a problem with two NOs accomplished, gibraltar and trans jordan occupied ). The BB and the other two CAs were in SZ 15 - supporting an amphibious landing in egypt.

    …and maybe the cruiser model is an italian one. :-D

  • Official Q&A


    I wonder how many fighters does Germany and Italy have?

    12 and 6, respectively.

  • Customizer

    What colors are the new pieces? Is germany black like in the battle of the bulge, grey like revised or dark gray like in europe? How about great britian. Are they the tan color they were in europe and pacific or the off tan they were in battle of the bulge? Are the soviets maroon like in europe or brown maroon like in Revised? I am assuming USA and Japan are the same color as revised?

  • yes its revised color scheme , UK is tan, Italy is brown

  • Official Q&A

  • '10


    2 italian cruiser items

    you mean it has accounting of every piece included in the game on the back of the box?

    600 pieces and only 2 cruisers?  must be a sick joke.

    This is SAD!!  In AAA I have seen it all, What if ITALY gets, lucky… out wits UK and takes all of Africa?  They become a REAL super power with lots of IPC,s  cant spend them on Navy I guess… WOTH cheaped out on pcs.

    SAD… SAD…  I only ordered two copies for myself but I guess I will have to up this. (Maybe its a ploy  :-()

  • @Driel310:

    True Japan becomes a monster in a KGF strategy, but how bad is that? You keep on claiming Japan will take Ottawa and Los Angeles, but do you have any clue how hard it is for the Japanese to get a foothold on the US mainland, when the USA player knows what he is doing with the 45 IPC each turn? I mean, that’s a whopping 15 inf each turn!. And if the US player moves it the right way, she can even shuck those inf to Europe and reinforce her own mainland with the newly build infantry. If I were Japan with 60+ income, I wouldn’t bother for the US mainland, my objective would be Russia.

    In fact, is 40 (Alaska and Hawaii stolen, only 1 NO). Those are 13 guys, but still, Japan can buy some now cheap bombers and strat bombing LA and DC (not fun) or try improved industry tech for a total of 14 units a turn to America (4 from Alaska, 10 from Japan). Even with 40, you cannot both defend american mainland and send reinforcements to west. Italians can go party on Africa, and Japan could even spare 10-12 ipcs to send guys to west. Maybe Japan will not take LA or Ottawa soon, but axis will get economic superiority and soon or after Moscow or Stalingrad or LA will fall, giving axis enough VCs to win

    Of course, you could still attack soviets as you said. This is also scary, because 60 ipcs is the lower Japan will get. They can get 65 or even 70, add at least 40 from western axis. Allies will struggle to reach that income. But that is giving Africa and Alaska to allies and I think there is no reason to do it. If allies graciously surrender a theater of war from the setup (eeer… USA1  :roll: ), there is no reason to do the same as axis.

  • @Black_Elk:

    My request for future development would be to PLEASE stop incorporating new rules into the game, and stop looking to new “House Rules” as a solution to fix underlying game balance problems. Instead, focus on fine tunning the core gameplay mechanics that already exist (i.e. the stuff that is the same for everyone, throughout the duration of the game.) Consistency, simplicity, and ease of use, should always trump the other considerations, and only give way when an idea seems really innovative and promises to open up new and interesting dimensions to the gameplay.

    I couldn’t agree more with Black_Elk.

  • Hello, everyone. Just a brief greeting from the “newbie” here. Wanted to say THANX to all for every bit of info here on the forums. I’am sponsoring a mini-tournament for A & A 50th on November 22nd & have been browsing here for the past couple months. (Knowledge is power.) It’s been a great help!!! If any are interrested I will TRY to post a game replay here after the tourney. Sort of returning the favor for everything everyone here has done. THANKS, AGAIN!!!
                                                                Von Deekin

  • I was hoping the Italian fleet in the Med. would help with the supply & defense of North Africa. But with the serious lack of pieces to accomplish this task, all I have to say is that Wizards has really blown it on this one. They need to offer part sets!

  • @Von:

    Hello, everyone. Just a brief greeting from the “newbie” here. Wanted to say THANX to all for every bit of info here on the forums. I’am sponsoring a mini-tournament for A & A 50th on November 22nd & have been browsing here for the past couple months. (Knowledge is power.) It’s been a great help!!! If any are interrested I will TRY to post a game replay here after the tourney. Sort of returning the favor for everything everyone here has done. THANKS, AGAIN!!!
                                                                 Von Deekin

    I for one would like to see the results :wink:
    and welcome  :-D

  • I for one would like to see the results :wink:
    and welcome  :-D

    Hi Krupp, & Thanx. That’s one vote. The only question I really have about A & A 50th, which I haven’t seen addressed yet, is there a ruling for a SINGLE VICTOR? This was allowed in the original version based on I.P.C. increase per nation. If this is not in the current version I’ll just play it by ear. Later.

  • You have to understand, newbie, that most of the vapid individuals who post messages on this board don’t have real lives.  So they sit around and dream up house rules, paint their little plastic men, type wholly indecipherable posts replete with spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, post a-historical and factually bankrupt nonsense, and boast that they bought not one, not two, not three, not four, but five copies of the game!

  • What can I say? I’m a newbie. I only reserved three copies, :roll: But I do own three copies of the original, & one copy of all the others, including the first six sets of A & A minis. :-) I’m also the President of Gamers’ Anonymous, currently only ONE member. Want to join?!

  • Official Q&A


    The only question I really have about A & A 50th, which I haven’t seen addressed yet, is there a ruling for a SINGLE VICTOR? This was allowed in the original version based on I.P.C. increase per nation. If this is not in the current version I’ll just play it by ear. Later.

    There are no rules for individual victory in AA50.  However, there’s no reason why you can’t make your own house rules for them.  Using the Classic system should work just fine.  You could also work in the NOs somehow if you play with them, as that may give players on the same side a little incentive to work at cross purposes.

  • OH!! Almost forgot! The winner of this years GEN CON A & A tournament is suppose to be in attendance at our little tourney. SO COOL!!! Can’t wait! :-D As the sponsor though, I shall not be playing. :cry: (But, it.s a nice way to scope out the competion.) :evil:

  • OKAY! SO I can’t spell “competition.” Anyhover, danka Krieg, for the input. What I thought was to use the VP cities as the end game requirements, but, to use the I.P.C. increase as the final determining factor. This way even allied players will want to try & plan the “final thrust”, game ending move. I also thought about making VP cities worth double the points at games end. Not sure about this yet.

  • Wait a minute? Either I’m a gaming fanatic or I don’t have a life either? (As the Misses looks over my shoulder & shakes her head.) :lol:

  • My edition is arriving Tuesday.  I will greet it with great warmth.

  • CLSGames informed me that they will receive the game on Tuesday, to ship out either Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Our gaming group almost always plays 1 person per nation and I’m a little concerned about the lack of interest in playing Italy, seeing that they only have 10 IPCs and starts with only a handful of units. Hopefully they can still be a fun and interesting nation to play.

    Out of curiosity, why do some of you buy more than 1 copy of the game?

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