• It’s all good this does take soem of your life away thats why i coem and check on and type i do stuff and check up on this as easy as that he does not need an excuse to

  • Italian:

    Can you redo that? It makes no sence whatsoever. I read it 3 times and have not figured out what you are saying.

  • Do i have to modify


    It’s all good this does take soem of your life away thats why i coem and check on and type i do stuff and check up on this as easy as that he does not need an excuse to

    Ok! switch does not need an excuse to leave this forum for a&a
    This forum is time consuming but you can be doing other stuff like at the moment i am watching t.v. and checking for new replies.
    My piont is switch does not need an excuse to leave this place thats all

  • well that’s better. :-D

    If i was you i would use Italianiscoming to English Google translation service to help out your posts. :-D

  • Why did Switch left-only he knows. We can speculate it here but i think it isnt right to do so. Switch was very important part of this forum for years and whatever the reasons for his departure were we should respect them.

    As for Jen´s ˝slightly˝ sarcastic post
    well if its so ˝easy˝ to delete the account. Why dont you( at some point ) or after some event delete your account and (if) sometimes return here start all over.
    Why? Because you dont wont to have 0 posts, a new account and start all over…

    As for communism and Jesus comparison… altough i understand by communism here you were wanted to say Socialism. Any comparison beetwen Communism and Christianity is disgusting. If we cant agree how much Christianity is good in its nature and how much it did and how much it means for the people, at least we can agree that Christianity is someething good and communism something worst the world has ever seen. Comm.left 100 million people dead, left people raped, tortured, and wanted to become the world global ideology, destroying any religion, freedom of thought and basic human rights… Communism is the shitest ideology ever seen so far in its destructing power

    Some socialist though have pointed to Jesus as the first and greatest Socialist and Revolutionary leader of all time(the good example is the Holly Mass in Havana durign the visit of Pope John Paul II. Together with the giant picture of Jesus was the picture of Ernesto Che Guevara)…altough on the first ball this pointing seems standing still, it is a very unstable ground since Socialism and Revolution are closely related to Communism and negating basic civil rights. But i agree that it is an interesting issue, and that  with time the Socialist and Christianity movements will be brought closer…(by the person of Jesus Christ and his social teachings, in the first place)…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I said it was easy to delete and make a new account, I never said it was wise or that you’d be fully recovered if you did it. :P

  • Christianity is something good and communism something worst the world has ever seen

    Amen to that. Socialism can be compatible with Christianity. Definatly

  • ok@ it is none of business to know what reasons he quite.  The only thing i can think of though is tired of being such a big part. sometimes people want to chill a bit(or all the time) “wonder who does that”.  Anyways it is ok for this discussion to continue but i dont think any of us should dis’ him because of his decision he made.  we may say it is bad but it could have been the rightful thing to do for him!

    Also he could be reading this as a guest or a new person and chatting to us now (not me just saying)"he would have not chose this great name^*()

  • If you’re a regular here you know there was a lot more leading up to this than an off call in a tournament game. But apparently that was the proverbial last straw. Let’s just leave it at that.

    I’m gonna miss the guy. ~ZP

  • Ahh he still goes on these forums as a guest he is still here wavering above us

  • Did TimeRover resign as well?

  • @Amon:

    As for communism and Jesus comparison… altough i understand by communism here you were wanted to say Socialism. Any comparison beetwen Communism and Christianity is disgusting. If we cant agree how much Christianity is good in its nature and how much it did and how much it means for the people, at least we can agree that Christianity is someething good and communism something worst the world has ever seen. Comm.left 100 million people dead, left people raped, tortured, and wanted to become the world global ideology, destroying any religion, freedom of thought and basic human rights… Communism is the shitest ideology ever seen so far in its destructing power

    Not saying you are wrong about Communism, but as far as Christianity: Inquisition, Crusades, forced conversion/missionaries (not all bad, but still), massacres of nonchristian people (in the name of Jesus),etc.  I would argue that Christianity has had a much larger negative impact than Communism just by its longer existence.  But I know that these examples are bad Christians giving other Christians a bad name, but multiple times the Pope has even ordered executions and declared war.

    But I digress since this is about Switch being a quitter.  :lol:  Again, he’ll be back. And he’s watching over us.

  • @Rakeman:

    Did TimeRover resign as well?

    Maybe Switch started a trend.  :?  :|

  • For commie and christianity stuff: both are bad when used only for ruler’s advantage, not when used for people’s advantage. Per example, inquisition and soviet dictatorship were sure a bad thing, but I would not say that John Paul II and Santiago Carrillo were bad people. JPII was a great pope, the journey pope, and Carrillo aided greatly in Spanish path to democracy in 1975-1982 (pacting with right wing president Suarez and the king)

    Back on topic, I hope Switch would back to this forums  :-)

  • @Jermofoot:


    As for communism and Jesus comparison… altough i understand by communism here you were wanted to say Socialism. Any comparison beetwen Communism and Christianity is disgusting. If we cant agree how much Christianity is good in its nature and how much it did and how much it means for the people, at least we can agree that Christianity is someething good and communism something worst the world has ever seen. Comm.left 100 million people dead, left people raped, tortured, and wanted to become the world global ideology, destroying any religion, freedom of thought and basic human rights… Communism is the shitest ideology ever seen so far in its destructing power

    I would argue that Christianity has had a much larger negative impact than Communism just by its longer existence.

    i think this statement is really dangerous since communism ˝death˝ legacy cannot even be compared with the bad things done by the christian people

    but i have to say i more-less agree with what you said in this last post of yours. But i must say something concering this issue

    if we put asside the number of victims of certain idelogies religions and movements left we come to the core…how were they created and what for?What were the goals of the founder? That is crucial.

    See in the recent War in Balkans ( Bosnian War) there were such crimes being done that it is hard to read even to read about them. The Serbian Četnik soldiers which captivated muslim women were constantly raping them and saying them that now they will be giving birth to christian children( The Serbs are Orthodox=Christian)

    this is just a note of series of brutal examples about some people which abuse, abuse is to light which perverse their own religion. This men had nothing with Christianity nor with Jesus when they were doing this horible deeds! Just as if some muslim comes to a market full of women and children and blasts everything up with bombs is everthing but not a true muslim. True adherent of muslim could never done such an act. Even if he would then ˝he stops being˝

    So the thing is that we need to look upon the core concept of the religion/ideology, even state. That is crucial. People can astray, people can fall, so terribly, but if this concept that they were ought to follow is good-and they seek to live it eventually (some) of them will change. And the concept will survive…

    But i must agree with you. Persons who follow some ideologies( especially religions-priest) deeds are far more condemned than those of ˝ordinary people˝ since in some way whatever they do they represent their community and thus from that the community ˝takes˝ some credits and critics of those actions.
    the good example is pedofilia. If a man is a pedofil its horrible. If a priest is. ITs 10 times worse. Why? Beacuse people expect (more) moral from the person which preeches about it every day. I do not say that people who are irreligious are immoral. But its a fact that people react much loudly when a prominent religious person does some bad deed, comparing to an ˝ordinary person˝

    so just to finish…the thing is we have to look at the core-what is the concept of the movement in itself…

    ku kux klan-hatred
    christiany-love, forgiviing, coexistence
    judaism, budism…coexistence

    Crusades is another issue, not so simple. But one fact is simple. The muslims attacked the countries of Levant. Destroying christian sites and killing christian pilgrims. So far more than political it was a ˝religious right conflict˝ . I must say it was lot of bad deeds done by the crusaders( the destruction of town of Zadar for example-its in my country) the killings of many innocent people…but in the core concept the action of defending the holy places and the pilgrims/attacking the muslims was legitimate

    and forced conversions, Inquisition, withches burned is a tragedy of immense dimensions. As a christian and a catholic i am ashame of it. I am content that Pope John Paul II kneel and ask forgiveness for this and all other evil deeds done by christian(catholic) clergy and layman during last 2000 years. For that we thank him!

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