I have an extra rulebook & battle board. If interested, let me know.
3rd Edition Rules Compendio v3.5 (Final)
@Valladares Thank you for your interesting background information. :smiley:
@Panther thanks man, the truth is this game is very interesting, with a great community, from what I can see.
With respect to the rules of the third edition (1998-1999), the option of parachutists is not clear to me, because I do not have the PC Game manual, so I will use the Max’s Advanced Rules for A & A - E (2000).
@Valladares Unfortunately I don’t have a copy of the PC game rules, either. Also I am not aware of any legitimate source to download them.
@Panther No problemaMAX’S ADVANCED RULES FOR AXIS & ALLIES, VOLUME 1-converted.pdf , i will use the Max’s Advanced Rules for A & A for Classic (1989) for parachutist, for the moment instant of Max’s Advanced Rules for A & A - Europe (2000). Meanwille i searsh for the PC manual.
@Panther here is vol.2 in case any one want to see it. MAX’S ADVANCED RULES FOR AXIS & ALLIES, VOLUME 2.pdf
Thank you, @Valladares . Where did you get those from?
@Panther here: http://axisandallies.wikia.com/wiki/Max's_Advanced_Rules_for_Axis_%26_Allies .I only copy it to a word document, them edit format, and finaly convert to PDF. -sorry for my english, is not my firsth lenguaje-.
@Valladares Ah, from Roger Cooper’s site. Thanks!
@Panther Oky. Now here is new version of the topic document A&A Classic 3rd Edition Rules v2.pdf