I can certainly see you’ve made a bunch of modifications to the game.
New scenarios for classic and 2nd edition
(title) are here (and more) http://axisandallies.wikia.com/wiki/Nato_vs_Warsaw_Pact
Some interesting scenarios and house rules: http://axisandallies.wikia.com/wiki/Flowers-House_Rules
http://axisandallies.wikia.com/wiki/New_World_Order_Variant -
I like different scenarios, might try one if I can find time and players. Have a game coming up, but I think its only going to be normal rules due to the people there.
Maybe its on your site and I missed it, but one alternative I have used when there are six players (rather than opening two boards for two simultaneous games) is to split the USA down the middle. Take the Eastern USA as one player with everything east of mid-North America, Western USA with everything east. The Western USA forces can be identified with a marker. The order of play would be USSR, Germany, UK, Japan, USE, USW. All other items stay the same.