Does anyone know how to get a copy of Don’s ORIGINAL 3rd essay? The abridged version on only contains the first two parts (see the outline on Years ago I read the full thing, but can’t find it these days. It talked about getting the Japanese fleet into the South Atlantic, how to analyze when to use it to deter South Africa, when to dare to attack Brazil, thoughts on a submarine-producing Industrial Complex in the South Atlantic, and even considerations regarding the use of Germany’s first (alternate) turn purchase of a bomber?!, along with other air units, to coordinate with Japanese fleet. I wish I had saved a copy! Can anyone help me find it?
3rd Edition Rules Compendio v3.5 (Final)
@Panther Greetings from Costa Rica.
The .PDF is the result of a search and comparison, from different sources. Siense Axis & Allies (any edition) is a game almost non-existent in my country, and importing it is very expensive (ridiculous taxes). I find a copy of the 1st Edition (1984) that a Canadian Resident sold me for $ 5us in C.R., with few pieces missing.
Looking for pieces to import, I found that there was a second edition and a third, and a lot of new ones. A new universe for my.
I found a confusion as to the rules of the classic, and many broken links. So I took on the task of searching, comparing and compiling the rules of the third edition in a single order document, because those rules only came out for the PC GAME (1998-1999) in poorly edited manual.I hope is useful for players of the classic who have confusion and search information. Iff anybody is free to edit the .pdf to make it more beautiful, edit it as the manual of the box … I do not have the programs to do it by myself.
Thanks for putting this together. I was aware of a 3rd edition but never knew it was online only. These rules seem to fix some of the issues the classic game has. Very nice
@Valladares Thank you for your interesting background information. :smiley:
@Panther thanks man, the truth is this game is very interesting, with a great community, from what I can see.
With respect to the rules of the third edition (1998-1999), the option of parachutists is not clear to me, because I do not have the PC Game manual, so I will use the Max’s Advanced Rules for A & A - E (2000).
@Valladares Unfortunately I don’t have a copy of the PC game rules, either. Also I am not aware of any legitimate source to download them.
@Panther No problemaMAX’S ADVANCED RULES FOR AXIS & ALLIES, VOLUME 1-converted.pdf , i will use the Max’s Advanced Rules for A & A for Classic (1989) for parachutist, for the moment instant of Max’s Advanced Rules for A & A - Europe (2000). Meanwille i searsh for the PC manual.
@Panther here is vol.2 in case any one want to see it. MAX’S ADVANCED RULES FOR AXIS & ALLIES, VOLUME 2.pdf
Thank you, @Valladares . Where did you get those from?
@Panther here:'s_Advanced_Rules_for_Axis_%26_Allies .I only copy it to a word document, them edit format, and finaly convert to PDF. -sorry for my english, is not my firsth lenguaje-.
@Valladares Ah, from Roger Cooper’s site. Thanks!
@Panther Oky. Now here is new version of the topic document A&A Classic 3rd Edition Rules v2.pdf