So I was just thinking about this side of the map on turn one.
My somewhat predictable best friend and nemesis is likely to load 6 men on Buryatia on Russia 1. He loves ICs in India and Sianking.
Would it be worth it to forego attacking Pearl Harbour to load send a heavy attack into Buryatia (with 6 inf stationed there) and China?
I can’t remember my exact figures but it was something like this.
Into Buryatia
1 Infantry 1 Tank (on the transport)
2 Infantry from Manchuria
1 Fighter from Japan
1 Fighter from Manchuria
1 Fighter from Carolina Islands AC
Bomber from Japan
Into China
3 Inf from Kwangtung
1 Inf from FIC (I think leaving one behind is the best solution in case there’s a tank blitz or anything. I’d be okay trading FIC for one turn to make sure that I’m in a good position for J2 and J3)
Fighter from FIC
2 Fighter from AC in East Indies
I’m assuming that my transport outside of Kwangtung is dead. If it isn’t, then all the happier for me.
Running this into Frood (wow how fun was it when I found out about this!) it looks like what should happen (…never what seems to actually happen though with real dice haha) is that I’d end up like this.
In the seas (after I buy 2 transports, 3 inf and a tank)
SZ 60
1 BB
3 Transports
1 Destroyer
1 Sub
1 AC
SZ59 (if destoyer there where my transport should be… otherwise, either in 36 or 60… honestly not sure which is better. what do you think? double bombardments sound pretty sweet. And consolidation is always the way, isn’t it?)
1 BB
1 AC
1 Inf
A whole mess of fighters… hopefully 6 Fighters
2 Inf
0-1 Infantry, 1 Tank depending on dice.
I feel like that puts mainland asia in a pretty strong position. The bad news…
Pearl Harbour is still sitting there, waiting to be united. This is just asking the US player to go heavy Pacific. But I have a potential fleet of ass kicking proportions, right? I just don’t think they’d win a naval battle any time soon. 2 AC, 2 BB, 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 3 Transports is a lot of dice and a lot of lives. And obviously if I saw them coming towards me I would send out 4 fighters onto the 2 AC. It’d be carnage.
The other big bad is that there’s still a UK fleet outside of India (or wherever they fled to) and I’m very far away from threatening Australia/Africa.
Is it worth it to speed up mainland asia and also to destroy the 6 russian infantry on the first turn? It just is pretty frustrating if he sends his russian fighters east. The six men with the two fighters can really cause some ruckus.
How do you feel? The numbers for the attacks seem to be pretty solid. I just don’t know how dangerous the pearl fleet can be. Honestly it isn’t that many boats.