• '19 Moderator

    And he has the power to edit polls… And sometimes he posts in third person…

  • Grey chip.

    As an abstract piece, it could represent anything you slide it under!

  • Indeed the Force is a powerful ally… so Dezertfish!  :-D

  • @Cobert:

    Grey chip.

    As an abstract piece, it could represent anything you slide it under!

    I say a red chip, 'cuz it’s 5 times more strongerer.

    Put a red chip under dezrtfish, and watch out!  Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer together wouldn’t stand a chance.

  • The grey plastic chips are the best! They are perfect for simulating coins when you play Captain Commando on PS2 with other 3 pals  :-D

    That game marked an age here in Spain  8-)

    You know what said, “Winners don’t use drugs”  :mrgreen:

  • Official Q&A

    Plastic chips have no value in themselves.  They are only multipliers, which means they are powerless unless paired with something else.

    AA guns are the only unit in the game that can fire once and hit multiple expensive units.  Not only that, but they can fire at those expensive units when they’re just passing by.  Combine that with their low cost, and AA guns are clearly very powerful.

    No disrespect to Dezrtfish implied.

  • I would have to say the AA gun is the strongest combat unit b/c it can’t be destroyed.  Honestly the strongest unit I think really would be the IC.


  • Hm… A tank made out of the indestructible grey plastic.  Awesome lethality!

    Almost too great to think about it.  That way lies madness.

  • 2007 AAR League

    The strongest piece is the Midway island infantry. IT NEVER DIES!!! As a matter of fact, it is so immensely powerful that none dare attack it. Any who say they have are clearly deluded.

  • Maybe the Midway island INF was to powerful that’s why he was bannished.  (that and he can’t swim.)


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’m with Switchy-pooh on this one.  DF is a mod, which is the website’s version of a minor deity and thus, the law of conservation of matter does not apply too him, in regards to anything on this board.  Therefore he is free to destroy the matter constituting the little gray chip or create more and thus, he is more powerful than the gray chip!

  • You know, it’s not hard for a fish to survive in the desert if he’s floating in a wide river of slobbery kisses.

    Good grief people, it’s not like DF is going to sign your paychecks…

  • '19 Moderator

    Your just jealous because I’m stronger than Tanks :P

  • @dezrtfish:

    Your just jealous because I’m stronger than Tanks :P

    Tanks are STRONG.

  • :-o
    Seeing as how this is totally a humorous subject, ( anyone thinking that this was supposed to be a serious subject needs to leave this thread right now).

    My vote went to dezertfish, because he could very easily destroy any of the other playing pieces with little or some effort, or a lot of effort, and a hammer, probibly, I think, well maybe he could get some friends to help him, if he has any, could be, some newbe that he hasn’t scared off yet, or a raw recruit that thinks he is a demigod of war or something. Anyway, he probibly has a truck, and he could certainly place the offending pieces on the ground and run over them a few times, and that would count too I suppose, because they would be destroyed and all dezerfish would be out is about $6.50 in pieces and gas!
    But we won’t know for sure until he posts some pictures of the destroyed pieces, and how he overpowered them  :wink:
      So, I for one, will be waiting with baited breath to see the pics that he will soon be posting!
    Go get em DF!
       :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • '19 Moderator

    Guess I need to get out the camera and my 4x4.  :-D

  • :|
    Awww, I was hoping you would use your Abrams!  :-P

  • '19 Moderator

    I’m in the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, we have no tanks…

  • Dezrtfish,

    I thought you lived in Arizona isn’t that a Virginia National Gaurd Unit?


  • @dezrtfish:

    I’m in the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, we have no tanks…

    So, go over to a tanker unit and borrow one!

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