I had a gmail email and it did not work. I created a free proton.me email account and it worked just fine on triplea. Just like flyingbadger stated, gmail and other email accounts do not seem to work at all for triplea. thankyou flying badger and others for helping me get this problem resolved. I am very bad at internet/computer stuff
TripleA and Zombies
Re: Online game
As I’m sure everyone here knows, TripleA has free downloadable games that include not only the original and subsequent versisons of A&A board games, but other games like Lord of the Rings, Napoleonic wars, etc.,etc.
I was really hoping to see if they are planning to update their site - and make A&A Zombies available. Does anyone know if they’re planning to do that?
@swampfox Welcome to the forum :smiley:
See the discussion about that on https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/1073/axis-allies-zombies-triplea/
It looks like it is not going to happen anytime soon.
(Moving this topic to TripleA Support)
@Panther Whoops! My apologies……
(I looked around a bit - but I didn’t see that thread) :+1:Thanks for the timely response.
@swampfox Never mind, you’re welcome :smiley: