• '19 Moderator

    This has probably been proposed in one form or another, but I’m too lazy to search.  Again Insomnia causes random ideas in my brain…

    Attrition attacks:

    Any units not making any combat moves can declare an attrition attack.  Attrition attacks are made by one or more territory into a bordering territory.  An Attrition attack represents the continual struggle on the border between hostile forces.  To make the attack add the number of attacking units and divide by 6(round up).  Roll that many D6.  The defender does the same.  Dice rolls hit on a 3 or less.


    German has 9 Inf, & 2Arm in West Russia
    Russia has:
    Karelia 3Inf
    Archangel 3Inf
    Russia 7Inf, 2 Arm, 2 Ftr, 1Art
    Caucasus 6Inf 2 Arm 1 Art

    Russia declares attrition attack against West Russia and rolls 5 dice and Germany rolls 2.

    DiceRolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 15@3: (5, 5, 6, 2, 5)
    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (2, 5)

    Any hits are removed and the attack is over.  This attack enables a defending player to inflict damage without compromising his defensive structure.

  • '19 Moderator

    In this example things don’t quite go as well as Russia would hope, but you get the idea.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Not a bad idea.  Reminds me of Rise and Decline of the 3rd Reich from AH.  Kinda the same concept there, except they had a table.  You have X number of units, you do Y damage to the enemy.

  • Yea thats good and yes its like a 3R concept where you dont take the offensive option and pay 15 BRP, and instead take attrition option and index loses from a CRT. Each player does this on his turn for his territories he has adjacent from enemy forces.

  • '19 Moderator

    LOL, 3R is most likely where the idea was seeded into my brain, to many Grognards here.

    I never liked the idea that, specificly on the eastern front, in order to do a strafe attack you had to screw up your entire defencive set up because all the units had to retreat to the same hex.  Also in an attack if the dice go horibly wrong you take huge losses on what was suposed to be a hit and run.  Then there’s the other option and the dice run awesome and you sudenly own a territory you don’t want to have to defend.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Could we make the strafe attack cost money too?

    Say Germany does the attack but it costs Germany 5 IPC.  However, any industrial complex adjacent to the front lines (for instance Caucasus if you held Ukraine or W. Russia as Germany) would get hit with 1/2 an SBR roll?  (1d6 result divided by 2.)

    That’s on top of the aforementioned technique.

    Also, if the defender kills the last defending unit of a territory (and they MUST be adjacent territories) you may move one of your ground units into the empty territory and conquer it as if you attacked an empty territory. (Attacker may chose NOT to move in and take possession.)

  • That reminded me of a new idea i really like for AARHE:

    ‘night bombing’ where you SBR at 1/2 effective rate and forgo both AA rolls, and enemy counterair ( interceptors)

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