Global War 1936-1945 3rd Edition

  • Does any one know when the third edition will be released? I saw a page for it on board game geek but no mention of a release date or on the HBG website. Throughout the past year I have been slowly gathering all the pieces and expansion I want for Global War. I don’t mind waiting a bit more for updated rules and map.

    One more thing. Anyone know if new sculpts will be created for Heavy Carrier, Fast Battle Ships, Heavy and Light Cruisers? That’s already a lot of new naval units.

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    Next summer is the projected date.

  • '18 '17 '16

    @Mustang There is no solid date for release, but they’re hoping for this summer.

    If you look on their shop on Shapeways you will find many of the pieces that you are looking for. I don’t know if they will come up with sculpts for more inexpensive options. They already have light cruisers for Germany, Japan, and the US in their battle pieces section of the HBG site. I’ve started building the battleships and carriers already and will give you some of my finds;

    Japanese carrier

    Russian Battleship:


    UK Battleship;

    French Battleship;

    German Battleship:

    Iowa Class;

    UK carrier;

    US carrier;

    There are several Battlecruisers on HBG’s Shapeways shop as well. The problem with getting them from someone else is that one shop’s 1/3000 scale is not that same as another shop’s 1/3000 scale. I have the Iowa that I listed here and it’s the perfect size for a heavy battleship for 36. The carriers are just a little over 3 inches long, which I believe is what you’re going to need. I think what they will be is a carrier that carries 3 planes instead of 2 and so that’s what I have. If you’ve played the game before you will probably already know that you’re not going to need a carrier for France, Russia, Italy, ANZAC, and probably not Germany. That is subjective of course and you should build however you feel would be best. I went with 2 carriers for the US, UK, and Japan. I may get 1 for Germany and Italy. Use your discretion when it comes to purchasing Battlecruisers too. I can’t imagine building a French one, hehe.

  • @GeneralHandGrenade said in Global War 1936-1945 3rd Edition:


    I noticed that the link under the “Yamato” header includes “Super Yamato” as part of the URL. This phrase is a reference not to the 9 x 18.1-inch gunned Yamato class which was actually built, but to a projected 6 x 20-inch gunned class of larger ships which never got off the drawing board (though one of the guns did reach the production stage). I checked the link, and the sculpt is indeed of this larger class, as can be seen by the two-gun (rather than three-gun) turrets.

  • '18 '17 '16

    @CWO-Marc You are correct of course, Marc. That is the Super Yamato.


    When you look at the above photo you will see all of the ships that I listed beside the regular Battleships from those nations. You will notice that in all cases except for the French Alsace the sculpts for the listed BB’s are physically larger. Notice that the middle BB for Japan is the OOB Yamato. It is actually smaller than the Nagato Class BB which I’m using for the regular BB in the game. The Yamato is supposed to be a heavy BB according to the rules of the game. I’ve chosen the Super Yamato to represent it because of it’s larger size for use of easy identification by the players. It is a significantly more powerful unit than the regular BB and so it is important that players don’t mistake the 2 sculpts on the board. When they are displayed like this it is easy to tall the difference but when they are grouped with several other units it would be possible to mistake them. The following picture is of the game I’m playing now to demonstrate what I mean;

    Yamato in action.JPG

    You can’t mistake that unit even with all of the others around it. Not everyone has as keen an eye as you have for military hardware, Marc. Most people won’t even have any idea that it is a Super Yamato.

    The ships that I’ve listed are ones that I have found to be of a suitable size in my opinion. Larger than the OOB for ease of identification but not too large so that they look out of place. I had mentioned about 2 people’s interpretation of 1/3000 scale and this is a glaring example of what I mean. 2 designers, same unit;


    The Iowa Class on the bottom is already larger than the OOB sculpt by a fair margin. The one on the top makes everything on the board look tiny and just doesn’t fit. I was sharing my finds because these are the ones that I’ve ordered and received and can attest to their size. It’s expensive enough to oder from Shapeways, it sucks when you receive pieces that you just can’t use.

  • Thank you guys for the updated timeline of 3rd Edition and also to @GeneralHandGrenade for the links to the Ships. This will be helpful in determining what I need to finish buying so I can be set for the third edition.

  • Thanks for the supplementary info GHG. I didn’t really know very much about the context of the thread, since GW1936-1945 is a game with which I don’t have much familiarity, so I hadn’t realized that the sculpt choice was a deliberate one which was made for the reasons you described.

    By the way, as an amusing historical footnote: during the long design process for the German “H-class” battleships which were supposed to come after the Bismarck class (but which ultimately were never built), Hitler at one point suggested arming the class with 800mm (31.5-inch) guns, the same caliber as Germany’s Gustav and Dora railway guns. In a rare example of common sense prevailing over Hitler’s propensity for gigantism (the Maus tank being a case in point), a German admiral talked him out of the idea by telling him just how big a battleship would have to be to carry such an arsenal and by pointing out that no German port in existence could handle a ship that enormous. By contrast, the Super Yamato class would have looked modest.

  • @CWO-Marc said in Global War 1936-1945 3rd Edition:

    Thanks for the supplementary info GHG. I didn’t really know very much about the context of the thread, since GW1936-1945 is a game with which I don’t have much familiarity, so I hadn’t realized that the sculpt choice was a deliberate one which was made for the reasons you described.

    By the way, as an amusing historical footnote: during the long design process for the German “H-class” battleships which were supposed to come after the Bismarck class (but which ultimately were never built), Hitler at one point suggested arming the class with 800mm (31.5-inch) guns, the same caliber as Germany’s Gustav and Dora railway guns. In a rare example of common sense prevailing over Hitler’s propensity for gigantism (the Maus tank being a case in point), a German admiral talked him out of the idea by telling him just how big a battleship would have to be to carry such an arsenal and by pointing out that no German port in existence could handle a ship that enormous. By contrast, the Super Yamato class would have looked modest.

    By comparison in the game, the H-44 is a larger piece than even the Super Yamato. And the numbers;

    H-44 A-10, D-10, M-3 C-6/6/6/6/6/6 It takes 4 hits to sink
    Super Yamato A-10, D-10, M-3, C-5/5/5/5/5/5 It takes 3 hits to sink

    You would love the wealth of pieces in this game, Marc, including the all of the weapons that were on the drawing table and never built. You have the option of developing and building them as the commander of your nation.

    The regular pieces in the game are interesting and numerous as well. The Japanese have the 2 classes of BB;

    Battleship A-8, D-8, M-2, C-5/5/5/5 2 hits to sink
    Yamato Class A-9, D-9, M-3, C-7/6/6/6 3 hits to sink

    Not all of the nations have the same stats for units. A German BB will cost 22 IPP compared to Japan’s 20 IPP. However, a German medium tank is 6 IPP while a Japanese one is 8 IPP. Each nation has a different type of specialized infantry to go along with their Militia, Regular Infantry, Mountain Infantry, Marines, and Airborne. Here’s an example of one of their cards;

    Japan card.png

  • where can we learn more about the changes coming in the 3rd edition?

    I am curious what kind of changes are we talking about - new map? new set up? etc.

  • @cdatkins74 I talk about and playtest some of the proposed rules in this game;

    Stay tuned to my channel. In the near future I’m going down to Tulsa to playtest the game with HBG. After that I’ll have more information to share with the community.

  • @GeneralHandGrenade yep already watched that video. LOL. Look forward to your Tulsa adventures!

    do you know if there will be a new map? Not a big deal to me anyway as I need to buy a 4x8 map at some point. But it would be nice to know whether I could pull that trigger now or wait for the 3rd edition.

  • @cdatkins74 Yes there will be a new map.

  • @GeneralHandGrenade said in Global War 1936-1945 3rd Edition:

    @cdatkins74 Yes there will be a new map.

    Thanks GHG!

  • Hi all! Just got back with HBG that could tell me that 3rd edition is pushed back to December 1st… Im also eager to get to know more about the map, what units are going to be new and so on. Im a G40 player and eagerly wants to start collecting GW36 pieces so I can get my family and friends in on this great game. After reading the rules and watching hours of GHG, YG and Siredblood videos im sure im gonna love it.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Alright, I have a question for everyone here that I’m curious on.

    The above says, and I’ve heard in other places, that the game is adding more new units. Is this true? I’ve heard the difference of Light, Regular, and Heavy Carriers? Light and Heavy Cruisers? etc.

    I wonder what everyone thinks about that from a playability standpoint. My point being the scale of this game.

    This game is on a larger strategic level map. This is not a tactical level game. And each turn is 6 months long. I mention all this only to ask, is showing the difference between a Light and Heavy Cruiser really something that can, and should, be shown on a game like this?

    Don’t get me wrong, I love all the pieces HBG does. Would be awesome to have and what not. That just seems to be things that could be shown on a smaller scale game.

    Is this just me thinking this?



  • '18 '17 '16

    Light Cruiser A-5, D-5, M-3, C-10
    Heavy cruiser A-6, D-6, M-3, C-12
    Battlecruiser A-7, D-7, M-3, C-14

    As you can see the there is a slight difference between the 3 sizes of cruisers in terms of attack, defence, and cost. Some players may appreciate the added choice. Some of the nations have less income and can’t afford a cruiser but still want something more powerful than a destroyer. I’m thinking a nation like ANZAC would like to buy a Battlecruiser since they can’t possibly build a capital ship and this would give them a powerful alternative option.

    Those are just the cruisers and some of the reasons you might want some choice. You don’t have to add them to your game, you can just use the same units from V-2 and still have a good game.

    For the record here is a list of the new units that are being added;
    • Tank Destroyers
    • Self-Propelled Artillery
    • Heavy Battleships
    • Heavy Carriers
    • Coastal Defence Ships
    • Fast Battleships
    • Battlecruisers
    • Light Cruisers
    • FEC Gurkhas
    • Seaplanes
    • Attack Transports
    • French Foreign Legion

    Each one does something unique and some are upgrades as opposed to brand new. Again though, it’s up to you to decide which ones you want and which ones you don’t.

    I don’t think it makes a difference whether the game is on a strategic level or a smaller scale. There is a difference between a light cruiser and a battlecruiser just like there’s a difference between a tank and artillery. At one end of the scale is Risk, at the other end is Global War. Somewhere in the middle is Axis and Allies. People can choose which one suits their play group and level of commitment in terms of complexity and resources. The only thing that matters is that you have fun.

  • I agree with GHG, I don’t think it matters

    Also - in this game you can really view the naval units as smaller or larger navies or armadas. So a destroyer is really a small group of aircraft carriers, naval aircraft, BBs, BCs, CAs, Light cruisers, etc. Where a BB is a much larger group of similar types of ships.

    Or you could view each individual unit as a much larger group of similar units. So a battle cruiser is really 5+ battle cruisers, destroyers are 15-20 DDs, etc.

    Either way I think it works.

    I am playing with battle cruisers and light cruisers in my current solo game of Global War 36 (2nd edition). I find they are a great edition to the game.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Thanks for the response @GeneralHandGrenade and @cdatkins74 !

    Sorry, I may have come off a bit unclearly, and maybe needlessly. Just trying to start a potential conversation of thought.

    I guess my question was really on “realism”. Which, I’ll just come out and say is obviously not a needed factor, and I completely agree more units is more fun. Again, was maybe just a discussion topic.

    Almost exactly to your point, honestly, is what I mean. If a single cruiser represents maybe 5+ cruisers, it would not be realistic to then show the difference of heavy and light cruisers. On a scale like this it wouldn’t realistically make sense to note all those things.

    But I do concede, realism is not of importance. Was just a curiosity on others’ thoughts there.

    All that said, I do also agree with the point @GeneralHandGrenade makes about smaller nations being able to buy some nicer firepower without having to spend way too big.

    Also, hell yes to Gurkhas! I’d hoped that would be a new unit at some point, looking forward to that one!

  • Chris, that’s why in my house rules I give special abilities to battle cruisers and light cruisers. BC’s get naval target select and CL’s get AAA ability. That makes them a little more special and worth investing in all on their own.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    @cdatkins74 sounds fun!

    Also curious here, maybe @GeneralHandGrenade can answer, about newer units.

    I see you listed the self-propelled artillery as a new unit, but not an armored car. Curious if that isn’t going to be added to every day games without the expansions they are part of? SPA were part of the Afrika Korps Expansion, if I remember correctly, like armored cars were first introduced in the Manchuoko Expansion, I believe? Just curious if armored cars were becoming part of the unit list as well.

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