Drink of Choice/Prescription Drug of Choice

  • Beer: Spaten Mayboch
    Hard liquor: toss up between Jack straight up or any single malt scotch on the rocks
    Wine RED: Can’t go wrong w/Ruffino Classico…… everyday.
    Wine white: Montrachet (I know it’s french)
    Drug - there’s so many good ones…
    Mary-J for all occasions
    Mushrooms for those special occasions
    Occasional LSD, loved tripping w/the right group

    In my older age I guess it’s Motrin. How depressing.

  • For those who do not already know…

    Newcastle for beer (with my alternates being Fosters and Sam Adams Light)
    I have shifted away from my Spanish red wines to favoring some of the North Carolina Yadkin Valley wines (some phenomenal wines being produced in that region)
    And for spirits… Stolychnya.  With the occasional Kahlua or Amaretto cordial.

  • Stella as “Wife Beater Beer”

    most likely some development relating to British/Belgium hooligans who love their soccer teams> it tends to spill over in other areas where anything goes. The blokes like their own kind of dark beer. Lager is not for British tastes because it does not go with fried chips and other belch food.

    IN America Budwiser/coors is the choice for chimps and wife beaters too. Most likely because its cheap.

    Shing’ shau is the correct pronunciation for Tsingtao

  • '19 Moderator

    Of course I asked, they said that drinking stella makes you angry, I didn’t press the issue.

  • @Imperious:

    Shing’ shau is the correct pronunciation for Tsingtao

    Ching Dao.

    And Stella is in no way near the crap like Budweiser.

  • 2007 AAR League

    my God, nobody likes budweiser.  i like budweiser.  no light beer here, but if its a must, coors light is the best light beer.

    well newcastle is awesome, same with guiness.  without going into the ritzy beers which are all good i do like budweiser the best from the mainstay of beers.

    but a good half and half (guiness floated on harp lager) is awesome.  no black and tans.

    crown and cokes are freakin great.

    a merlot is good for family gatherings.

    jameson whisky for liquer.

    and for mixed drink, the most fantastic drink in the world if made right(strong) and mixed well, the white russian.  or for some, the caucasian.

  • '19 Moderator

    People your killing me!

    Jamison is Whiskey!

    Scotts and Canadians Make Whisky

    Irish and Americans make Whiskey

  • Don’t get me wrong, I can drink a Bud if that’s all there is or someone is offering.  Coors light is definitely the better of the cheap American beers.

    I had a Bumblebee the other day…layered Guinness and Boddington’s, which was great.

    Crown doesn’t need coke, but yeah, it’s good.  Oh wait, I’m thinking of Southern Comfort.

    I knew the difference, DF, it’s still the same drink we’re talking about though.  :lol:  Jameson’s is the shit though!

  • '19 Moderator

    I have a half bottle of Jamesons in the pantry, and I have partaken of a fine 12 year single malt in the bar at the Bushmills distillery.  Mmmm, tasty.

    If you like southern comfort look around for a bottle of Celtic Crossing.  That stuff will blow your mind, and quite possibly make you stumble and fall down.

    I will admit there is some Coors original in my garage fridge for when I’m feeling particularly Red neck.  However it is sitting next to a half case of Guinness and a random assortment of ales and lagers.

    That Bumblebee sounds interesting, I may have to give that a once-over.

    Did any one else understand the back and tan comment by Bung?

    In Ireland “Back and Tan” is a foul phrase.  it is what the Irish called the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force in other words the bad guys in the Irish War of Independence.

    So if you ever in Ireland don’t order up a Black and Tan, it’s a half and half or a Smithwick’s with a Guinness head.

  • 2007 AAR League

    half and half is harp and guinness.  also called the roman catholic collar.

    the black and tan is guinness floated on the english made bass ale.  and its for n.ireland protestants.  and called the black and tan b/c of the uniforms.  and thats exactly what my neighbor said about ireland when i was going there.  “no black and tan, half and half”.  and he really meant it.  the guy was straight from ireland and talked in that thick “is it english?” accent.  either that or he was drunk too.  too bad he moved away.

    smithwicks?  i’ve heard of that, and i take it its enligsh ale also.

  • '19 Moderator

    AHHHHH, its Irish red ale, pronounced Smithicks and it’s delicious.  My mouth is watering, I may have to hit the pub at lunch…

    Let me tell you the later it is the harder it is to understand conversation in an Irish Pub.  I spent two weeks in Belfast and the surounding area last year  including a brief trip to Glasgow and London.

  • FYI……Spaten Maiboch is out.

    Had 4 of them last night. 17 percent alc (i think) and they are delicious. Check out your local german restaurant and you’ll find it. Get it on tap, it is worth it. Jim

  • I also have a fondness for one of the Belgian Abbey Ales, Maredsous or something like that.  Specifically, #8 Dubbel…  8% alcohol, good head, serious bite…

    And just 1 bottle will get even ME buzzed…

  • @dezrtfish:


    Glenlivet if drinking whiskey. Splash of cold filtered water, no ice.

    Glenlivet is whisky  :-P

    :? Don’t believe I said it wasn’t. Glenlivet is my prefered whisky. Or depending on how deep you want to go within the category of Whisky my prefered Scotch Whiskey. Or even my prefered Single Malt Scotch Whiskey. And frankly that is a matter of price point because the 15 year old Glenfiddich I had gifted to me once was IMO pretty special. I keep promising myself a bottle of the 18 year old Glenlivet but always balk at the price. Thos extra years come at a premium price on an already premium priced beverage.

    Stella Artois is a very similar style of beer to Budweiser. The Euro lagers don’t lighten the body with adjuncts usually so you get a maltier beer.


    Budweiser is a very good beer – within its Style. To quote a knowledgable beer drinker

    Top of its class for what it is and for what it is trying to be: a 1) highly consistent beer, that’s 2) brewed for mass-appeal and 3) one that’s easy to drink. Check. Check. And check.

    Bud knows what it is and is that very well. Sometimes you want Citizen Kane and sometimes you want Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    You can’t really compare Bud and Newcastle because that is like apples and oranges. But to compare Miller Lite and Bud Lite is to compare Red Delicious from Oregon to Red Delicious from Ohio. Guiness to Beamish to Murphy’s is Smith’s Farm to Jone’s Farm to Brown’s Orchard. Bud to Bud Lite to Stella Artois is probably Red Delicious to Golden Delicious to Granny Smith.


    I also have a fondness for one of the Belgian Abbey Ales, Maredsous or something like that.  Specifically, #8 Dubbel…  8% alcohol, good head, serious bite…

    And just 1 bottle will get even ME buzzed…

    Your Dubbel (is this the one? http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/222/2508) has almost twice the alcohol as your Newcastle. (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/111/639) Hence– Dubbel.

    I have found that when the ABV starts hitting 5% it takes a lot less for anyone to get a buzz. If you like BIG BEERS (lots of Malt, Hops and Alcohol) look for something from these guys.


    I’m partial to their Arrogant Bastard Ale but it is tough to come by for me:


  • Yep, that is the one…

    except the one I buy is corked.

  • '19 Moderator

    I’ve hav Arrogant Bastard Ale, Pretty good stuff.

    On the Whisky/Whiskey issue it was semantics, there’s no “e” in Scotch or Canadian  :wink:

    I think stella has a bit more bite than American beers like bud.  I prefer Coors original to Bud, it’s a bit sweeter.  However, I’m not a one beer kind of guy.  My favorite beer, other than Guinness, is cold or Free.

    Speaking of American vs. European Beer, when I was in Belfast, There was a group of guys there (locals) that were drinking Bud in the bottle.  I thought is was hilarious, because they were paying almost double what I was paying pint’s of Guinness.

  • @dezrtfish:

    My favorite beer, other than Guinness, is cold or Free.

    We can all agree with that! Here is to FREE beer!

  • @JWW:


    My favorite beer, other than Guinness, is cold or Free.

    We can all agree with that! Here is to FREE beer!

    Yeah… even if it was in a white can that just said BEER in bold black writing.

  • Sounds like Dharma Beer…

  • @ncscswitch:

    Sounds like Dharma Beer…

    Beat me to it.  :-)

    Whiskey-Whisky- even if I can’t spell it is still the Water of Life.  :-)

    I agree with you, dezrtfish, that Stella has more bite than Bud. I’ve only  had a couple and I remember the bite being bittering hops and alcohol hotness. But it is a pale beer without a complex malt profile fermented with lager yeast so not really down the block from Bud.

    For those who like trivia Guinness and Bud have the same original gravity.

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