• The areas that this pertains to is Caucus, Persia and India.  I had two tanks on Persia and he had 4 fighters, 2 tanks in Caucus.  No units were on India.

    So what he wanted to do is send 1 tank, 4 fighters into Persia then blitz a second tank into India after he had taken Persia.

    Wouldn’t that be considered reinforcements?

    I’m under the impression that he couldn’t do that.  I thought that if any other unit wanted to go into/through Persia then they would have to partake in the battle.  In that case he couldn’t blitz the one tank into India.

  • It is not a legal move.

    ALL combat Movement is simultaneous.  The move to India is contingent upon clearing Persia, which requires the next phase of a turn, Combat, to be resolved first.  You cannot Combat Move after Combat has occurred

    (the ONLY exception in the rules is for naval combat preceding an amphibious assault).

  • Official Q&A

    This is illegal.  All combat movement must be completed before any combat is resolved (page 11).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Unclear from your post who owned India.  If he owned it and just wanted to kill the Persians to get his reinforcements there to defend against any attacks on India you were about to make, then that’s legal.  All combat then non-combat.  If the land is clear, you can move through it (provided you do not attack anyone nor take posession of the land from another nation in the process of moving there.)

  • Jen is correct.

    If India was “friendly” to the units in Caucuses, then an NCM of units from Caucuses to India after WINNING in Persia is completely legal.

  • Sorry for the late reply, I was busy.  Thanks for the information guys/gals.  I thought that was right but didn’t know they could blitz if India was friendly.

    For that specific instance, India was owned by Japs and Russia was attempting to nab it back for the UK [my bud].

    Had one hell of a game.  I ended up winning but I had to fight for it.  Germany was on a leash the whole game with UK and US doing industrial bombing every turn.  At one point I was only spending 23 IPCs with them.  Strange game, I would cut out the legs of my bud then he would do the same next turn.  It continued to go like that for the first 4 rounds.  Then my bud, sitting with 6 bombers in england spent 60 ICPs to roll for super bombers.  He missed, I couldn’t believe it.  That one instance lost the game for him, we figured out what he would have done with it and it would have been the end of Germany.  It was the turning point in the game, I didn’t know it until later.

    I got a good glimpse at how to play the Allies.  They seem to be an easy choice but if you don’t know how to use them your sunk.  I won 2/4 games with them but only because my buds quit.  Now I think I could actually win a game out right with the allies.

    I can see that the Axis are at a disadvantage but I can’t really tell how a 9 IPC bid would really effect the game that much.  Possibly by dropping three soldiers in West Russia before the game starts but even then I don’t know if it would really make that big of an impact.

  • I have a couple questions to add to this that is along the same lines.

    Lets say I attacked an enemy territory that had fighters in it.  The enemy retreats the fighters after the first round of combat to an adjacent, friendly territory.  Then with my next combat move(within the same turn), if I wanted to blitz through that territory with a completely different set of tanks, would I have to engage those planes that just retreated?  If not, then would the fighters be destroyed?

    Lets say I just took a territory with UK on Norway.  Germany only left an AA gun.  In that same turn if I where to fly a bomber through that territory in a combat move, would the AA still be German?  Would the AA get to roll against the bomber?

  • Moderator

    Fighters on defense cannot retreat.


    Lets say I just took a territory with UK on Norway.  Germany only left an AA gun.  In that same turn if I where to fly a bomber through that territory in a combat move, would the AA still be German?  Would the AA get to roll against the bomber?

    If I understand your question right, then yes the AA still fires during combat move.

    Example - Germany owns Nor and Kar and has an AA in Nor and troops in Kar.  If you as the UK attack both and fly your planes over Nor, then yes the AA fires regardless of how the Nor battle turns out.  Even if you do the Nor battle first, the AA still fires at your planes.

    All Combat happens simultaneously and all Combat Moves must be made PRIOR to any battle being resolved.

  • Man I don’t know where I got the idea that fighters could retreat… we’ve been playing that way this whole time.

    For the AA, I was pretty sure that was right but I knew that it would be an issue at some point.

    Thanks for the responses.

  • Moderator

    Attacking ftrs can retreat.  It is just on defense they can’t.

  • Man, I think this is going to be a personal “house rule”… defending fighters retreat.  I just can’t imagine poring money into them otherwise.

    This makes me wonder what else we’ve been messing up.  I would like to get in here eventually and play with some of you, or against you lol.  I guess I should really look into these rules some more.

    Thanks agian.

  • Yea thats an AARHE idea. more realistic.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Jen is correct.

    If India was “friendly” to the units in Caucuses, then an NCM of units from Caucuses to India after WINNING in Persia is completely legal.

    I thought units can’t move in both phases, except aircraft.

  • ARM from Caucuses that did NOT engage in combat can move in NCM and roll through the recently occupied Persia to a friendly India.

  • @ncscswitch:

    ARM from Caucuses that did NOT engage in combat can move in NCM and roll through the recently occupied Persia to a friendly India.

    So in the instance that I had, they couldn’t capture because it is non-combat that it’s moving in.  I see what your saying.

  • Exactly.

    It would have required new Combat Movement and new Combat AFTER both Combat Movement and Combat phases had already been completed if India was enemy occupied.

  • @ncscswitch:

    ARM from Caucuses that did NOT engage in combat can move in NCM and roll through the recently occupied Persia to a friendly India.

    Oh, I thought you were referring to the armor that attacked Persia.

  • wait a second, so fighters and bombers can attack, then move in non-combat in the same turn?

  • yes air units can move in non-combat with remaining movement points

    this is the only case where a unit can move in both combat and non-combat move

    eg. fighter at UK can move to attack Norway in Combat Move, and move to Archangel with remaining movement points in Non-combat Move

  • @Heckler409:

    wait a second, so fighters and bombers can attack, then move in non-combat in the same turn?

    well they have to land, so that is a non-combat move.
    They can only move the remainder of their movement points during this non-combat landing portion of their movement.

    So if a ftr came three spaces into a battle, it has to land one move away.

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