Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • this is a great year for republicans.  they will finally show the talk radio ilk that they dont matter once and for all and that will be final.

    unless i missed something, but talk radio is conservative in most casses. if what your saying is true, then there would be less listeners to talk radio then there are. the impresion i get from what your saying is that talk radio is not the voice of conservatives. if thats the case, then who listens? if it’s liberals, then why are there so few liberal talk shows on the radio, and those that are (Air Amarica) went under or are having more trouble then those that call them selfs conservative.
    i don’t mind your passion for McCain, even if i think it is miss placed. but you should pay attention to what your saying more. if conservative radio is the one out of step, why has there been more listeners to it in the last years then there were before or are on liberal radio?

  • 2007 AAR League

    show me those polls.

    and his backing isnt from democrats.  only republicans could vote in the republican primary on super tuesday and McCain won that.  here in the mid-west plains states, we are super conservative and people like McCain.  they like a maverick.  he is a strong leader, not a follower.

    thats just silly.  let hillary make all this mess, but when socialist policies come into being, they can never be taken away.  its just impossible.  Can you really think people can take away welfare, medicaid, social security, on and on and on.  once they get in, they never go away.  why would you do that.  go cry in a corner and let the big boys handle the country.

    and pervav, yes talk radio is conservative, but it doesnt mean you have to follow everything a few of them say.  other talk radio guys are fine with McCain, just the loudmouths that make republicans look bad to the rest of the country dont like McCain.  thats fine, we shall show them they are irrelevant.

    and liberal radio isnt tough to beat when their listening group is about 100 people, conservative radio will always beat liberal radio.  b/c they have the news, tv shows, movies, pop culture, etc.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I already linked the ones to Florida, complete with the questions and I retyped it into the post for those who were too lazy to click the link, Balung.

    Basically, Romney pulled more people who thought they were conservative, McCain pulled almost exclusively those who thought they were liberal (the rest were moderates, he got 2% of those who thought they were conservative.)

    It might be in the Romney thread.  But I suggest going through and finding it instead of claiming I didn’t post it.

  • 2007 AAR League


  • the way you made it sound is that all talk radio was bogous.
    and it’s not just the loud annoying ones (i agree, Rush is both), it’s other ones that are good and have used logic to say McCain isn’t the best choice. they also say that we have a poor choice all around running too.

    on the point of once we have them, we can’t get rid of them. why bother voting in people to try to fix things then? if we can’t get rid of stuff, then why even vote to allow people in to make the changes? because it’s not true, you can get rid of the socalism in the system, it’s a long prossess but it can happen. other wise conservatives are fighting a lossing battle becouse for each peice of socalist legislation passed we go further in the hole and can’t dig our selfs out by your logic.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    As far as talk radio is concerned, it is not on it’s way out.  It is not over.  If it was, then why is there all this talk about reinstating government regulation over talk radio forcing it to only speak about the farm reports, etc, and preventing political speech on the radio like it was before Reagan?

    When I was a teenager, I listened to Rush.  I remember every other week they were saying Rush was finished, his audience was leaving, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    I can’t listen to him anymore, I refuse to pay and I am busy when he is on.  But evidentially, he IS still on.  So he must not be finished.  Not if the media keeps trying to quote him with outlandish statements.

    No, what REALLY matters is when the LOCAL guys on the AM radio start having to argue with callers that they SHOULD vote because Hillary would be worse then McCain that tells you something.  I can’t go a single radio segment on any radio station without at least one caller saying they are going to sit this one out or vote for the democrat because they DO NOT WANT JOHN F’ING McCAIN.  Sorry.  The man is NOT a conservative.  Maybe he was prior to 2000, but he is not any longer.  He’s voted against tax cuts, he’s voted against freedom of speech, he’s voted against enforcement of immigration laws, he’s voted against Republicans trying to get judges nominated.  He’s voted pretty much in line with the President on every Presidential vote (as denoted as signed or unsigned legislation, since the President doesn’t actually vote.)

    If you want another George W. Bush, then feel free to vote for McCain.  I fought for your right to do so.  I lost three vertebra and walk with a permanent limp to allow you to vote for John McCain if that is who you REALLY want.  But don’t try to convince me that he’s suddenly a conservative and will promise to only nominate conservative judges to the bench or that he suddenly things enforcing the border is a good idea.  Because I’m not buying it, nor am I buying ocean front property in Arizona.  Neither are a lot of good, hard working, red-blooded, American conservatives.  Blue-blooded American conservatives are buying it.  Go sell it too them.

  • 2007 AAR League


    i feel as if we are

    dead horse.jpg

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    i feel as if we are

    Yup.  But that’s okay, we’ll bury McCain after his term in office, he is the oldest man ever to be elected to the office if he wins.

  • @Cmdr:

    When the girl says that she wants to TAKE the hospitals and TAKE the pharmaceutical companies and RUN them under the control of the STATE, I think she fits the definition of socialist.

    Actually, that would be Facist.

    Private Ownership but Government Control is Facist
    Government Ownership and Government Control is Communist.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Private Ownership but Government Control is Facist

    :? :? :? :?

  • When the cost of creating and maintaining a business is borne by private owners, but control of what they do and how they do it is dictated by the government, that is fascist (economically fascist)

    In Communism, the government OWNS everything too, in addition to controlling it.

  • @ncscswitch:

    When the cost of creating and maintaining a business is borne by private owners, but control of what they do and how they do it is dictated by the government, that is fascist (economically fascist)

    never heard of this term before
    and to be honest, its kind of stupid to me

    since fascism is only Italian thing
    and unfortunately its misused as a word
    so when people say Antifascism they mean AntiNacism, which is wrong in the nature of the word

    and the official name for ˝communist ecomony˝ is state controlled or central-planed, we know it
    but this fascist term is as i said something strange to me

    but you re probably right

  • Private Ownership but Government Control is Facist

    well not really…but sort of.

    Government control and ownership of key industries, while allowing private ownership and free market system in other facets of market economy. The major items: oil, cars, steel, electric power, etc are directed to develop whatever the plan of the state is (usually public works, war economy, infrastructure).

    Also, unions are abolished and replaced with trade guild system where all professions under the private sector are organized and registered by the state to ensure a basic minimal efficiency. They wish to avoid the idea of people calling themselves plumbers, Electricians, and other professions  and such when a week ago they were only working on a farm.

  • '19 Moderator

    I am tired of hearing that only liberals vote for McCain.  I voted for McCain and most of my friends and family voted for McCain.  I say most because some voted early when we were still supporting Fred.

    I can’t understand how people think Romney can posibly be conservative.

    “Women should have the right to Choose”

    “We should help women break through the glass ceiling”

    “I support tough gun laws”

    These are all Romney positions durring the 90s

    Untell the day I have enough support to run for POTUS, there will never be a perfect canidate.  John McCain is all the Conservatives are going to be able to get ths year.

    One last moment of zen:


  • his stance on Abortion (womens right to choice [not my opinion, but how the media/polatitions puts it]) changed when he was in office, he did not sighn any legislation on this into law. he had in my words (as i can’t remmember his, but i heard him say it) a God moment where he found that it was wrong.

    nether man is conservative enough. McCain is strong in conservative mind set on war only, Mitt on economy. the deciding factor for me is Mitt is ok (i would give him between a strong C or low B) on the war, well McCain is vary bad (i would give him a weak D) on economy.
    Immigration, McCain is middle ground (i would give him a C), and Mitt from what i have heard him say (you can’t judge him realy on it in any other way as he had no way to prove one way or the other) is moderate (stong C) and only because i don’t trust him fully on this issue because i don’t know how he will be.
    IMO this gives McCain a strong C avarage
    Mitt a low B avarage.
    the diffrence is that McCain has stuff on record for how he stands in votes to give him his ranking in all catagories. Mitt gets pulled down IMO because he dosn’t have the record in those issues.
    McCain isn’t the better conservative IMO. Mitt isn’t great ether, but he is better.

  • '19 Moderator

    That’s exacly what I’m saying about Mitt, he has shown that he is willing to say one thing to get elected and then do what ever he wants.  Who knows what that is?  At least you know what your getting with McCain.

    I think Romney is a prime example of what I don’t like about polititions.  He says what ever will get him elected.  Lately all I hear him say is McCain’s a jerk so vote for me 'cause I’m a nice guy and I’ll do what ever you want.

  • have you ever had a moment in your life where you change your beliefes or stance on something?
    i watched him get asked about this issue, and he gave IMO a good and heart felt rendition of what that moment was.
    it wasn’t as McCain has done, a solid flip and give no reason for that flip. McCain is on record (i wish i knew where it was but i can’t find it any more) for saying that the Tax cuts don’t work and thats why he voted against them. but yet now he is saying they do work and that the only reason he voted against them is that they didn’t cut tax’s for the middle class and another time (or the same time i can’t recall now) he said because there was no spending cuts as well.
    you can’t hold a man (or woman) accountable for a flip when they admit to the flip and can explain it, but not hold the other guy accountable for a flip when he won’t even fess up to it.
    you say we know what we are getting into with McCain, yep sure do, a guy with a hot head (not always bad), sides against his party (again not always bad, accually realy good in some casses), strong millitary, is not conservative on many core issues, is strong on only have of many issues that are important to conservatives (boarder for example, he wants the fence but also amnasty), and flips but won’t admit it.
    i’m not saying Mitt is the best guy ether, but i can live with Mitt, i can’t live with McCain. i have my threashold tolarance that i will adsept on what is adseptable and McCain falls bellow that.

  • @Cmdr:

    When the girl says that she wants to TAKE the hospitals and TAKE the pharmaceutical companies and RUN them under the control of the STATE, I think she fits the definition of socialist.

    That would be preferable, but that isn’t socialism.  Sorry.  Have you looked up socialism recently?  Might want to.

    I’m sorry if that causes you to be disillusioned, but remember, to be disillusioned you would first have to be illusioned.

    Time and time again we’ve seen you speak and not think.  Balung sees it now, and I’ve got hope for him.  But you are still up to your old antics.  Thanks for making this site fun.  :)

    And it’s a shame Romney’s chances are slim now.  He can still win, but it’s not highly likely.  That means we will have two democrats running for President in November.  The “compassionate conservative” democrat John McCain, in the same mold as President Bush; and Hillary Clinton, in the same mold as Joseph Stalin.

    Wow, how obtuse can you get.  McCain is not a Democrat.  Clinton did not kill millions of people.  And Stalin’s a Democrat now?  Hyperbole to the max.


    When I was a teenager, I listened to Rush.  I remember every other week they were saying Rush was finished, his audience was leaving, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    I can’t listen to him anymore, I refuse to pay and I am busy when he is on.  But evidentially, he IS still on.  So he must not be finished.  Not if the media keeps trying to quote him with outlandish statements.

    You’ve quoted (anonymously) Rush on this very site and been caught red handed.  Sorry if I don’t believe you.

    If you want another George W. Bush, then feel free to vote for McCain.  I fought for your right to do so.  I lost three vertebra and walk with a permanent limp to allow you to vote for John McCain if that is who you REALLY want.

    Oh please.  Take your hubris somewhere else.  You didn’t do anything to protect my, or anyone’s, ability to vote.  It’d be nice if you did, though.

  • '19 Moderator


    have you ever had a moment in your life where you change your beliefes or stance on something?
    i watched him get asked about this issue, and he gave IMO a good and heart felt rendition of what that moment was.
    it wasn’t as McCain has done, a solid flip and give no reason for that flip. McCain is on record (i wish i knew where it was but i can’t find it any more) for saying that the Tax cuts don’t work and thats why he voted against them. but yet now he is saying they do work and that the only reason he voted against them is that they didn’t cut tax’s for the middle class and another time (or the same time i can’t recall now) he said because there was no spending cuts as well.
    you can’t hold a man (or woman) accountable for a flip when they admit to the flip and can explain it, but not hold the other guy accountable for a flip when he won’t even fess up to it.
    you say we know what we are getting into with McCain, yep sure do, a guy with a hot head (not always bad), sides against his party (again not always bad, accually realy good in some casses), strong millitary, is not conservative on many core issues, is strong on only have of many issues that are important to conservatives (boarder for example, he wants the fence but also amnasty), and flips but won’t admit it.
    i’m not saying Mitt is the best guy ether, but i can live with Mitt, i can’t live with McCain. i have my threashold tolarance that i will adsept on what is adseptable and McCain falls bellow that.

    I don’t see McCains position on the Bush Tax cut as a flip.  He said originaly he thought the tax cut wasn’t good enough, but ending it efectively raises taxes which he is against.

    Romney was elected governor of Mass by making promises which he now says wnet completely against as soon as he was elected.  Just because he fooled the dems and turned on them last time doesn’t mean he won’t do it this time against the repubs.

    I’m not here to change your mind, I’m just tired of being called a liberal.  I’m a gun carrying, pro-life, pro states rights, conservative, and I voted for Bush twice and I hope to be voting for McCain with a hard right VP in November.

  • never called you liberal or any McCain supporter, although the bulk of is support is not conservative.

    my point on Mitt is yes he changed stances, but his reason is what i looked at. it wasn’t a political wind change, it was a change based on beliefes.

    for McCain his flip is what i feel is a political wind flip. he wont even admit that it was a flip. he was against the tax cuts in his own words (not using them because i can’t remember the exact words) because they targeted the wrong people. but he also said because they don’t work. now he is saying it’s because there wasn’t a spending cut. this last bit came out because he is taking hits from conservatives because of his stance on the tax cuts.

    again nether man is the best conservative, but i feel McCain based on voting record and his stance on other issues isn’t as conservative as Mitt’s record and stance on issues. also i feel the economy is more vital and important then McCain can handle or even understands. war and economy are the two biggest issues, Mitt wins with economy, McCain wins with war (by about the same amount each). where i realy draw the line is look at there stance on the other issue. McCain dose poor in economy and Mitt dosn’t have experiance with war, but atleast he is willing to say things that are good for it. McCain has voted against the economy, that hurts him.
    other issues arn’t as big, but McCain IMO isn’t strong on much else other then the war.

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