The Bears fan were not booing Muhsin Muhammad they were yelling Muuuussssss!!!
Posting Pictures
is that allowed here? or can you only post the link to the picture?
ahh you finally showed up here!
I’m not sure exactly on the pics. Pics can be attached to posts via the additional options. Usually you have to click the picture to open and view. I’m pretty sure the files get uploaded to the site but an Admin or Mod will have to clear up the specifics.
I posted in the revised forum about something I think is related to this:
The Avalon Hill boards are being moved to Gleemax and this is probably a good chance to get some of the folks who only post there to “move over” as it were. I think there are likely to be a bunch of questions like this in the near future.
There is a pretty small size limit for attached files.
Also, any porn, etc. will result in administrative action against your account.
Thanks for the welcome…
and yes, i will limit any porn to the Axis & Allies variety…its just I like to post pics of aa related items…i guess its a instant gratification thing…
right on!
That mean I’m going to be subjected to pictures of naked tanks???
I am sure all of the “Tread Fetish” folks will be very happy :-D
If elbowmaster is the poster I think they are they usually have some interesting pics related to A&A to share. It should be fun if they start visiting often.
I am glad to hear it.
I only mentioned the porn thing as a reminder to anyone who comes here to check out the boards. Beyond that, I would encourage folks to participate and become involved with these boards as much as possible… and pictures of A&A related subjects are always welcome.
Elbow is an old school AA player since early 80’s
He will serve this forum well.
“Axis and Allies Picture of the day or night” soon appearing in a forum near you.
Oh I see now, the pic posting thing for + - Karma is directed mostly at EM.
:roll: -
Yeah, get ready for more pics of painted figures and custom boards that you ever thought could exist, come to think of it Elbow has posted some of my game pics in the past, fortunately for the eyes of the public, I was clothed, so you don’t have to worry switch… :wink:
Actually I was looking forward to nekkid T-34 tracks :-o