[1936] New player quick index project.

  • '17

    Netherlands, we have changed a few things from the official Expansion
    OOB all national increases updated version

    EDIT: The National Income sheets are now corrected. The US wartime bonus for the lower 48 states is now 12 to reflect the v1.3 sheets and is no longer at 13.

    NETHERLANDS sheet.pdf
    1936 All Nations Peace and Wartime Increases.pdf

  • '17

    updated turn phases and situations, expansions on the quick reference card.

    that’s it so far…

    All the attachments I have for this thread are posted together here in this string of posts.

    Situation and terrain sheet.pdf
    TURN PHASES full page.pdf

  • These are really great! Thanks so much.

  • Rank,

    Nice charts! You sure does play with a lot of extra units (esp. ships).
    Do you use chips to tell them a part on the board?

  • '17

    Yeah either HBG or any game store that sells Kaplow games mini poker chips same stuff. These interlock with the newer A&A games chips. My store let me bring some in and test it. I buy them in town for $3 Canadian 50 pack of chips. We just use the colour as a marker and stack the counter chips under them. Needed more counters than OOB global 40, so we bought 200 white as 1’s, 100 green as 3’s, 50 red as 5’s and 50 Pink for 10’s. The green and red don’t match the OOB shade so we replaced them.
    There is a wide variety of Colours available but this is what we used. When we decide its worth buying a sculpt we can eliminate the Chips sometimes. First we just started with light and heavy for tanks but it has snowballed

    Blue = marine, Marine armor, Seaplane
    Brown = Mountain
    Purple = Airborne
    Orange = Damage (Was militia till we bought and painted sculpts for everyone from a single game of risk at a garage sale. Risk mini infantry and Cavalry pieces for all nations, at less than $5 Canadian.)
    Grey(OOB) = (light or old tech). use it for TBD, Med. bombers, light tanks.
    Yellow = (heavy/Advanced) Elite infantry, heavy destroyers, cruisers, tanks, advanced mech , sub etc.
    Black = Country specific units like black shirts, Panzer grenadiers, Yamamoto.

    Super Yamamoto are yellow for advanced and black as designator combined
    US marines are blue and Yellow.

    We don’t use everything in there all the time. But we added them in the list from HBG sets. To see what interest the group had in any units. So far no German player has tried War plan Z but if there is enough interest we will shop on Shape ways, same for other items.

  • '17

    Munck thanks!

    We like to use the Battle Cruisers the most. Gives the smaller nations a chance to build a few hitters in its navy fairly cheap, an ANZAC favorite. Light cruisers are second in usage. Usually We never use TBD or Coastal subs and just replace with standard, too cluttered and only used as first casualty every game anyway.

    We also took an Idea I first saw on Der Kunsler U tube channel and used paint to mark all planes and ships.
    That way every sculpt is marked the same. The new guys I just put a colour coded sticker on their sheets that matches the pieces so they can figure it out. By the end of their first game they don’t need it anymore.
    Red destroyer/fighter, Yellow Tac bomber/cruiser, Black Strategic Bomber/Battleship and White transports.

  • '17

    One Major point regarding new players don’t try everything their first game. Players from A&A games will be struggling with the minor game mechanics changes, to Aircraft restrictions, strategic bomber changes etc.
    Adding in mountain and river rules on top of that, all at once is too much.

    We have found its easiest to incorporate only Basic game Mechanics and rail lines for strategic moves and supply paths.

    We have a chat together before each game and decide what terrains we want this time, or expansions. Or is there consensus to start rolling for Technology early etc. The reason we love this game is its just waiting to be house ruled.

  • Nice charts Rank. Going to use that idea of individual binders for each nation. Would make it easier to consolidate rules for new players.

  • '17

    Anything you spot that needs an edit let me know. I’ll correct it and repost the file.
    If you have suggestions for extra stuff let me know.

  • '18 '17

    This is awesome stuff. Thanks to all!

  • '17 Customizer

    So all of these units are OOB or Expansions?  Like Italy Amphib Lt. Armor….is that a house rule or a rule from HBG?

    How will anyone ever keep that level of units straight.


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    So all of these units are OOB or Expansions?  Like Italy Amphib Lt. Armor….is that a house rule or a rule from HBG?

    I haven’t heard of Italy Amphib Lt. Armor at all. But generally speaking there are a good amount of unit profiles from expansions. Partisans, armored cars, patrol boats, self-propelled artillery, commando’s, all the unit expansion profiles. It is a lot.

    I recently suggested to HBG that they reconfigure their reference sheets to include ALL units available to a nation, including those in potential expansions being used. That way everything is in one place. You can have a notation saying “X” unit is only available if using “Y” expansion. That way you can still see what units wouldn’t be available too depending on your games. But you wouldn’t have to go digging through so many expansions/rules to figure it out.

  • '17 Customizer

    Yes, seems like everything is put together a bit haphazard/piecemeal from the documentation to the purchase of pieces.  The website could use some revamping and organizing as well.  It takes General Hand grenade posting videos on how to even build an army.  I actually have been holding off on 1936 due to all this.

  • We played OOB for a while. After we got “good” at it, i.e. good game flow, we started to add a few Expansions here and there where we felt we missed something. We only add a few new things at a time, taking it slow. The group has to adapt to the new rules/possibilities/units in the Expansions. That being said, there are many Expansions we would never use, because we feel they add nothing to the game - from a “Grand Strategic” point of view.

    We think many of the Expansions go into a unnecessary level of detail. For example: SS Divisions, Minorities at War, almost all 3D printed units. Some people might like the extra detail, but we don’t. The extra level of detail restrict us from getting a fast-paced game going.

    The ability to choose which Expansion you want to play with - if any - is an awesome concept.

  • '17 Customizer

    Which expansions do you play with and which did you decide to forgo?


  • @sjelso:

    Which expansions do you play with and which did you decide to forgo?

    Expansion - Reasoning

    DAK - Gives the German player a real chance of going into Africa.
    Seaplanes - More options for hunting subs for the Allies.
    Manchuoko - More “dynamic” game in China (we look forward to the Chinese at War Expansion very much).
    Sealion - The German player has little incentive to go after UK as it is.
    Winter War - To counter Russia crushing Scandinavia.
    Turkey - More options regarding the Middle East for all alliances.

    We only play the 1939 setup. If we played 1936, we would use Spanish Civil War as well.

    Forgo - All others.
    We considered Croatia at War, but after scrutinising the rules, we realised it didn’t do anything for the game. It doesn’t matter if there is a partisan or two.

  • '17


    So all of these units are OOB or Expansions?  Like Italy Amphib Lt. Armor….is that a house rule or a rule from HBG?

    Amphibious light tank values are from american marine set, the only nation hbg made it for. But seriously any nation could or did make these.
    These were all added to allow for the selection of units already available. But you decide what extra stuff you add in and for what nations. These charts simply consolidated the many scattered sets and rules. This allows all players to see their value regarding combat values etc. Italy may fight these units and want their stats, or could be house ruled in if you wish as Italian unit.

    How will anyone ever keep that level of units straight.

    Coloured chips or unit markers, sculpts or dont use them at all.


    Not all of these units are available from HBG for all nations. Took the downloadable rules from HBG site. From the expansion sets etc.

    HBG is notoriously slow adding new pieces to all other nations so… We just threw them all together on 1 chart. Including the medium factory flack tower etc. The ones in purple were nation specific. If we liked any unit we tested it and bought it either from hbg or other stores. This is a game we tossed it all together but don’t use everything…

    Many rules in this game are optional extra rules. Including any units, mountains, riverrs etc. Essentially its a more balanced varient of global 40 with multiple available options built in if desired.
    Expansions units disrupt the balance unless available to everyone, or using different ones for each nation at the same time.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    We considered Croatia at War, but after scrutinising the rules, we realised it didn’t do anything for the game. It doesn’t matter if there is a partisan or two.

    Interesting. I generally understand your point. In the wide scheme of the game, no real effect.

    That said, you don’t think potential railroad supply path disruption in the Balkans/Greece area could be an issue for the Axis? That would probably take many games to really see the difference a lot, but I could see it.

    Also, the fact that the Axis would need to garrison some troops in those territories, even if only a few, are that many less to terrorize the Eastern Front :)

    Curious, given the fact that you use Turkey at War, you don’t also think using Croatia at War in tandem might be an even bigger thorn? If the Allies or Comintern “win” Turkey, that mixed with partisans in Yugoslavia would prove a decent destabilizing issue in that area of the map. Curious on your thoughts.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    We think many of the Expansions go into a unnecessary level of detail. For example: SS Divisions, Minorities at War, almost all 3D printed units. Some people might like the extra detail, but we don’t. The extra level of detail restrict us from getting a fast-paced game going.

    The ability to choose which Expansion you want to play with - if any - is an awesome concept.

    I’m with you on both of the above.

    Some of the expansions, while interesting ideas, went into a bit TOO much detail. SS Divisions, Minorities at War, Elite Fighter Squadrons, while all really interesting ideas, I think are a bit too much here. I think the scale of the game makes adding divisions like these a bit too much. And while I love all the sculpts and what not, having that much extra detail for multiple different units, that all have their own unique abilities, I fear may bog it down too much.

    Similar reason to why the Bring in the Heavies expansions don’t interest me too much. There’s already a ton of pieces, adding more large ordnance isn’t something I think it necessarily needs. Same with the Ordnance expansions, though I may tries those at some point.

    But you’re right! I LOVE having the options to add things to each game. First, I think it’s a great money making idea on their end. But yea, you can add or take away as you want. Some don’t do it for me (I don’t see myself EVER using Atlantis Rises Again or New Berlin), but others I can’t imagine not using. Turkey at War, DAK, Winter War, Spanish Civil War, Netherlands Fight Back, Croatia, Manchukuo are all automatics for me. Secret subs, Sealion, Gruppe Monsun, Fighting Railways are all serious consideration each time. A bit on the fence for Alaskan Warriors, Oil Wars, but could be convinced :). The rest I haven’t looked at a bunch.

  • @Chris_Henry:

    That said, you don’t think potential railroad supply path disruption in the Balkans/Greece area could be an issue for the Axis? That would probably take many games to really see the difference a lot, but I could see it.

    Also, the fact that the Axis would need to garrison some troops in those territories, even if only a few, are that many less to terrorize the Eastern Front :)

    Curious, given the fact that you use Turkey at War, you don’t also think using Croatia at War in tandem might be an even bigger thorn? If the Allies or Comintern “win” Turkey, that mixed with partisans in Yugoslavia would prove a decent destabilizing issue in that area of the map. Curious on your thoughts.

    You’re right about the first thing. It could be an issue, albeit a rare occurrence.

    Germany gets a bunch of SS units for free to deal with partisans. They can’t be used for much else anyway.

    We haven’t played with TAW yet - our first game with that Expansion is next week. I see your point, though. Esp. if you look at it from the Axis side. If partisans were to hinder rail movement, the Axis player could not use Turkey to rail units to the Middle East.

    For us, it all comes down to this though:

    We want to play as “effective” as possible. Also why I made the PDF’s I posted in the beginning of this thread. By being more effective, we get more rounds in a game-day. Doing minuscule things like partisan rolls that doesn’t effect the grand scheme of things takes time. Like the rest of the detail-oriented Expansions. Time we would rather spend going one more round :-)

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