@panther Thank you!
Triple A Map Missing Error
I am currently unable to load the map for any of my triple a games.
A copy of the console box that opens and the error message are attached. If I click Yes to download the map it shows as already downloaded (i.e. the Install box shows 100%).
This problem started immediately following my download of the latest triple a version to overcome error 301, using a link very kindly provided by P@nther, which was:
Perhaps I am the only one having this problem?
In any case can anyone suggest a fix?
Thanks in anticipation.
PP -
Let us try to solve this:
Please start TripleA version (the latest stable).
Then klick “Engine Preferences” and find “Folders”.
Please post what is written in “Maps Folder”.
This is how it looks here - it will look differently for you because I manually changed those paths:
Have you uninstalled your old version (3277) before updating? -
Hi P@nther
As always your helpfulness as techie, rules deputy and now moderator is amazing. :-)
The problem was that I had not uninstalled the old version. :roll: Have just done that and - for the moment at least - everything seems fine now.
PP -
You are very welcome.
Enjoy gaming :-)