Yeah, I definitely can see the use of the transports now… just played thru a few games by myself and those things can be a real pain for both USA and England. I’m thinking, if I see that move on G1 by any other player, Im going to go out of my way to sack their fleet ASAP, regardless of the costs. Long term delays due to being overly worried are just way too costly. Which is still a good thing for Germany… spend 16 IPC, maneuver your fleet properly, and you buy a round or two AND you force USA to sack their first fleet/airforce against it. Fine by me…
Same thing with having a few transports floating around west USA as Japan… Keeps USA on their toes, and with any luck they will react and you can just pull back to safety and once again, the allies have burned cash and time responding to a threat rather than a real force on the frontlines. Or if you are really lucky, the other guy will be overly focused on the fronts and totally forget that Alaska can be sacked that turn and that he wont be able to defend LA cuz all of his troops were placed in Eastern Canada… Not likely against my group, but still, one can hope…
But I’m just talking about one or two transports here, nothing like the gambits describe with dumping a whole turn into boatbuilding… that is just instant death at my table.
Still, we keep running into the problem that we all understand force projection, kill zones, and logistics all too well. It just keeps up ending as a war of attrition… And in this case, as long as the allies dont get bad luck (or the guy gets too tired), they generally win. I will say tho, having tried a few times now with a tank and an inf in libya, it does go somewhat better for Germany as far as flexibility. Way too many units were tied down in Egypt and surrounding sea zones otherwise… I think Ill just recommend to my group that germany always gets those pieces, and we can continue just flipping for who gets to play Axis. (japan is too much fun, everybody wants to be them, heh).