Lucifer, it’s not nice to ask a lady her age. But I’m 30 if you must know.
Anyway, anyone who does not play with tech in the game is playing a juvenile version of Axis and Allies. Juveniles have a hard time following too many variants of the rules so they have to be dumbed down to be understood.
Anyway, AA Guns would get 1 shot at 1 against air power each round. That means if you attack with 5 fighters and take the territory in one round, only one of your planes gets shot at. This seems to be a bit more powered for the attacker and less for the defender if you ask me. However, likewise, if you attack Russia and it takes 10 rounds, then you run the risk of losing 10 aircraft over the course of the battle.
Likewise, determining the value of SBR runs is in question. It’s no longer a static average of 3 IPC lost per round and an average of 3.5 IPC in damage done. Now it’s a potential to do 10 IPC in damage to Germany without loss by a single bomber, or the potential of that AA Gun hitting in Round 1 of the bombing run, Round 2 of the bombing run, round 3 of the bombing run, etc. So you do more damage, but you run more risk as well. (Not to mention you could have 3 guns protecting Germany and each one would get a shot!)
I, for one, like the idea of deterrence to SBR runs myself. Many American and British pilots lost their lives bombing Germany because Germany was canvassed with AA Guns!
The 50% or more of America’s assets going against Japan is to give Germany some aid as well as make the game a little more fun in the long run. 21 IPC in equipment going to Europe every round from America is still a significant source of funds. This is not going to kill any KGF or SGF strategies, but it will force you to develop your long term, mature and sophisticated gaming strategies and rely less on the infantry push mechanic. (Since you’ll be stacking infantry slower, which means the Germans could amass more armor/fighters to over whelm you faster.)
As mentioned before, the whole idea of the artillery change is because I do not remember too many Large Howitzers plowing into close combat with the enemy. Tanks mingled, infantry mingled, fighters mingled, bombers mingled. Artillery sat safe behind the lines when their infantry were attacking. However, because they have the effect of +3 attacking punch if coupled with an infantry unit in Revised, I thought it too powerful to let them hang back. Thus, I reduced them to only hitting on a 1 and having no effect on attacking infantry. A significant nerf for the added benefit of letting them hang back. (Not to mention since they do not physically enter the territory they also cannot takes possession of the territory. Just like a Battleship cannot.) And since they only attack once on attack (every combat round on defense) this is hardly “radical.”
I dunno Lucy, maybe you need to go back and re-read the definition of “radical.” Those changes are relatively moderate and benign but rather force the game out of the stagnant rut it has found itself in and force people to make some tactical and strategic decisions. People have begun to default to standard things they have seen others do and we’re heading right back into the infantry push mechanic more and more each day. Artillery has become almost a rare event in a battle. Too expensive to lose for Russia/England/Germany, too weak to be of much use in small battles (90% or more of the game.) Armor is still a good flavor, but 3 armor < 5 infantry on defense, so infantry still win out.
Not to mention, under the proposed changes, artillery will now become a viable anchor for infantry freeing up tanks and planes for other events.