Albania as Strict Neutral
Albania should not be Italian leaning, so I am playing a game today with it as Strict Neutral.
Has anyone else considered this? -
Yes, always said this.
The Italians occupied Vlore in December 1914, in effect a major neutral invading a minor neutral.
I was CP vs Witt’s Entente today with Albania as strict neutral.
Based on this one game I would say that the CP position in the Balkans was rendered significantly more secure. Which freed up AH & T units to go elsewhere.
Thanks for your reply, Flashman.
I know how you felt about this, but is always good to hear from you.
As PP said, it makes it easier for the CPs, but I am happy with this outcome, which seems
More historical. -
Yes we are playing with this rule:
Albania starts game as a neutral. At start of turn 3, it becomes minor-aligned with Italy or France
(AP choice). -
Thanks Carolina.
We left it Neutral the whole game. It meant Itaky was denied the cash, which was fine by me. More importantly, it left Austria master of the Balkans amd the nearby territories.
We also played that India could only build 4 units. That was another proposition all together. The Turks consistently made 16 income , so kept them in the game. India even looked threatened on T3!
We will play the same rules next time. Was fun.