• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Prove that I ever quoted my 3rd Grade teacher.

    I think that may be the least of your worries.

    You mean unwarranted, inflamatory attacks is the least of my worries?

  • I find quite often that someone has said before more eloquantly and more famously something that i believe - often i will quote this person and either reference them, or hope that it is well enough known that i don’t have to bother quoting them.  When i hear/see a bizaare, likely untrue fact that i think lends credence to my argument, if i use it, then i will cite the source if i can find it again.  Occassionally someone “known” has similar opinions to me coincidently and i do not believe that i borrowed from them - in this case i tend not to quote.



    Prove that I ever quoted my 3rd Grade teacher.

    I think that may be the least of your worries.

    You mean unwarranted, inflamatory attacks is the least of my worries?

    it is just one of a number of warrented, possibly inflamatory, possibly an attack.  I guess unless i can pull the old post out of the pre-crash server, then i could demonstrate something that was just amazing to me and as i recall at least one other Canadian with any insight into history.  Given that the post does not exist anymore - i humbly retract my statement and issue a new one:
    Jen may or may not have quoted her grade three teacher and her bizaare take on Canadian history in the past.  if she did - it’s simply another piece of evidence on the ever growing pile.  If not i’m sure it doesn’t make any difference, but i would apologise if i believed that it never happened.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Well, i thank you for the kinda apology.

    You don’t like a quote I pull out, or a source, fine.  That’s your perrogative.  I’m just tired of people demanding sources to validate sources because they don’t like the sources provided.  Or the fact I have to provide sources when I make a statement like “My favorite color is purple.”  And it’s really come to that.  So I’m only going to provide sources when I bloody well feel like it.  Since obviously we’ll only get into pissing for distance contests if I repeat the same assinine demands for multiple sources from every bone-headed leftist comment or rightist comment I challenge on these boards.

  • Or the fact I have to provide sources when I make a statement like “My favorite color is purple.”  And it’s really come to that.

    Prove that anyone ever asked you to source an obvious statement of opinion like “my favorite color is purple”

  • Jen - i have yet to see a demand for a source for an obvious opinion.  My goodness - if that were true, then every post of yours would have “source please” replied to.  All that is asked for is a source for information that:

    1. internally lacks credibility
    2. lacks credibility based on the determined credibility of the poster
    3. is at odds with previously accepted information.

    What i see happening is someone submits a fact, with or without a source, you provide a (in my mind) bizaare and blatant contradiction, but you don’t support it with anything.

    when people ask you for a source, they are giving you the opportunity to support your claims instead of dismissing them outright (which i have become increasingly guilty of doing with your posts - in fact when i look at a new forum, if i see that you are the poster, i tend to not even bother looking at the content anymore - same thing w/ BL or M36 or Zooey - as i know all i am going to see is some more unstantiative liberal bashing).  If you wish to increase your credibility, have the grace to provide a source AND actually bother to cite it.  If you want to be marginallized, then continue to huff that you don’t have to support your claims to someone of obviously limited education or do the work to support your claims, or submit other people’s work as your own.

  • Who do you trust the testimony of more?

    The person who has an ideology in complete opposition to your own, but cites sources for any factual claims they make, and distinguishes between their commentary and the truth?


    The person whose ideology is compatible with your own, but cites nothing that they claim, and interweaves commentary and truth?

    Now switch the ideologies.

    How about this one, who do you trust more:

    The person who makes claims at odds with the general “consensus”, or generalized knowledge base, but cites sources for their argument, and backs up their claims with facts?


    The person who makes claims in keeping with the general “consensus” or generalized knowledge base, but doesn’t cite anything?

    Now switch the claimants.

    Starting to understand why people ask you to cite sources?

    If you are asked to cite a source, people aren’t saying you are wrong, they are telling you that what you just said does not fit in with their knowledge of the topic. Since no one here knows you personally (I assume) and can attest to your credibility or credentials (I’m not accusing you of posting false education credentials, but you easily could have, just as anyone else could), they have only two things to rely on to judge whether to accept your testimony: their knowledge, and your credibility. When what you say goes against their knowledge, they have to consider how credible you are. Many of us don’t consider you that credible, not in a small way due to the fact that you rarely cite your sources. When you cite your sources, you give people more information with which to consider your testimony and judge its credibility.

  • @Janus1:

    Who do you trust the testimony of more?

    The person who has an ideology in complete opposition to your own, but cites sources for any factual claims they make, and distinguishes between their commentary and the truth?


    The person whose ideology is compatible with your own, but cites nothing that they claim, and interweaves commentary and truth?

    Now switch the ideologies.

    How about this one, who do you trust more:

    The person who makes claims at odds with the general “consensus”, or generalized knowledge base, but cites sources for their argument, and backs up their claims with facts?


    The person who makes claims in keeping with the general “consensus” or generalized knowledge base, but doesn’t cite anything?

    Now switch the claimants.

    Starting to understand why people ask you to cite sources?

    If you are asked to cite a source, people aren’t saying you are wrong, they are telling you that what you just said does not fit in with their knowledge of the topic. Since no one here knows you personally (I assume) and can attest to your credibility or credentials (I’m not accusing you of posting false education credentials, but you easily could have, just as anyone else could), they have only two things to rely on to judge whether to accept your testimony: their knowledge, and your credibility. When what you say goes against their knowledge, they have to consider how credible you are. Many of us don’t consider you that credible, not in a small way due to the fact that you rarely cite your sources. When you cite your sources, you give people more information with which to consider your testimony and judge its credibility.

    Word.  :mrgreen:

  • @Jennifer:

    You don’t like a quote I pull out, or a source, fine.  That’s your perrogative.

    Actually Jen, what I don;t like is when you plagerize and do not attribute a source to the article.

    THAT is against the policies of this board, and you have been caught red handed TWICE now (it is also called “copuright infringement” in case you missed it in the forum rules).  You are OUT OF WARNINGS on plagierism Jen.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Jen - i have yet to see a demand for a source for an obvious opinion.  My goodness - if that were true, then every post of yours would have “source please” replied to.

    Have you checked recently?  Every post does have that “source” demand in the reply.  Every last one.  Even when I provide sources you can go a page or two in and see the demand.


    THAT is against the policies of this board, and you have been caught red handed TWICE now (it is also called “copuright infringement” in case you missed it in the forum rules).  You are OUT OF WARNINGS on plagierism Jen.

    Great, so show me once instance of alleged plagerism from 2007.  Yea, aint none, huh?  I forgot a couple of hyperlinks in over 10,000 posts in over multiple years, that works out to barely a fraction of the area under a bell curve.  Barely.

  • It is not a ratio Jen.  It is a raw count, and there are two CONFIRMED instances in the past several months. 
    Three strikes…

    And this one you went a bit overboard with when you called everyone else ignorant while you hid behind a plagerized essay.
    In my personal opinion you went WAY overboard and owe several folks an apology… Jermo and RJ in particular
    But that is just my opinion…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    You may have all the opinions you want.  It is MY opinion you are completely wrong.

  • 2007 AAR League



    Great, so show me once instance of alleged plagerism from 2007.  Yea, aint none, huh?  I forgot a couple of hyperlinks in over 10,000 posts in over multiple years, that works out to barely a fraction of the area under a bell curve.  Barely.

    Lets see…it’s ok because you haven’t plagiarized in 2007?  LMAO :)

    you didn’t just forget a few hyperlinks…you specifically lied and took credit for 2 professors work!!! LMAO :)

    What next?  But…but…bu…I haven’t plagiarized in 2 whole days now!!!  Blubber, blubber…


    Would you do that to an alcoholic who hasn’t drank in 2 days ?

  • @AJGundam:



    Great, so show me once instance of alleged plagerism from 2007.  Yea, aint none, huh?  I forgot a couple of hyperlinks in over 10,000 posts in over multiple years, that works out to barely a fraction of the area under a bell curve.  Barely.

    Lets see…it’s ok because you haven’t plagiarized in 2007?  LMAO :)

    you didn’t just forget a few hyperlinks…you specifically lied and took credit for 2 professors work!!! LMAO :)

    What next?  But…but…bu…I haven’t plagiarized in 2 whole days now!!!  Blubber, blubber…


    Would you do that to an alcoholic who hasn’t drank in 2 days ?

    I believe the parlance is “Tough Love.”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh yea, home of the Nigerian scams, that’s a good place.

    Hmm, what was the alleged date of his post???

    Like, this forum is copywrite protected so you cannot just highlight and paste in another forum that may, or may not have an accurate time stamp.

    Anyway, sounds like SUD cannot win an arguement, so he’ll go on a Crusade, Jihad against a member of the board along with his little Moderator friend.

  • Sounds like they caught you red-handed for plagiarism, and you’ve got nothing to say to it but dodges…

  • 2007 AAR League


    Hmm, what was the alleged date of his post???Â

    OMFG that is crazy.  I know Jen has been saying for a while now that it’s like the whole world is out to discredit her, but I had no idea the conspiracies we so involved with plagerizing her and then adjusting time stamps to make it look legit.  Be careful everyone else or the same thing could happen to you.

    Jen, you’ve outdone yourself this time.  LMFAO!!!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Jen, you’ve outdone yourself this time.  LMFAO!!!

    Really?  Look at the date stamps.  They’re almost identical.  So how could I be posting it at almost the same time as this other guy?  Hmm???  Interesting.  Especially since I am engr.dr.samuel.adeniyi.ajanaku on that site.  So I post, then post again.

    March 15th for me
    March 15th for that person

    Difference?  potentially a few hours, assuming the sites are actually set up with the correct time, which is doubtful, since one is a Nigerian and the other is in the real world that doesn’t scam people.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I have to remove your post as well as it does not add to the thread. I’m sure you will understand.

  • @Jennifer:

    Anyone else getting tired of the same people demanding ungodly amounts of proof over and over again instead of just posting their own arguements?  It’s almost like a concerted effort to discredit a person through incessent demands for proof instead of through facts and sources of their own.

    Just seems a little redundant lately.  No matter what you post, 3 people (the same three every time) will demand you cough up 30 sources they cannot impeach and then they’ll just say “you’re wrong” without posting a why they THINK you are wrong.

    After all, who cares about the truth when all you have to do is say “you’re wrong, I’m right, and if you don’t think so, find a dozen sources to support your claim” then when they do, you tell them the sources are faulty and make them find sources to support their sources as not being faulty.  This can go on forever without a counter statement from the people saying you are wrong.

    So is that how you win debates now?  You just keep demanding unreasonable demands until the person - who is correct - just tells you to blow it out your nose?  That how some people feel superior so they can sleep at night?  Does that take away the disgrace of being absolutely, and totally wrong in your ideology so you don’t cringe when you look in the mirror?

    You cannot win in an online debate. You might hope to get some insight in how the other person is thinking. But that’s it. When I posted regularly on this board I was surprised, that there are Americans who actually think they won the Vietnam war. I’ve told this story multiple times since then, and the people here in Germany were quite surprised to hear that. And it’s very interesting to see, that even after the last 4 years, there are still some people around who think, Bush is a good president. If the scandal at Walter Reed didn’t convince these people otherwise, nothing I can say will.


    Hmm, if that’s so, I feel sorry for you.  Anyway, I don’t feel the need to post multiple sources for everything anymore.  I think one source is all I’ll be posting.  Spending way too much time on this with multiple sources being checked in quadruplicate.  I actually got less then a 100% on my last math quiz.  REALLY irked me.  And it was something COMPLETELY stupid too. (I forgot the polarity on a variable. A mistake everyone has made at least once in their life to my knowledge.  And no, I won’t provide a source for that unqualified statement.)

    I really wonder what level of math you are talking about. Real math with proofs or just some higher calculus?

    Just out of curiosity, I would like which of the following question you can answer.

    • What are uncomputable numbers, and how can they be proven to exist?
    • Can you name an infinite dimensional vector space and its basis?
    • What is the universal property of the tensor product?
    • What is the difference between an adjoint operator and a symmetric operator?
  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Nah, we lost Vietnam because the Democrats, under the advisment of George McGovern I believe, ordered a surrender and an all out retreat to American soil where they proceeded to spit on our soldiers, call them baby killers, and deny them employment forcing them to become one of the largest segment of the homeless in this country.

    If we had, instead, pulled Washington DC out of the war and allowed the soldiers to fight the war, we might have won.  He may have still lost, but we would have had a much better chance if our soldiers in the field didn’t have to make contact with the enemy, call DC for permission to shoot at the enemy, wait 48 hours for a response and then move in only to find the enemy left 3 hours ago.

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