Project is complete, see bottom pic.
Video on map:
Map file is print ready for 32x70 size shown in the vid.
File is 250dpi, plenty enough to blow it up, you can zoom in to 300x and still looks flawless.
Map file is 20.00 (US)
For you 20 bucks, youll get 2 versions of the map, my version with changes, and OOB version. Files are in .tiff and .psd.
See video for more details
original post:
Units are painted, Battle Boxes on hold till I get parts, custom pieces on hold till Jan,… so its map time finally.
Overall I really like the map, but unfortunately some things bother me enough, so I might as well redo it with my own art. I have almost 20 years in digital art and have made many terrain’s for 3d games so this should be a breeze.
First things I need to change are some of the sizes, Britain and Europe in the yellow outline will be enlarged, while Africa will be reduced in size. Areas in red I just want different roundels to match my painted units, example Italy uses the Fascist roundel.
New epic water, new painted terrians, adding mountain ranges, deserts, etc.
What I don’t want–
- No border changes
- No IPC value changes
- No adding country roundels that are not a playable country, while I see many who have done this, and yes it looks epic, but I just want to see whos playing. *Main reason- every so often we take 5, and count our countries to verify income (youd be surprised how many times the dude on chart duty fked up), I just want to see roundels of playable countries.
- No charts/graphs, just a clean map. *Reason- I have a custom Portable Game table, which has crap built in (income tracker, turn tracker, turn sequence, and R&D, in addition, every country has its own set of cards which shows, combined arms, unit profiles, etc.
- Don’t want Facility icons, I like my air/naval base pieces.
So aside from those, im open for other ideas/changes. Hopefully this is done in the next couple weeks, as I got other things (customizations) to attend to :P
Ill update this post with progress pics along the way, so far all I have is the map in its proper layers to make them adjustable, I have finished Britian though (not painted yet, just resized) which ill post a pic as soon as all the resizing is done.