Acrylic & Spray Paints that Match '40 Unit Colors

  • Hi all - a quick question for a customizing rookie.  I just bought some white units from HBG and am looking to paint them to match the country units from '40.    Not trying to get ahead of myself with detailing, just want to apply a base that matches existing units

    Can anyone list the acrylic paints (brand, color & finish) they may have used to accomplish something similar?  Or, if they used spray paint, the brand/color/finish they used?  Apologies if this has already been covered.  If so, a link to that thread would be very much appreciated!

  • Oh man I would love any input here.

    HBG is out of stock on many units and I always buy close color alternates from them which don’t match exactly.

  • '16 Customizer

    I wish I could provide you with specific colors that would match OOB units, but I don’t have experience with simply base coating. However, you could take a quick trip to your local craft store (Michaels, Jo-Ann’s, Hobby Lobby, etc. for the US) and check out their craft acrylics section where they sell acrylics for $0.75-$1.49 a bottle. You could eyeball it and approximate which colors you’d need.

    For example, the Russian OOB units are maroon. At the store they’re probably going to have 2-5 shades of maroon, so you could get a few you think are pretty close. If none of them are spot on, mix until it matches. The paints are inexpensive enough that I don’t imagine you’d end spending more than $10 to base coat all your HBG units. (If you end up doing this, I’d avoid the cheapest of the cheap acrylics - you’re already on the low end, but there’s a significant difference between the $0.75 and $1.49 paints. I’d also recommend that you buy gray Krylon spray paint primer from Home Depot or Lowe’s, since that will make the paint stick better and save you time on your base coats.)

    That’s my $0.02 - wish I could be more specific in helping!

  • In case this is useful: if you go to this thread…

    …and go to the “Player Nations and Unit Colours WWI & WWII” chart at the bottom of the page (click on the chart to expand it), you’ll see that I included under each power a rectangle showing its unit colour.  The way they show up on the screen may vary slightly depending on your screen settings, but they should be reasonably accurate.  If you display a copy of the chart on your smartphone (or whatever) when you’re at the hobby shop, you can use the rectangles as a rough guide for choosing your paints.

  • '18 '17 '16

    You could also take your units down to the craft store and try to match them up with the can of spray paint. They put the colour on the lid, just hold up the unit to it and see if it matches. You should also get a can of clear enamel to coat them with after the paint dries so the paint doesn’t chip off. Don’t overdo it on the enamel you only need a thin coat.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    I wouldn’t waste time trying to “match”. I don’t know about your games, but mine varied from Pacific to Europe, America were 2 shades of green.

    Anyway, just pick a shade of tan, and shoot them all. Home Depot sells a camo spray can called kaki, it’s light tan, bonds to plastic, 4 buck, not shiny :)

  • '16 Customizer


    I wouldn’t waste time trying to “match”. I don’t know about your games, but mine varied from Pacific to Europe, America were 2 shades of green.

    Anyway, just pick a shade of tan, and shoot them all. Home Depot sells a camo spray can called kaki, it’s light tan, bonds to plastic, 4 buck, not shiny :)

    Hmm, good idea. I hadn’t thought about painting over your OOB pieces, but that’s probably the most time-efficient way to go about it. +1!

  • Thanks everyone!! Appreciate all the help/tips!!! Will report back on how they turn out!

  • Krylon Fusion spray paints are your best bet. They come in a number of colors that closely match (if not exactly match) all of the OOB units.

  • '17 '16

    I’ve always had a problem with HBG’s “orange” Japanese units not being of the same tone of orange from OOB A&A… most other colors of custom HBG units seem to match pretty good, but that orange always seemed off to me… so much so I’ve never kept a custom HBG Japanese unit in my nation bins… sad, cuz I really like some of them.

    (and yes, I’m one of those anal-retentive guys where if the color is just off a tad, it “ruins” it for me… I know I’m odd that way).

    Dang, I just realized this forum won’t let you use the first three letters of Japanese units without blanking it out as a profanity.

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