whatever that means?
You are a moderately strong N/T, but a neutral E/J.
Extrovert vs Introvert - Do you draw strength from other people, or inwardly? Extroverts like to be around lots and lots of people, and like their recognition. Introverts don’t neccessarily hate being around people, but see people as a means to an end rather than an end in themselves.
N vs S - An iNtuitive person doesn’t focus on what is immediately in front of them. They usually end up thinking ahead of all the various possibilities of an action. We Ns daydream, calculate, and worry. Sensers focus on the facts at hand before moving on to another case.
T vs F - A Thinking person uses his or her rationality to determine what is the best course of action. A Feeling person acts via gut instinct and emotion. Ts are very often considered “heartless”
J vs P - A Judging person plans everything out before hand. When they go to the mall, they have a list of things to do in their head to complete. A Percieving person likes to improvise, and let the course of events dictate their next action. They walk around a mall, take in the sights, and maybe get around to buying something if it catches their eye.