If I attack Wrus only, I’ll leave an inf in Kar.
If I attack Wrus and Ukr, I’ll leave Kar empty.
The second part is the force that Russia will have to dedicate to killing that ARM… at least 2 INF, 1 FIG for a reasonable success of both killing the ARM and re-taking the territory. More than half the time Russia loses an INF, in which case straight math is EVEN ( +2 IPC territory pay to Germany, 3 IPC of units lost by Russia, 5 IPC of units lost by Russia is net even).
I disagree with part of this. Â You can counter with 1 inf, and as many armor as you want since they’ll be safe from counter, since you should also be able to reclaim Kar. Â And those tanks can still threaten Ukr.
That leaves your ftrs to counter Kar and Ukr on R2.
So yeah, 50% you lose 1 inf in recaliming Acrh, but you would have lost the inf in Kar on G1 anyway. Â Here you take a G tank with you. Â They get 2 IPC, you get a tank. Â I like that as Russia.
The third, and arguably most important, is the “force depletion” for OTHER attacks that Russia would make on R1. If Russia has to devote 2 INF, 1 FIG to Archangel, that is 2 INF, 1 FIG that is NOT being used elswhere. And that FIG in particular is a significant loss of punch, and it is 2 INF that will not be reinforcing for an R3 strike to trade Ukraine again, meaning heavier losses by Russia in an R3 attack on Ukraine.
You don’t need 2 inf and a ftr to reclaim Arch. Â 1 inf and 2-3 Arm will do. Â I rarely see Russia use Arm on Ukr or Kar on R2 anyway, you might as well use them to attack something while keeping them safe and still in range of Kar, Belo, Ukr on R3.
While it may cost you the one inf, that inf would have died in Kar anyway on R1 and again you took away a German “3”.
Fourth there is force DIVERSION; getting forces to move AWAY from where you want to attack. Sending an ARM to Archangel draws off 2 INF that will not be able to get back to Ukraine/Caucuses for 2 turns. This is especially important if Germany is otherwise staging for a southern push on Caucuses. In THAT case, Russia loses use of a FIG on R2, AND they have 2 INF that are out of position to be able to counter/defend against a major German push on Caucuses since they are now 2 turns away in Archangel.
You block in Karelia. You lose the INF, you take 1 INF with you 1/3 of the time, and you preserve both $2 in Archangel that you don;t have to fight to re-take, but you also keep yourself flexible and CENTERED on the German front to be able to bring maximum Russian force to bear along ANY avenue of Russian attack in Europe.
You also force Germany to eitehr weaken their stack in Eastern, or reduce their forces in Norway to take Karelia; meaning either Germany’s next attack on Russia will be weaker, or UK can get Norway. In short, the INF in Karelia REVERSES the potential Type 3 and Type 4 gains for Germany above and turns them into ALLIED gains.
Not 2 inf to counter Arch, just 1.
IMO, the 2 ipc gain for Ger is minimal at best if it cost them a tank. Â I mean that can be made up on 1 SBR by either the UK or US.