• you can possibly turn the tide for the uk, of course it would be the last hit taken. Also it disallows you from using it during your combat phase, ive done it and it creates a big problem for germany… any thoghts on this

  • interesting, never thought of doing that …

    As germany, to answer to this I would still try to destroy both UK ships in the med, but I would land in Syria/Jordan instead, and concentrate on attacking Russia.
    That way russian will regret moving away their planes, and UK doesn’t get any stronger in egypt.

    don’t know what the rest of the game would look like, though …

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    That is interesting, however what would the rest of Russia’s actions look like?

    If you still attacked the baltic and they got a lucky hit with that transport, would you be able to defend Karelia?

    Would you have to neglect any other traditional attacks with the absense of that fighter?

    Though, you could use the fighter the next round to attack the german fleet if they split up.

    Just some thoughts.

  • Moderator

    I would never do this… Egypt can be easily won back by an American Force on Algeria going gusto… Russia needs its fighters for defending either a W. Russian stack or Ssainking if you need one more… egypt will fall germany will just have to invest more… and Russia will be down a fighter…


  • i usually send my 2 fighters to egypt

    because one of them attacks ukraine and one of them goes in the noncombat move , and this increases the chance UK will last in africa

    the german will be soon defeated down there so you can move your fighters somewhere

    , i personally like putting my russian fighters to allies carriers to some territories , later on they can help in asia too

  • '19 Moderator

    I have non combated a Russian Ftr to Egypt before, it makes egypt able to hold on the first round. The Idea is to throw a wrench into the german Plan. I fly it back out on R2. I have seen Germany capture Egypt and Syria on the first round giving them the suez Canal. The russian fighter seems to be just enough to stop this.

    It depends on my mood that day and what I think of my opponent.

  • dezrtfish and Jennifer you do know i am referring to a&a REVISED not Classic? Also germany being set back one turn in africa imho is a BIG deal :-?

  • The only thing I don’t like about this is that I use the ftrs with infantry to attack weakly-held (strafe strong) German positions in the Ukraine, Balkans, etc on R2. If the fighters aren’t there, that’s a problem cause I don’t want to expose my tanks…

  • I don’t like the Idea unless it will help out the Asia Wall Strat(see thread about New British Navy)….Russia needs the fighters in the homeland…NOT India, NOT Africa…THE HOMELAND…

  • '19 Moderator


    dezrtfish and Jennifer you do know i am referring to a&a REVISED not Classic? Also germany being set back one turn in africa imho is a BIG deal :-?

    What made you think otherwise?

    The only thing I don’t like about this is that I use the ftrs with infantry to attack weakly-held (strafe strong) German positions in the Ukraine, Balkans, etc on R2. If the fighters aren’t there, that’s a problem cause I don’t want to expose my tanks…

    You can hit Ukraine from Egypt and land in Caucasus. Like I said I pull it out on R2 because by then the German initiative is lost in Africa. The Americans and British both can land in Africa on round 1 and holding Egypt on round 1 bottles up what is left of the Africa Corp.

  • i agree to desert fish

    africa is very important

    these 2 fighters will weakened russia

    but russia will hold while usa and uk can invade germany because the african line is cut for germans

  • but i only plan on sending one fighter
    plus the other one fighter is all that i need to accomplish my R1 moves,
    This Is my regular R1 tell me what you think:

    Buy 4inf, 3art

    Attack Bellorussia; 1ftr, 3inf(from Karellia SSR) +1ftr if i dont send to Egypt
    Attack W.Russia; 6inf, 2art, 4arm (all from Moscow “Coos-coos”, Archangel with 1 if left on archangel and 2 on the “Coos”)

    1 inf from Arch. to Karellia
    2 inf from Kaz to coos
    2 inf from Nov to Mos
    2 inf from Eva to Mos
    2 inf from Yak to Nov
    1 inf from SFE to Yak
    1 sub to join the uk fleet
    1 AA gun from Mos to Wrussia(dont worry bmbr cant get to mos)
    2 ftrs to the coos
    4 inf on “The Coos”
    3 art on Mos

    taking bellorussia shields your tanks from a counter as the only german territory adjacent is ukrane which means they can muster a max of 3 inf and 3 tanks, the aagun should deter ftrs so an attck on west russia would be foolish as you will have 4 tanks 2 art and between 3-6 inf, coos-coos is safe with 2ftrs 8 inf(they may go for it but at huge costs!, and you can easily take it back, may lose ftrs but they lose more), also they will undoubtetly take karelia but dont worry, let them…… it’s a trap.

    Any questions/comments? feel free to ask 8)

    -me and my friends refer to Caucus as Coos-Coos(pronounced like “moose”)

  • You can hit Ukraine from Egypt and land in Caucasus. Like I said I pull it out on R2 because by then the German initiative is lost in Africa. The Americans and British both can land in Africa on round 1 and holding Egypt on round 1 bottles up what is left of the Africa Corp.

    Thanks DF, I hadn’t noticed that, maybe because I play 2nd ed normally and didn’t look at a Revised board before posting that reply :)

    I might think about that move myself, though I’d hate to expose a Russian fighter to German units if they still can hit Egypt hard. What are the chances Germany could still hit and carry an EGY G1 assault in your opinion?

  • they can hit Egypt(assuming no Africa bids and the Ukraine fighter wasn’t taken out)with the following:


    IMO they can easily take it…just have to use a few more resources, but it would be worth it to take out the Russian fighter…

  • That’s what I would worry about, R fighters are very valuable because Russia can’t afford to replace them. They need them to be able to trade territories with Germany, using inf, so a G counter wouldn’t destroy any built up rtl or arm.

    The same is true of G ftrs to some extent. In fact, I’ve conducted a suicide attack before knowing that I could not win, but also knowing I could severly damage an air fleet (most recently against TM).

  • yes G but if Russia attacks ukraine also ion its first turn and afcorse west russia

    than its one fighter less and in that situation who knows

    so personally maybe its little ridiculous but when i play the russian i play on ofense and ofense only

    if i fail i can make a moscow in one large bunker

    but if the russia gets support form all other allies germany will be surounded on all sides

    you just need to cut germany s lines to otther territories and do one thing which is eminent destroy all german sea units on the board

  • what are you trying to say Amon?

  • i am trying to say that if you are gonna play with allies just to attack germany and not ignore japan entirely but just keeping him from invading russia

    you need to mobilize all you have
    so if you start destroying german sea units on one side,attacking him with russia on the other ,and loading up troops in western europe with anglo-americans than germany will be under severe pressure,so it is gonna be really diffiicult for her to hold on

  • @ydavid:

    I’ve conducted a suicide attack before knowing that I could not win, but also knowing I could severly damage an air fleet (most recently against TM).

    that’s what I did in my current game against my friend(amateur)….he was stupid enough to have 3-4 fighters and only 1-2infantry(forgot exactly how many) on Norway after G1…so as UK I landed 2inf, 2tnk, plus 1BB shot, plus
    a bomber…it came down to my bomber vs. his fighter…i decided to go for it, thinking that his fighter is more valuable than my bomber…and i succeeded in killing the fighter, but my bomber was killed as well…all in all i destroyed the majority of his fighters at the end of round 2…as of now, it is
    Rus3 and he has one fighter and one bomber and NO navy…

  • '19 Moderator

    After playing a couple games this weekend, I find that I can’t spare the ftr on the first round. I may do some more testing this week, but I think I will probably use this idea rarely.

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