Yea one time when we where playing AA50 Germany took out the UK on the then Italy took out the US same turn. Then when UK’s turn came back around they took out Italy with their remaining Med reinforcements. You guys never know what can happen after one of these “Bell-Fey” manoeuvrings

Posts made by fanofbond
RE: The "Bell-Fey" Manoeuvr
RE: How to invade nenetsia from germany??
Then this doesn’t seem like a very good option then. OR option two build a gazillion airbases and base 3 planes at each so can scrample 15 or so.
RE: Played alpha+1 twice and it is still a giant turtlefest
If all of your games turned out to be a “turtlefest” then find new players who will actually play to win.
RE: Global 1940 on Microsoft Surface
Yea for 8 grand this is everyplayers dream gaming surface. Would be neat though but a staight up board is nicer to play this game on. If we wanted to do ur idea though maybe a camera looking down at the board with soft ware that can recognize all the pieces and on a tv display all the current game options, battle senerios, and move capabilities.
RE: The Secret Retreat at Gibraltar.
While that would be nice. This seems to be a very illegal move.
RE: Newest Setup by Larry
I’m playing this newest set now and have rules question. I don’t think this can happen but can’t find where it says this isn’t allowed. Uk units landing in Russia while Russia is neutral.
RE: Newest Setup by Larry
I’m very exited by the Malta additions
RE: Larry's alpha plus setup
Mulitnational attacks would be nice, but I think It would need to be limited to just the US and ANZAC in that pacific.
RE: ALPHA + revised
I like your suggestions for the victory conditions, but I think leaving it theater specific is where the flaw is, in my opinion. If either the EuroAxis or Japan succeeds with thier goals then they should be able to freely attack the other side of the map. (Japan in Russia or Africa, and the Euroaxis heading towards India). So if the victory conditions read that the AXIS need 8 VC’s in Euroboard and 1 on Pacific board and the axis need 6 VC on Pacific board and 1 on Euro board. Those conditions wouldn’t be impossible for either, especialy for the Euroaxis to accomplish if they take india out right after russia, especcialy if once they take africa. While Japan would need to work much harder, but once they have thier 6 then Cairo, Stalingrad, or even Moscow would be thier next targets. Cairo offering the easiest target for them, in my opinion. Just my suggestion.
RE: Do new rules change Japan IC deployment?
I think though he is asking about in mainland china though where japan starts with chinese printed tt’s.
RE: Latest ALPHA+ setup
I would say that that the axis victory conditions should be so that Japan needs six VC on and then 1 on the Europe board. Then the Euroaxis need the 8 on euro board then 1 on pacific board
RE: Alpha Observations
I think that japan should be able to build a major in china because it is a starting territory but they marked them Chinese so we know where the ACME walls are
RE: Possible Changes from Larry
did Larry’s iq just sunk to rock bottom?
germany already has it so tough!
in last game, UK (no sealion) and USSR with soem french help and few americans were enough to halt germany, sending over 60 IPC of US aid to japan
and japan is key in this game: they are in reach of moneyitaly is banging on egypt wall, especially with IC
germany is banging on russian wallDid you read Larry’s actual post? A lot of the proposals he is currently thinking through will put A LOT more money into the pacific. And give Germany a little better of position at the start. If the victory conditions change to where Japan can win it all for the axis and the US chooses to minimally go after Japan then Japan should be able to over come their opponents and get thoses 6 cities farily quickly. Then have a harder go for the 7th.
RE: Possible Changes from Larry
I wonder about the major ic thing because japan starts with Chinese labeled territories and of japan can’t build a major ic the. It will severly limit their capability to wage war. If their isn’t an exception for japan because their starting in that territory would make it on of their starting territories. I’m courious to see how that will be done
RE: Global Gaming Table Threads and Pictures
Wow. It is like you where reading my mind. I was just thinking about other tables earlier today. I can’t wait until I get my table to a state where I can post pictured and it actually looks like a table. Right now it is a pile of wood cut to various sizes.
RE: Kill Australia First?
I don’t see this move as Bering worth while because the US can counter attack to easily. That as stated above japan is giving up to much else where and couldn’t counter the us war machine.
RE: Can anyone give me their personal opinion on AA50 vs global?
There is no real clear cut answer to which is better because both have great gameplay yet time is the true determining factor. If u had to chose which to play by time constants, you won’t feel like u played a lesser game by choosing one over the other. Where as aa42 would, in my opinion leave me felling I had just chosen to play a lesser game
RE: 20+ hours of gameplay: is this game too long?
If I know anything from my experience in playing new versions of this is that the turns will reach their faster speed by game with seven with a seventy five percent improvement