My group of friends and I have decided to change the teams so that It will be the US and Japan against the rest of the world. Any thoughts about this? We have modified the 41 setup to that all the UK is not 1 or 2 spaces off the US’s coast. We are not changing the turn sequence. This game seems as though it will be very interesting because there are 3 countries ready to attack the US while Japan can hit thier behind. It seems as though the US will be forced to only naval builds. The Japanese player has determined to let the US take half of the South Pacific for the IPCs. What to you guys think of this as a game?

Posts made by fanofbond
The most interesting game ever?
RE: Am I the only one pissed that this has turned into a KGF?
by the time japan has an effective enough force to really threaten the US (maybe 4 turns while they expand in the south pacific) the combined forces of both the US and Britian have nearly killed germany. At this point the US can now ignore europe and fight the Japanese back while Britian and the USSR finish off Germany/Italy in a couple turns or two. Then even if the US is weaken to such an extent that it can bearly defend the EUS, the UK can help defend while the USSR and small/medium sized UK task force economically cripples Japan.
RE: What is the difference between AA50 and AA Revised?
that really depends on the person if their interested in chess and war history then they will probably like it
AA50 is just a superior game over revised
RE: Am I the only one pissed that this has turned into a KGF?
The main reason it is KGF is because G is harder to ignore. If the allies were to go KJF then Germany would become much to hard to kill. A godzilla japan is easier to kill with a compined allied effort. Sure once Germany falls then the allies go after Japan it is not going to go well for the allies for a few rounds untill they liberate/take high value terrirtories and reduce the japanese inductrial might. While germany is harder to ignore because the allies would lose Russia and a german monster would have pretty much killed UK off. You would basically end up with with a fight between USA, Germany, and Italy. From there on it would only be a matter of time before the US then falls because it would be nearly impossible to liberate either the UK or Russia with a huge German tank/ air force on land and a large navy. The best option is to go KGF.
The most unexpected outcome/comeback you have everhad
i haven’t really had anything yet
The money
How many people here actually use the paper money? I know I do. (for lack of a better system) What do you use? Does anyone us the electronic banking system from the monopoly games? I have never used the electronic one before so if you have could you just tell me if it you believe it would work well.
RE: Building Italian fleet - is there a point?
yea Italy is a very important part of the axis, but an umimportant threat to the the players of the allies. In my current game Im playing Italy took control of the eastern us for part of the round(till US tank blitz took it back) because Uk fleet decided to blockade a small Germany fleet.(1 BB) After the taking of eastern Us the Italian fleet was at the mercy of the Uk fleet (4 Battleships). Now in our games though I don’t believe Italy’s fleet will live long anymore. Yes though they can be a huge part of the game.
Basic Game Chit- chat
Does anyone out there have more than copy of AA50? If you do could you just say why you purchased it? I’m planning on order another copy of it with the combat dice in the next couple of days. My main idea is to give me another copy of the game to play(the one I have now is at school where me and someother guys play during study hall), and, since it is a limited edition version of the game, it will let me have some replacement pieces or board. I think this game is great. By the way does anyone know of realplaces you could go and play AA (like a league or tournament) or is it pretty much just the few places that are mentioned on the other parts of the forum.
(by the way if anyone does know pittsburgh)
RE: I have a question about income and capitols.
well in our game i think we will just do the transfer to another victory city thing. We have postponned the game untill this misunderstanding in the rules is cleared up. The transfer to another victory city, to me, sounds the best and most realistic. For me though I like the idea that the money stays with italy the territory(italy had 70 IPC at that point and im both playing as italy and germany).
I have a question about income and capitols.
In the game I am currently playing Great Britian has fallen. Then during the next turn some of Great Britian’s remaining forces took controll of Italy. My question is does Great Britian collect the money from Italy eventhough Great Britian has no capitol? Would be great to have an anwser today so we can continue playing. Thanks
i live only twenty minutes from downtown
AA 50
RE: Since this is a Ltd Edition game, are there any shortages out there?
got mine a month ago on amazon a order came in two days
RE: Idea for us strat.
the way i have played the my scenario(which may not be very good because the jap. player i usually play against doesn’t a single large scae attack)is so that the the us has a huge battle fleet backed up on attacks with a bomber. It has been pretty good for me so far
Idea for us strat.
turn 1
take wake build 1 sub, 1ac, couple fightersturn 2
take caroline islands reinforce fleet w/ new pieces. buy some land units for wus (dday)
turn 3 take iwo jima
put two subs around japan for blockade buy transports and units. transports will ferry units to iwo
turn four
take phillipines buy a few subs (pac) and land units
up to how the game turns out now. This should put the us in a highly dominate position over japan. Japan this point will have quite a bit of its pacific fleet whiped out and thier mainland is blockaded by subs. All the us will need to do is attack what is left of high power jap territory to bring japan to its knees. Then at this point all the us in the pacific will just need to maintain(could keep making SBRs) and will also have a pretty good sized dday invasion force.
RE: Can the Allies win in 1942?
in the middle of a game now and it isn’t looking very good for allies currently. AT this point the ussr is about out of the game, but with some lucky roles it can stay in for a while longer(maybe a turn). the us though has pounding at japan’s doorstep (will take a few turns to build forces for invasion) overall though i believe it depends on how ussr plays and how long it lives.
RE: Still Possible for an Allie win? 1942
played 2 day……us fleet takes iwo jima and puts a couple subs in sz that contains japan.
uk fleet blocks italia’s fleet in med. on atlantic side uk forces take norway w/ 1 tank
ussr reinforces moscow and a uk fighter assists.
germany’s turn next -
Still Possible for an Allie win? 1942
Im currently in a game with a three other people at school and it is currently not looking very good for me and by allie. I’m the us and uk, and obviously my allie is the ussr. We are currently suck in the middle of a turn(can’t play long at school) and the next move is Uk. Germany is knocking on Moscow’s door and the ussr player just wasted all of his remaining forces last turn(not taking my advice) and is now partially surrounded with only 4 tanks defending moscow. Germany has italy defending france and just got about 60 ipc last turn. Germany has a huge number of tanks(at least twenty), maybe 5 airplanes, and no navy. It will take me two turns to be able to land forces at archangel to save moscow. Uk has a fairly large atlantic fleet and controls sea zones around europe (not med. italy controls mediterrean with starting forces) am currently building up forces for d day. japan is being controlled by another player who doesn’t really understand what to do and has a largly spread out navy in the south pacific. Uk can defend india. Japan contols chinese coast and a has a couple ground forces in alaska. the us has a huge naval force in pursuit of jap navy while also island hopping. am stuck with what to do with us though. Us fleet is position to invade japan, but ran that option through the calculater and only have a 5% chance of success. Will take 3 turns for us to build up and arrive at japan w/ reinforcements. once ussr falls the player will control uk(only four players so at least everyone can keep playing),and i think the ussr player will scuander the uk forces once he has contol. Is it possible to win when allies have contol of the sea and no ussr and a wasteful uk?