Yea if you read through the entire forum thread Larry has said those(above) ere his possible changes. He then asks us to playtest these ideas and fill him in on what change(s) will work in making the j1 attack a choice to attack rather than the beat and strongest time to attack. I suggest reading the thread at larrys site and then you will fully understand why he is considering those choices. (though from the names I saw the people who are posting over there are the same people as from here). If you haven’t seen this thread on larrys site go now.
Statement from Larry Harris in regards to AAP40
Thanks Larry, you ROCK!
Thanks Larry…and HNY to you as well.
A ‘hats-off’ and Bravo Zulu to Larry. Maybe we’ll be able to buy additional pieces as a booster pack in the near future. :-D
Great Words, Larry! :-)
Verry much appreciated!Let’s see what the results will be: for this game, AAE40 and future games.
Tbh I really hate it that I cannot split Japanese forces right from the start due to lack of additional TAC bombers - that is a total NO GO! :evil:
I really hate it that I cannot split Japanese forces right from the start due to lack of additional TAC bombers - that is a total NO GO! :evil:
I completely agree. Japan and US should have had more Tac bombers in this game as the current amount inhibits game play.
I fear that even if they correct this problem by including more Tac Bombers in AAE40 we will still run into a same problem with Mechanized Infantry in Europe 40 because Mechanized Infantry will likely be used alot more in that game along the german-russian front than they were in pacific 40.
You think I don’t watch the sites? I’ve got your names and I know where you live. You better watch out…
Larry Harris wrote that?
You think I don’t watch the sites? I’ve got your names and I know where you live. You better watch out…
Larry Harris wrote that?
Over Christmas I told my kids that Santa knows their names and where they live, so they better watch out…I guess if you believe in Santa you better watch what you say and do on the forums lol :-D
i know Larry has done the best he could…WOTC will fix these problems…actually im okay with what avalon hill has done…the piece count was bad but i have managed to deal with it…cmon europe 40
The only thing that kinda miffed me was the setup error on the cards and the battle-strip. Unit counts, as long as they give you enough to do a complete setup plus a few additional, I’m okay with that. But I will be e-mailing WOTC or calling them to get a new battle-strip.
Its this kind of developer support to the fans that will keep me with A&A year after year. If only other game companies would take the time to do something as simple as a statement like this then table top gaming would be in such a better place. Thank you for taking the time to be so candid and considerate to your fans Larry.