Pacific 1940 review copy has arrived

  • Customizer

    Thanks for the preview article. Are we to expect a new preview article every day or so till the 15th?

    Also do the container boxes used for the units only have one section unlike AA50 which has three sections in each unit container box?

    Thanks for all the info.

  • :-o Just finished reading the first preview! :-D
    Words fail me……OMFG!
    If the Europe version is even half as good as what i have just seen?
    Then>>>>> OH MY FING GOD!!!
    I got two copies on order now and i cant wait to play this mutha!
    The new pieces look badass!
    Larry and all those involved deserve a hugh slap on the back for a job well done!

    Thoes426 :evil:

  • full Japan setup as best as I can tell
    Japan: 8 infantry, 2 artillery, 1 tank, 1 aa gun, 2 bombers, 3 fighters, 4 Tac Bombers, 1 airbase, 1 naval base, 1 major ic
    Caroline Islands: 1 infantry, 1 aa gun, 1 airbase, 1 naval base
    Formosa: 1 fighter
    Iwo Jima: 1 infantry
    Jehol: 2 inf, 1 art
    Kiangsi: 5 inf, 1 art
    Korea: 1 inf
    Kwangsi: 3 inf, 1 art
    Manchuria: 4 inf, 1 mech inf, 1 art, 1 aa gun, 1 bomber, 3 fighters, 2 tac bombers
    Okinawa: 1 inf, 1 fight
    Palau: 1 inf
    Kiangsa: 1 inf, 1 fighter, 1 tac bomber, 1 bomber
    Shantung: 1 inf
    Siam: 2 inf
    Zone 6: 1 sub, 2 destroyers, 2 AC with a fighter and tac bomber each, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship, 2 transports
    Zone 19: 1 sub, 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser
    Zone 33: 1 destroyer, 1 AC with a fighter and tac bomber, 1 battleship, 1 transport

    Assuming 11 ipc tac bomber, 4 ipc mech inf, 18 ipc AC
    Best guess for total unit cost: 397! IPCs of units

  • I’m having some trouble identifying the tac bomber, but the truck are easy to identify!

    good job

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    My question is (and I beleive it has already been asked): What are those little squares with the Asian characters on them? I would assume they are Japanese and perhaps have something to do with Japanese Victory conditions, maybe like the VC chips from AA50? Otherwise they could have something to do with China…?

  • My question is (and I beleive it has already been asked): What are those little squares with the Asian characters on them? I would assume they are Japanese and perhaps have something to do with Japanese Victory conditions, maybe like the VC chips from AA50? Otherwise they could have something to do with China…?

    I am guessing that these are for the Kamikaze attacks.

  • @Todd7912:

    My question is (and I beleive it has already been asked): What are those little squares with the Asian characters on them? I would assume they are Japanese and perhaps have something to do with Japanese Victory conditions, maybe like the VC chips from AA50? Otherwise they could have something to do with China…?

    I am guessing that these are for the Kamikaze attacks.

    I agree

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    I am guessing that these are for the Kamikaze attacks.

    I see. I forgot, Japan gets (I guess 6) Kamakazi attacks to use throughout the game. I never played original Pacific; do they kill a fighter for it or is it like a freebie?

  • there are watermarked squares on the board the size of the kamikaze markers…
    My guess that the Japanese player places them at the beginning of the game. You can make kamikaze attacks in these sea zones.

  • I never played original Pacific; do they kill a fighter for it or is it like a freebie?

    They don’t kill a JAP fighter. The Kamikaze chip is the fighter.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Only one section.


    Thanks for the preview article. Are we to expect a new preview article every day or so till the 15th?

    Also do the container boxes used for the units only have one section unlike AA50 which has three sections in each unit container box?

    Thanks for all the info.

  • so much information!! I am impressed
    but no love for europe still……larry must still be drawing the board on construction paper

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    It is the medium sized airplane. It is upfront with the halftrack/mechanized infrantry. I put the two new units up front. I will do the same in all the photos. The tactical bomber and the mechanized infantry will be in front of the rest.


    I’m having some trouble identifying the tac bomber, but the truck are easy to identify!

    good job

  • Official Q&A


    Krieghund, since the review copies are out, are you allowed to write up your thoughts on the game now? I’m sure you’ve played it a bunch already, no?

    I’m too emotionally attached…


    But sth is wrong, on the ANZAC set up (from the picture) you can see that there is Major IC in New South Wales, but the value of this territory is 2, comparing it to the info from fact sheet, Major IC can be built on a territory with value 3 or higher.
    Am I wrong?

    Welcome, tomekhello!  You’re not wrong.  All I can say right now is that it’s an exception, like the IC on Japan.


    Only one question: is possible land units from Japan to Alaska in the same turn? (and viceversa). I see a Aleutian islands teritory, but borders of that sea zone are not clear



    Any word yet on what these national objectives are?

    Not yet.


    My question is (and I beleive it has already been asked): What are those little squares with the Asian characters on them? I would assume they are Japanese and perhaps have something to do with Japanese Victory conditions, maybe like the VC chips from AA50? Otherwise they could have something to do with China…?

    I am guessing that these are for the Kamikaze attacks.

    You’re guessing correctly.

  • Customizer

    Seems like the ANZAC infantry is just another British soldier with different colour… :(

  • Well they were a commonwealth of Britian’s at the time, very strong connections to them.  So it’d be safe to assume that they shared equipment and such.

  • ANZACs were more common to wear a bush had than a Helmet,  But if you want to get speific down to uniformes then the British should have a few Siks (SP?) with Turbans then as well :) No the typical Tommy (or Digger if you prefer) as molded does the job well.

    As to the difference in IC units I would ask if anybody still has there A&A game from the 80’s?  I still have mine and the IC’s then were white so I will just use them to mark the difference.

    One thing I miss see in the game is the Panama Canal not so important in this game but in the combined way vey Important.

    And how real is that set up when it comes for the Americans?  There is virtiually no US Pacific fleet how true is this?

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    ANZACs were more common to wear a bush had than a Helmet,  But if you want to get speific down to uniformes then the British should have a few Siks (SP?) with Turbans then as well :)



    And how real is that set up when it comes for the Americans?  There is virtiually no US Pacific fleet how true is this?

    1940 Dude, the US wasn’t planning on fighting any big wars anytime soon. This is almost 2 years before Pearl Harbour.

  • seriously america hasnt always had the most guns

  • After WW1 America decided they would never fight another world war, so we scuttled a large portion of our Navy, cut military spending and reduced the armed services while we increased social programs in America and planned on avoiding conflicts in the world. This is why we were wholly unprepared for WW2. (In a nut shell)

    Ironicly, we are beginning to do it all over again.

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