I summed this up in case anyone was interested… this includes AAA so it may be a bit skewed.
Japan: 556 +26 income
USA: 203 +17 income
UK: 106 +16 income
ANZAC: 84 +10 income
China: 61 +12 income
I actually like the tac bomber restrictions you forget that tac bombers get to PICK what casualites they inflist.
Not currently, they don’t. It was stated to be on the “cutting room floor”.
aww lame… youre probably right. IT would make sense if they could though…if they dont let it be a standard rule thena house rule definatly
I actually like the tac bomber restrictions you forget that tac bombers get to PICK what casualites they inflist.
Not currently, they don’t. It was stated to be on the “cutting room floor”.
Quote your source.
I actually like the tac bomber restrictions you forget that tac bombers get to PICK what casualites they inflist.
Not currently, they don’t. It was stated to be on the “cutting room floor”.
Quote your source.
At sea, or during sea battles, it selects its target for the first round of battle. (This rule has been changed and is a concept that was not in the and was left on the cutting room floor). The next rule is the final rule regarding DB below:
Thank you +1 to you
This topic was on my mind for a few days since I heard about AAP40 & AAE40 and read here and on on Larry’s Page about it.
I just wanted to start the topic and saw it was already here :)
Tanks as a 3-3-2-6 unit
I can see the rationale behind it with the new mech inf unit.
With mech inf a 1-2-2-4 unit the 5 IPC-tank would be the better buy (especially if art would not support mech inf)
For 20 IPC you would get:
mech Inf: 5/10 and 5 hits
tank: 12/12 and 4 hits
With art support it would depend on how many art would be on the board.
With the new 6 IPC-tank it will be different:
For 24 IPC you would get:
mech Inf: 6/12 and 6 hits
tank: 12/12 and 4 hits
Now regular Inf will dominate the tank again (the reason tanks got beefed up in revised):
For 6 IPC you get:
inf: 2/4 and 2 hits
tank: 3/3 and 1 hit
Especially when you consider air support for the inf during attack (that has the tactical advantage of not having to stay in the frontline territory) the best choice would be Inf with aircraft and a few arts. Maybe in a few situation where speed matters more would tanks find their use.
If tanks stay at 3-3-5 they would be better than mech inf, if they will cost 6 IPC then inf will dominate the tanks.
My intuitive solution would be to use the OOB 3-3-2-6 tank and give him a better special ability. I would change Blitz so that if tanks after a batlle still had a movement point they could either stay (as they have to now), return to a friendly territory (like aircraft) or even attack a second time (be it empty enemy territory or a second battle).
That would definately give the tanks a new punch and would allow real fast Panzerblitz action.
On the other hand, this change would change traditional gameplay a lot.
Air unit situation
I fully agree with the actual situation not giving each air unit its special unique usefulness.
Right now fighter, F-B and Bomber are too similar, almost interchangeable - especially fighter and F-B.
I really like the introduction of F-B, but I would like to have each aircraft have its distinct usefulness:
Fighter: Strong in Air Combat, weak to medium in Ground Combat
F-B: Strong in Ground Combat, medium in Air Combat and weak to medium in Strategic Bombing
Bomber: Strong in Strategic Bombing, weak in Air Combat, medium in Ground Combat, Long Range
I will write my more detailed thoughts on aircraft in a different thread.
I think the main reasons for tanks costing 6 are two:
With mechs at 4, this cost raise is needed to ensure people buy some mechs (poor man’s tank)
More important: AA40 has more territories, thus speed of tanks is more valuable than never. Did you saw map of China? If Japan buys only inf & art, they could have problems to reach later chinese territories. You can guess Europe is similar
For the record, I think tanks are getting too popular in AA50, and for a good reason, their speed combined with more territories. Surely Larry saw this and thus chnaged tank cost
I hope the cruiser is not changed to 3-3-2-10, it would be too good
Good analysis Gorshak. I agree that adding Mechanized Infantry necessitates changing Tanks, because otherwise, Mechanized Infantry gets 1/3 of the mobile firepower of a Tank for 4/5s of the cost. Upping the Tank’s cost to 6 means the ratio changes to 1/2 the firepower for 2/3s the cost.
The way it works now, they seem to be emphasizing two pairs:
1. Infantry+Artillery, the slow moving but efficient force. 7 IPCs for 4 Attack, 4 Defense, 1 Move
2. Mech Infantry+Tanks, the fast moving but expensive force. 10 IPCs for 4 Attack, 5 Defense, 2 Move
However, Tanks are now pathetically inefficient versus mainline Infantry. More importantly, they are now completely outclassed by the Fighter. Fighters cost only 4 IPCs more, but have superior projection and defense. Furthermore, while the disadvantage of the Fighters is their inability to hold new territory, thus necessitating Armor for quick consolidations, Mechanized Infantry can do so instead.
However, if you upgrade the Tank, it will just surpass the Mech-Infantry again, and we’re back to where we started. Honestly, I think that Mechanized Infantry unbalance the game, because they deny the Tank the unique ability to attack and hold a territory two away from where they started.
Funcioneta, while I admit that the Tanks mobility is more useful than ever now, with the current costs, Mechanized Infantry+Fighters can do anything that Tanks can do, but better. Mechanized are better at securing distant territory and soaking hits. Fighters are better at projecting attack where you wish, without exposing yourself to losing that projection.
I really like the introduction of F-B, but I would like to have each aircraft have its distinct usefulness:
Fighter: Strong in Air Combat, weak to medium in Ground Combat
F-B: Strong in Ground Combat, medium in Air Combat and weak to medium in Strategic Bombing
Bomber: Strong in Strategic Bombing, weak in Air Combat, medium in Ground Combat, Long Range
Fighter: Attack=Medium , SBR=None, Interception=High, Defense=High, Move=Medium
F-B: Attack=High, SBR=Medium, Interception=Medium, Defense=Medium, Move=Medium
Bomber: Attack=Medium, SBR=High, Interception=None, Defense=Low, Move=High
Fighter: Attack=3, SBR=0, Interception=1-2, Defense=4, Move=4, Cost=10
F-B: Attack=4, SBR=1d6/2 rounded up, Interception=0-1, Defense=3, Move=4, Cost=10
Bomber: Attack=4, SBR=1d6, Interception=0-0, Defense=1, Move=6, Cost=12
honestly, I would rather they KEPT the tank at the pre-revised stats of 3-2-2-5 than change it to 3-3-2-6
I don’t like Classic tanks, we need a land unit defending at 3s
I’ll give Larry profit of doubt with 6 IPCs tanks. He is really good doing the game “engine” (rules and such); AA50 rules, saving China, were superb, and even China could been fixed with a proper (I mean more than zero) testing
If he can manage testers do their work this time, this is going to be a almost perfect game. He should ensure they try more strats than ignoring Japan with USA and ignoring USA with Japan :wink:
KEPT the tank at the pre-revised stats of 3-2-2-5
For 20 IPCs
4 Tanks=12 Attack, 8 Defense, 4 Hits
5 M-Infantry=5 Attack, 10 Defense, 5 Hits
For 21 IPCs
3 Artillery, 3 Infantry=12 Attack, 12 Defense, 6 Hits
7 Infantry=7 Attack, 14 Defense, 7 Hits
Interesting. That actually works a lot better. Tanks are still clearly the best way of projecting offense, but M-Infantry are better at securing territories. Artillery/Infantry are the best all around force, but move slower, and Infantry have the best defense/health, but have pathetic attack and move.
Also, M-Infantry are going to be really bad for Invasions, as when transported, they are the same as Infantry, but take up the better slot of the Transport and cost more.
In fact, the full statistics are below:
1 Movement Force
Infantry=1.40 Attack, 2.80 Defense, 1.40 HP
Infantry/Artillery=2.40 Attack, 2.4 Defense, 1.20 HP
2 Movement Force
M-Infantry=1.05 Attack, 2.10 Defense, 1.05 HP
Tanks(Original)=2.52 Attack, 1.68 Defense, 0.84 HP
Tanks(Revised)=2.52 Attack, 2.52 Defense, 0.84 HP
Tanks(1940)=2.10 Attack, 2.10 Defense, 0.70 HP
Tank(Original)/M-Infantry=1.88 Attack, 2.35 Defense, 0.94 HP
KEPT the tank at the pre-revised stats of 3-2-2-5
For 20 IPCs
4 Tanks=12 Attack, 8 Defense, 4 Hits
5 M-Infantry=5 Attack, 10 Defense, 5 HitsFor 21 IPCs
3 Artillery, 3 Infantry=12 Attack, 12 Defense, 6 Hits
7 Infantry=7 Attack, 14 Defense, 7 HitsInteresting. That actually works a lot better. Tanks are still clearly the best way of projecting offense, but M-Infantry are better at securing territories. Artillery/Infantry are the best all around force, but move slower, and Infantry have the best defense/health, but have pathetic attack and move.
Also, M-Infantry are going to be really bad for Invasions, as when transported, they are the same as Infantry, but take up the better slot of the Transport and cost more.
In fact, the full statistics are below:
1 Movement Force
Infantry=1.40 Attack, 2.80 Defense, 1.40 HP
Infantry/Artillery=2.40 Attack, 2.4 Defense, 1.20 HP2 Movement Force
M-Infantry=1.05 Attack, 2.10 Defense, 1.05 HP
Tanks(Original)=2.52 Attack, 1.68 Defense, 0.84 HP
Tanks(Revised)=2.52 Attack, 2.52 Defense, 0.84 HP
Tanks(1940)=2.10 Attack, 2.10 Defense, 0.70 HP
Tank(Original)/M-Infantry=1.88 Attack, 2.35 Defense, 0.94 HP
thx for doing the math
i will miss the 3 defense, but i would much rather 3 offense for 5 ipcs than for 6 ipcs
a gameplay consequence would also be that people would need to secure their conquered territories with units other than tanks since they would have the worst defense per ipc rate, and i think that would make much more interesting gameplay on a larger board than classic (ie, on a board the size of aa50 or pacific/europe 1940)
the more i think about it, the more i like it
Also, the more I think about, the more I wonder about how effective M-Infantry is in general. Their defense is less than a Tank, their durability is marginally better, and their offense is weaker than that of Infantry! In the mean time, they can’t be transported readily and they can’t be boosted by Artillery. Their only advantage is being a better hit-soak than the Tank, and that only works so long as the Tank either has a cost increase or defense loss from its Revised version.
Does anyone know how mechanized infantry will work with transports? Is it still 1 infantry and 1 other unit?
Also, the more I think about, the more I wonder about how effective M-Infantry is in general. Their defense is less than a Tank, their durability is marginally better, and their offense is weaker than that of Infantry! In the mean time, they can’t be transported readily and they can’t be boosted by Artillery. Their only advantage is being a better hit-soak than the Tank, and that only works so long as the Tank either has a cost increase or defense loss from its Revised version.
Are we back to buying all infantry again.
ugh. I hate players that do that. the games arent fun. and you kill the chance of ANY new players playing when you play that way.
I don’t like it either. I was just making a statistical point.
I Play for fun, not to win.the best games are the ones you enjoyed regardless of who won.
That is where you and I are different. I always play to win
One possibility would be to keep the new 6-Tanks and 4-M-Infantry, but add a Blitz rule
Blitz: During the first round of combat, Mechanized Infantry and Tanks fire before other units do, and casualties are removed before other units can fire.
Doing that might make both M-Infantry and Tanks on par with Infantry, Artillery, and Aircraft, at least by the standards of previous maps.
There is the open question of how much bigger the map is, and whether or not units would actually need to use that mobility. If so, that can justify the M-Infantry and Tank, which are balanced relative to each other, being weak compared to Infantry/Artillery.