Keep counting AB. There is no maximum. :-)
Thank you.
Kreighund maybe you could confirm or deny this:
Since none of the AAP40 Neutrals have IPC values, are we to take it that none of the Neutrals in the global game will have IPC values?
Or is the no IPC status in AAP40 just a decision specific to the Neutrals we’ve got on that map.
Thanks :-D
It just applies to the neutrals on the Pacific map. Some of the ones on the Europe map will have IPC values.
It just applies to the neutrals on the Pacific map. Some of the ones on the Europe map will have IPC values.
Thanks! An invaluable font of info as always.
so in Pacific 40…Mongolia isnt worth anything to anybody…
but in Europe 40…some of the countries will be worth something to somebody…
and in the complete Global 40…the neutrals will be worth everything to everybody…
am i right?
Well mongolia isnt an industrial powerhowse
nor is it a resourse storehouse, it is pretty much only of strategic value
Thanks for this nugget of info kreighound……my maps will need adjusting
head on over to my thread in E40 and answer a question or two of mine…if you could be so kind
Ok, so here is my question regarding Mongolia and the infantry value on them. If Japan attacks Buyan-Uhaa, I as the opposing power has the option of putting 2 of any of the allies men there, as my choice. So, does that mean I can use Chinese men or does it have to be US, UK, or ANZAC? If I can use Chinese, can China then move men into it to try to take it back after Japan successfully captures it or can China still not leave China?
Captain Crunch
Ok, so here is my question regarding Mongolia and the infantry value on them. If Japan attacks Buyan-Uhaa, I as the opposing power has the option of putting 2 of any of the allies men there, as my choice. So, does that mean I can use Chinese men or does it have to be US, UK, or ANZAC? If I can use Chinese, can China then move men into it to try to take it back after Japan successfully captures it or can China still not leave China?
Captain Crunch
I’m pretty sure the only reason you use allied infantry is because there are no dedicated mongolian infantry. If you use chinese infantry to represent them, it doesn’t mean their chinese, so it doesn’t matter which color you use.