• I read that AAPAC1940 has “convoy boxes”….what is that?

  • just another thing to keep track off

  • Official Q&A

    They’re actually “convoy zones”.  They’re special sea zones with a convoy marker that allow you to make shipping raids against the enemy with your warships.  This is similar in concept to an SBR, except the IPCs are paid immediately.

  • That does not sound like the concept from the old Europe and Pacific games, so I guess its some new idea Larry come up with. Apparently he did not listen to  any of my many suggestions on how to deal with convoy zones. Butt the concept of losing IPC from your bank when a ship is sunk at the ocean is a bit far out for me. The old system was better, where a german sub in your convoy box would deny you the future income. Or the Pacific system where you had to control the seazone adjacent to an island if you wanted the islands IPC income.

  • Who is the IPC paid to?  Bank or the enemy?


    They’re actually “convoy zones”.  They’re special sea zones with a convoy marker that allow you to make shipping raids against the enemy with your warships.  This is similar in concept to an SBR, except the IPCs are paid immediately.

  • Official Q&A


    Butt the concept of losing IPC from your bank when a ship is sunk at the ocean is a bit far out for me. The old system was better, where a german sub in your convoy box would denie you the future income. Or the Pacific system where you had to control the seazone adjacent to an island if you wanted the islands IPC income.

    What’s far out about it?  It simply represents convoy raiders sinking ships that are bringing supplies (income) in from outlying territories.  Under the old Europe and Pacific systems, you could deny your opponent income by gaining control of a sea zone, and your opponent had to retake the zone in order to re-establish the income.  This new system simply forces you to maintain a presence in the sea zone in order to continue to raid the convoy and deny the income on an ongoing basis, rather than passing through once and forgetting about it.

  • Official Q&A


    Who is the IPC paid to?  Bank or the enemy?

    The bank.

  • A convoy zone has value like a territory except that it is in the sea. Whoever controls it gets the IPC value shown on the mapboard which is supposed to represent the value that would be gained by goods being transported through those sea zones to the country that controls it.

  • sweet! do you have to leave a ship there to “own” it? or can I just take it then collect the money without leaving troops there?

  • How does that translate to paying the bank?

    Does that mean if UK loses a convoy worth 3 ipc to Germany. UK immediately loses 3 ipc immediately to be paid to the bank and Germany collects 3 ipc at the collect income phase?

    I am not clear on this part.


    A convoy zone has value like a territory except that it is in the sea. Whoever controls it gets the IPC value shown on the mapboard which is supposed to represent the value that would be gained by goods being transported through those sea zones to the country that controls it.

  • Germany takes the convoy zone. Uk loses 3 IPC. It just has lost 3 IPC and the money does not go anywhere except the place where the money goes on the table. This income does not come back unless UK takes the convoy zone back.

  • You know what I think IL is right and I am wrong. I either got confused with another game or I am just simply in my usual state of confusion. Sorry for the bad info.

  • Thank you for the clarification.

  • Customizer

    Why don’t we just treat them like territories at sea?

    if there is an enemy unit in my convoy zone/box then I do not collect income from that convoy zone
    if there isn’t an enemy unit there, I do collect that income…

  • Ships that are sunk do not add to your income. They cost the losing player HIS income. You are not able to build more tanks because you sunk a ship that had foodstuffs on it.

  • IL or Krieghund;

    Would either of you know if you need a surface ship to hold the convoy zone or will it be like AAE where having a sub is enough?

    Thank you

  • Official Q&A

    I’ve said pretty much all I’m allowed to say on this subject at this time.  However, you’ll note that I never said anything about having to hold the sea zone - only that you have to have a presence in it.  Technically, sea zones aren’t controlled by anyone.  If you think about it, that should answer your question.

    There’s been a lot of speculation in this thread about how convoy zones work.  Some of it is true, and some of it isn’t.  At this time, I’ll only confirm that everything I’ve said is true.  :-)

  • I don’t know, but i would like to see the requirement that UK must occupy them with at least one warship because thats what happened. UK had to spread its fleet around the world to safeguard its assets that were flowing to England from her colonies. The very idea that the game has basically the British navy in one spot and Germany wipes it out on turn one and UK rebuilds it on the next 2 turns in just about 3 different global AA games is a bit of a joke. Instead the game should give UK the most number of ships and these are spread around, so Germany can sent out the Bismarck AND cause real problems because UK cant afford to leave all the various spots it’s protecting. This would also reduce the silly notion that UK just invades some place every turn…looking for the weakest spot… They become like the Vikings just landing and killing knowing they will be wiped out immediately, but getting the cash.

    Hopefully Germany will have some decent submarine campaign going

  • Official Q&A

    The problem is that in the game, you know where all the threats are, whereas in real life they didn’t.  The UK had to spread out its fleet because it never knew where the German subs were or where they’d strike.  In the game, you know exactly where they are, so you only need to send ships to those areas.

    That’s an interesting notion that you have that in order to receive the income you have to have a warship in the convoy zone.  That could simulate the reality of guarding convoys quite nicely.  However, it may have problems of its own to deal with, making the rules more complex.

  • @Krieghund:

    The problem is that in the game, you know where all the threats are, whereas in real life they didn’t.  The UK had to spread out its fleet because it never knew where the German subs were or where they’d strike.  In the game, you know exactly where they are, so you only need to send ships to those areas.

    So that aspect hasn’t been addressed then.  nice…

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