Actual AA pacific 1940 map pictures

  • Ok , so just to clarify, Japan can attack France and China without brining the US into the war and the UK forces can attack Japan without brining the US into the war, but once Japan attacks any of the UK, Dutch, Canadian or Austrailian territory the US is in the war at full production.

    Can Austrilian forces attack Japan before the US is in the war like the UK?

  • Official Q&A


    UK will control “france” and Anzac (Aus/NZ) while USA can control China. So 3 players (instead of 5) is probably normal.

    ANZAC is a separate player.  It’s not controlled by the UK player.


    Can Austrilian forces attack Japan before the US is in the war like the UK?


  • @Krieghund:


    UK will control “france” and Anzac (Aus/NZ) while USA can control China. So 3 players (instead of 5) is probably normal.

    ANZAC is a separate player.  It’s not controlled by the UK player.


    Can Austrilian forces attack Japan before the US is in the war like the UK?


    Having 4 or 5 allied players to 1 axis player isnt really fun. Thats why I said the UK player will “control” australia while USA controls china. Sure you can have distinct players, but to me having everyone team vs one guy isnt fun…

  • This game will be amazing! The only thing I see that could be better is that I like the artwork for the Original AAP better. The AAE art style is the best in my opinion. I’m not that keen on this new style. It’s definitely better than AAR though.

  • @Admiral_Thrawn:

    This game will be amazing! The only thing I see that could be better is that I like the artwork for the Original AAP better. The AAE art style is the best in my opinion. I’m not that keen on this new style. It’s definitely better than AAR though.

    The original AAE and AAP atwork, does seem the most realistic like a real WW2 map, but A&A isnt exactly the most realistic game and so its better if the map is slightly off looking so that map, peices, and rules, go togehter and are no out of place. I also like the terrian and geography shown on these that were not in the past. And of course it is about 1000 times better than the abstract cluster#@$& that was the AAR board.

  • The way the game can turn out really sounds intriguing. Too bad we have to wait for so long to see the European Map.

    Will we eventuall get the setup for this or what? :-P

  • ok course as usual. we get the pictures and post them here.

  • Although I will get AA40E, I might not be interested in playing it at all! If Japan is the only “bad guy”, it will be really boring to see the X people gang on you!

    But the global game is very promising. I hope they can playtest it enough so that there aren’t too many balance issues!


  • @Omega:

    Although I will get AA40E, I might not be interested in playing it at all! If Japan is the only “bad guy”, it will be really boring to see the X people gang on you!

    But the global game is very promising. I hope they can playtest it enough so that there aren’t too many balance issues!


    I feel the same way. I didn’t buy the original AAP and AAE because I prefer a global contest. The ability to combine the new games into one global game was stroke of genius by Larry Harris. Clearly though, the global game is only for the most dedicated of A&A players. I know I won’t be able to convince my playgroup to sit down for a game of that scope. Getting them together for a game of AA50 is hard enough. We need software versions of these games!

  • @WOPR:

    I feel the same way. I didn’t buy the original AAP and AAE because I prefer a global contest. The ability to combine the new games into one global game was stroke of genius by Larry Harris. Clearly though, the global game is only for the most dedicated of A&A players. I know I won’t be able to convince my playgroup to sit down for a game of that scope. Getting them together for a game of AA50 is hard enough. We need software versions of these games!

    True. In my gaming group AA50 is simply impossible, that’s why I like AA42 much better: it’s playable face to face.

  • @WOPR:


    Although I will get AA40E, I might not be interested in playing it at all! If Japan is the only “bad guy”, it will be really boring to see the X people gang on you!

    But the global game is very promising. I hope they can playtest it enough so that there aren’t too many balance issues!


    I feel the same way. I didn’t buy the original AAP and AAE because I prefer a global contest. The ability to combine the new games into one global game was stroke of genius by Larry Harris. Clearly though, the global game is only for the most dedicated of A&A players. I know I won’t be able to convince my playgroup to sit down for a game of that scope. Getting them together for a game of AA50 is hard enough. We need software versions of these games!

    I think I will still like to play Japan.  Nothing better than being the sole Axis player and taking out the rest of the Allies……on your own.  Now that is satsifaction.

    I feel very fortunate that my F2F play group will be able to get together once a week to play this game.  You guys don’t think you can convince your play groups to do one day a week so you can play?  Beg if you have to.  Let them have choice of powers too if you have to.  This is going to be awesome.  You can’t possibly buy the two games and NOT play.

  • @Jake:


    Starting IPC count

    Austrailia: 9
    Canada: 2
    China: 10 (+6 burma road)
    French: 2
    Japan: 26
    Netherlands: 11
    Soviet Union: 9
    United Kingdom: 18
    United States: 17/57

    Why only 10 for China?
    I can see 12 Chinese territories, 1 IPC worth each…

    Yah, I am just really bad at counting. Your right.

    China  starts with 12 IPCs plus 6 for the burma road.

    And I think Canada only gets one, its hard to make out that number though.

  • @Captain:

    I feel very fortunate that my F2F play group will be able to get together once a week to play this game.  You guys don’t think you can convince your play groups to do one day a week so you can play?  Beg if you have to.  Let them have choice of powers too if you have to.  This is going to be awesome.  You can’t possibly buy the two games and NOT play.

    The single theater A&A games don’t interest me or my playgroup. We’d be combining the two games for the global experience. The problem with that, as I stated before, is that then the game becomes too big! (for my playgroup)

    I’m sure the combined AAP40 AAE40 global game will be nothing short of brilliant but I will probably not buy either component game. If there were a software version I would buy it in a second because it would be easy to find hardcore players online who are willing to invest the time.

    For face to face play, AA50 will continue to be my game of choice.

  • And you never know, it could end up being my game of choice too after playing the new combined global game.  But, I hope not because it sounds very exciting and promising.

  • Pacific was a nice game, but the VP and India crush strategies really ended up hurting the game.

    With this new version (and the global game) it really will be a huge war and better balanced.

    I dont understand the mentality though of excluding a “theatre” game. D-Day is an easy intro to A&A, and europe and pacific 40 will be great additions. Perhaps you should at least try it. You might discover a new love for such games.

  • I agree with squirecam, but games do cost money, and not of us are fortunate. I for one will buy the two games, because they will be epic. I would love to buy the other games (just for having more and more units), but my pocket is only that big


  • anyone have thoughts as to the conflict of statement from Larry on the Fact Sheet info to the IPC numbers on this map we’ve seen:

    In AAP40 China has its own economy, makes it own purchases, moves it own units. Being exactly like the other powers, in turn sequence, it will place its new units, purchased with IPCs generated by territories controlled by China. These new units can be placed on any Chinese territory that is free of Japanese forces. There are now 12 territories that China starts with and potentially there are 18 territories that China can control. Each generating 2 IPCs (exception (there always is one)) Manchuria is worth 3 IPCs. Oh and one more thing… China collects a bonus of 6 IPCs each turn the Burma Road is open.

    if we go with Larry on this and that map is a draft from before, there’s a whole bunch of money coming to China! wahoo!

    and as he said nothing about VP, but only Victory Cities and capitals Japan must be able to compete with the Allies in a Pacific only version, even by themselves.

    maybe attacking the Dutch does not equal attacking the UK?…

  • Customizer

    So, in AA50, one of the great things was that the road to russia from siberia and from china was expanded to take japan many many turns, BUT the road through india was not expanded by much (just burma).  This became the best Japanese strategy, after subduing China, and taking some Russian northern territories just to deny income and force a standoff, the main thrust of Japanese units would come out of India.  this was helped by the fact that Japanese transports could drop off in French-Indo-China-Thailand, and there could be 3 factories, in Thailand, Burma, and India too. 
    It looks like Larry finally got it right with this one.  China is huge, providing Japan with a great income boost, but also slowing them down, and giving them a very long path to Russia.  The path through India looks like it just got bigger by one or two more territories, plus Japanese transports can’t go directly from Japan to Indo-China in 1 turn (2 turns to get to that territory beside Burma), AND while there is still the opportunity for 3 factories, the factories in Malaya and Indo-China are seperated by 2 territories before they get to India (however, if japan gets to india, they could put down one of those 10 producing factories… so this might all be for nothing).  This is a massive improvement in my opinion, though I am very concerned about the fact that there are 3 ipc territories down there (he could break up india into a northern and southern india, that way there don’t have to be places for japanese big factories). 
    This means that the major push to Russia (if there will be any), will come from Japan and Manchuria, pushing through 5 single ipc russian territories on the north, thereby getting to moscow in 6 turns, which is the same as AA50.  This is good because in those 5 territories, none of them can host a factory, and none of them hurt russia or help japan too much.

    Last but not least, will Chinese infantry cost 2 ipcs or 3 ipcs?  Judging from the map, so long as Japan doesn’t get ridiculous numbers of fighters, allowing them to hit Yunnan first turn, the Burma road will fall on turn 2.  So do not count on that 6 ipc extra income for longer than 1 or max 2 turns (assuming china going after Japan, an attack on yunnan turn 2 for japan would mean only 1 turn of burma road income for china).

  • @LuckyDay:

    if we go with Larry on this and that map is a draft from before, there’s a whole bunch of money coming to China! wahoo!

    Well, given the map, larry misspoke. The chinese terriotries controlled by the chinese at the begining of the game are only worth one IPC each. 16 IPCs though is till alot more than in the past.

  • I haven’t played AAE but I really like AAP. While it can be very tough for a properly played Japan to loose, it is still a very fun game and the Naval and Air Bases allow many more strategic decisions to be made.

    As far as Japan being controlled by one player, just as a thought bust it up into two. The Japanese Army and Navy could have actually taught the US about inter service rivalry. Let one player control the Mainland Asia assets and another play the rest. They would have to work out purchases amongst themselves. Not suggesting such as an official rule or such, but as a way to spread things out.

    I really don’t like the ANZAC thing. These units were under the control of General MacArthur in the SW. Pacific Theater. If I recall correctly New Zealand’s units, other than those maintained for home defense, served in the desert as did the bulk of the Australians. Which was under British command. Since the Navy did not like to give much support to MacArthur ,as they felt it detracted from their baliwick in the Central and Norther Pacific theaters, I guess I will just rationalize that the ANZAC stuff is Dugout Doug’s.

    +1 Karma for squirecam for the James Bond work.

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