National Advantages for Axis & Allies 1942 Ed.

  • National Advantages for A&A 1942 Version 1.1

    By B. Andersson, Stockholm 2009

    Veteran players may wish to vary the play experience and a less experienced team of players need a bonus to weight a victory towards the Axis or Allies. The following optional rules set out national advantages for each power in the game, simulating the historic strategies or benefits. A power may not share its national advantages with friendly powers. These national advantages do also apply to A&A Revised, but should not be used in combination with any weapons development (only A&A Revised).

    If you want to use these optional rules, decide on the number of national advantages each power will get. Each player chooses that many advantages for his or her power. If you prefer, you can roll randomly that number of times for each power.

    Soviet Union National Advantages

    1. Partisan Resistance NEW
    When the Wehrmacht rolled into the Soviet Union in World War II, it got more than it bargained for. Soviet citizens fought fiercely against German occupiers, engaging in raids, sabotage, and intelligence gathering.
    Once per turn you may end a battle after first round of combat and stay in the same territory as the enemy, whether on attack or defense, in any territory with existing Soviet control symbols shown on the game board (or red territory if you play A&A Revised). These units are locked in combat and can not move out of this territory before the opposing force is destroyed.

    2. Red Army Conscription NEW
    The Soviet Unions most valuable asset was its vast manpower reserves, conscription got untrained and many times unequipped infantry to the front lines.
    Once per game you may declare a mass conscription during the purchase units phase of your turn. Your infantry have a reduced cost of 2 IPC’s during this turn only, provided that only infantry are bought.

    3. Scorched Earth NEW
    Whilst withdrawing from the front, the Soviets came to fight a war were they destroyed anything that might be useful to the Germans.
    You may remove your industrial complexes during your mobilize new units phase in order to prevent them from being captured by an opponent.

    4. T-34 Tanks NEW
    Soviet tank development was lead to a medium tank destined to become a war winner. It formed the bulk of Soviet tank strength and was more cost-effective than contemporary German tanks.
    Once per turn you can build a maximum of two tanks for 4 IPCs each.

    5. Lend-Lease
    With the Ukraine lost and factories moving east, the Soviet Union could neither feed nor rebuild itself. The Allies came to its rescue.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you can convert one U.K. and one U.S. land unit into Soviet units if they are in a red territory. Remove the affected units from play and replace them with the same units of your own color.

    6. Trans-Siberian Railway
    The Trans-Siberian Railway spanned 10,000 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, the longest main line in the world.
    In the noncombat move phase, your infantry, antiaircraft guns, and artillery may move 2 territories per turn only among these territories: Russia, Novosibirsk, Yakut S.S.R., and Buryatia S.S.R.

    Germany National Advantages

    1. Jet Fighters NEW
    The jet fighter Me 262 gave German pilots a subperb fighting machine for which the Allies had no equal, significantly faster than conventional propeller-driven aircraft. Had it been built earlier, it could have had a major impact on the course of the war.
    Your fighters defends on a 5.

    2. Atlantic Wall NEW
    The Germans fortified the European Atlantic coast with massive defensive systems from Norway to Spain.
    During any amphibious assault against Western Europe, Germany and Norway, all your infantry and artillery defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Tiger Tanks NEW
    The massively powerful King Tiger was virtually impervious to Allied tank guns and capable of dominating the battlefield.
    If you attack with a tank, any enemy tanks defends on a 2.

    4. Wolf Packs
    Wolf Packs of U-boats prowled the Atlantic, working together to down Allied convoys. The only sure thing about a U-boat was that there was another nearby.
    Your submarines attack on a 3 if there is more than one of them at the start of the combat cycle. When there are less than two submarines at the start of a combat cycle, this ability is lost. Wolf Packs do not improve defending submarines. Enemy destroyers do not affect this National Advantage. The submarines may come from different sea zones, but they must attack the same sea zone.

    5. Blitzkrieg NEW
    German warfare combined the use of mobile units with the close support of airpower into a steel juggernaut emphasize speedy movement and maximization of battlefield opportunities.
    When your tanks attack along with fighters, the tanks and fighters attack on a 4 or less. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis.

    6. V2 Rockets NEW
    Guided missiles were one of Germany’s most important scientific achievements during World War II.
    You have one free rocket attack per turn against an industrial complex, fired from one of your antiaircraft guns with a range of 3. Roll one die to determine how many IPC’s the enemy must surrender to the bank.

    United Kingdom National Advantages

    1. Radar
    Britain’s radar alerted it to the threat of German planes crossing the channel.
    Your antiaircraft guns now fire hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.

    2. Joint Strike
    The most powerful strike in the war was the joint Allied assault on Normandy. The planning required to launch this simultaneous invasion has never been equaled.
    Once during the game at the start of a round (before the Russian turn), you may declare a joint strike. That round, you complete your turn as normal, except you must skip combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases. On those phases of the U.S. turn, the U.S. player uses your units in his or her combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases together with his own units. You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties and on who takes possession of any captured territories, or the opposing player gets to choose. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-
    U.S. die is rolled. National advantages still only apply to the units of the power that gained the development or has the advantage. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.

    3. Fighter Command NEW
    A radar and fighter control system was essensial for the Royal Air Force to win the Battle of Britain.
    Your fighters on any territory of UK control containing an AA gun, and not under attack, may now defend adjacent territories or sea zones. They act immediately in these battles and must land in the territory the fighter is taking off from, provided they were not removed as a casualty.

    4. Commonwealth Troops NEW
    The British Commonwealth Troops served in all theatres in World War II - from Europe to North Africa to South-East Asia.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry you just purchased in any territory with existing UK control symbols shown on the game board (or tan territory if you play A&A Revised) with an income value higher than 1 IPC if you control it. If the teritory contains an industrial complex, you can mobilize nomore units than the income value of that territory.

    5. British Commandos NEW
    In World War II the Royal Navy Commandos spearheaded British amphibious assaults in Europe and Asia. These commandos were vital in any major amphibious as well as smaller operations.
    Your infantry attacks on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault.

    6. Colonial Garrison
    World War II represents the height of the United Kingdom’s colonial empire. Two decades later the Commonwealth was a shadow of its world-spanning former self.
    You begin the game with one additional industrial complex in in any territory with existing UK control symbols shown on the game board (or tan territory if you play A&A Revised) with an income value of at least 1. (You still can’t have more than one industrial complex in a territory.

    Japan National Advantages

    1. Tokyo Express
    The Japanese High Command used destroyer convoys to ferry infantry. Allied forces at Guadalcanal dubbed this the “Tokyo Express”.
    Each of your destroyers may act as a transport for one infantry. These destroyers follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as transports do. Destroyers are still allowed to conduct combat when transporting and unloading.

    2. Kamikaze Attacks
    A terrifying development was the Japanese suicide tactics as a desperate means of slowing the Allied advance. The Japanese used pilots who only knew how to take off and dive into their target with an aircraft full of explosives.
    During Japan’s turn, at the start of any sea combat in sea zones 58, 59, 60 or 61, the Japanese player can attack one Allied surface sea unit (not a submarine) with Kamikaze. This attack occurs before the first round of combat, and any casualty is removed before the battle begins (if a battleship is hit once, turn it on its side - if two 1’s are rolled, the battleship is removed from play). If a carrier is selected as the target, any fighters aboard that carrier are assumed to have been launched before the kamikaze attack and may defend in the air normally in the ensuing battle, whether or not the carrier is sunk. The aircraft used for the Kamikaze planes are not represented on the board. To make the attack, the Japanese player indicates which ship is being targeted and rolls two dice. For each “1” rolled a hit is scored. Only one Kamikaze attack may be made per turn.

    3. Long Lance Torpedoes NEW
    The Japanese Navy possessed superior torpedoes in comparison with its Western counterparts, possessing an unequaled combination of speed, range, and hitting power.
    During the first cycle of combat only, your destroyers and submarines attack and defend on a 3. In succeeding cycles of combat, your destroyers and submarines fire as normal.

    4. Yamato Class Battleships NEW
    Dreadnoughts or leviathans like Yamato and Musashi were the largest and most powerful battleships the world has ever seen.
    Your battleships each fire twice (roll two dice, imply shore bombardment).

    5. Fukkaku Defenses
    The Japanese introduced the tactic of endurance engagements intended to inflict maximum casualties. This tacic called Fukkaku included bunkers and pillboxes connected by tunnels.
    All your infantry on islands defend on a 3.

    6. Banzai Attacks
    A fearsome rallying cry of the Imperial Japanese Army, “Banzai!” meant, “May you live ten thousand years.”
    When you move only infantry into a contested space during the combat move phase, you may at that time declare the intended attack to be a banzai attack (for an amphibious assault you may also include offshore bombardment support). If you do so, all those infantry attack on a 2 for the first round only. You may not withdraw from any banzai attack, regardless of whether it is amphibious or not.

    United States National Advantages

    1. War Economy NEW
    The U.S. mobilized its economy for war on a scale never before seen. Every resource of the country was tapped for the war effort. Rationing, war bonds and Rosie the Riveter became iconic parts of the American culture.
    During your collect income phase, roll one die and collect that many additional IPC’s.

    2. Chinese Divisions
    The Chinese had three hundred divisions in 1942. President Roosevelt spent much of the war trying to get Chiang Kai-Shek to do something with them.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in one of the following territories if you control it: China, Sinkiang, or Kwangtung. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    3. Airborne Rangers NEW
    The Rangers specialized in airborne, light-infantry and direct action operations to lead the way for the army.
    Each of your bombers can act as a transport for one infantry, but it must stop in the first hostile territory it enters, ending its combat movement. Both units must begin their movement in the same territory. The infantry is dropped after any antiaircraft fire is resolved, so if the bomber is hit, the infantry it carries is also destroyed. The bomber may still attack during the conduct combat phase, but it cannot make a strategic bombing run in a turn that it transports an infantry unit. The infantry unit may retreat normally to a friendly adjacent space during combat. However no retreat is possible if no land units attacked from an adjacent territory, and bombers cannot be used to move infantry in noncombat movement.

    4. Mechanized Army NEW
    With its fleet of trucks, the U.S. Army was the most mobile force of soldiers in World War II.
    Your infantry and artillery have a move of 2 during noncombat move phase. The combat move of your infantry and artillery remains at 1.

    5. Long-Range Fighters NEW
    The twin-boomed P-38 long range enabled it to escort bombers deep inside enemy territory.
    Your fighters´ range increases to 6.

    6. Superfortresses NEW
    The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
    Your bombers roll one additional die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid.

  • @crusaderiv:

    Nothing new!

    Well take a look again, and you find out  :wink:
    I have marked new NAs with NEW

  • When i say nothing new it’s because those national advantage are available in others axis & allies games and even in the world at war games.
    Maybe it’s new for A&A 1942 but there’s no originality.

  • @crusaderiv:

    When i say nothing new it’s because those national advantage are available in others axis & allies games and even in the world at war games.
    Maybe it’s new for A&A 1942 but there’s no originality.

    I don’t think so dude, and if you read about them anywere else it is because its one of my older versions for A&A Revised. Actually I was the first one to revise the Lightening Assault NA for Japan to Yamato Battleships (not Larry Harris), and that was long ago. By the way NAs are only an optional rule in A&A Revised not in A&A AE or any other games. If you actually red the NAs of mine, you would find out a different game mechanic for them than in other variants (except for mine). I am Game Master, B Andersson.

  • Sorry Mr Andersson.
    I’m a veteran player since 30 years, i’m always looking for new realitic rules, prototype pieces and new concept.

    I have done my own realistic map, rules, pieces, set up, special unit and national advatange 20 years ago. But even today, I always looking for something new.

    You’ve done a good job but I have the right to give my opinion.



  • A few liberties taken with my ruleset perhaps?

    No matter, some comments……

    Partisan Resistance, overpowered…will be done EVERY TURN to bring in reserves - Clunky

    T-34 tanks makes the standard purchase of 2 tanks + max guys…well deadly.

    Atlantic wall…applies to poland? Norway?..limit it to sea zones adgancent to britian.

    Tiger Tanks…I like

    Blitzkreig was about the tanks, not the planes…buff tanks.

    V2 is reduandant, would they get 2x rockets if they got the breakthrough? If you must:
    “V1 Rockets - Germany may conduct rocket attacks as if it had the Rockets breakthough, however divide the die roll by two (round up). This may be used in additon to the normal Rockets breakthrough”

    Radar is my RAF command, keep it the way it was, ive playtested it, it makes the Royal navy too strong if not limited, whatever you do dont call it radar, to aviod confusion.

    Commonwealth troops FOR FREE!?!? - Try: “Commonwealth Forces - The UK player may, if he wishes, mobilize new infantry in any territory it controls, and originaly controled, with an IPC value of 1 or more.”

    Commandos…I dont think so.
    How about something ive been klunking around instead: "Liberators - When the UK player liberates the following territories (Norway, Northwestern Europe, France, Balkans, Poland) He may convert the IPC’s that should be collected from that territory directly to units of his choice during the collect income phase, these units must be placed in their parent territory. (For purposes of this rule consider Northwestern Europe to have an IPC value of three) Any remaing IPC’s from this transaction that not converted to units are foreifit to the bank. [EX France can gain 2 INF, or 1 ARMOR, but the 1 IPC is forefit]

    Tokyo express, so they cant participate in combat?

    Yamato battleships……powerful, too powerful perhaps. They werent that good. Negate this rule if enemy aircraft are present, or something.

    The US advantages are all almost exact prots form AA50’s Tech
    Be more innovative!

    Dont take any of this to be bitter, but it is harsh…some of these techs just dont seem…original, or magnify small aspects of the war…think NATIONAL advantage, large scale. Not commandos, there werent that many in the war, not that much of an effect.

  • @crusaderiv:

    Sorry Mr Andersson.
    I’m a veteran player since 30 years, i’m always looking for new realitic rules, prototype pieces and new concept.

    I have done my own realistic map, rules, pieces, set up, special unit and national advatange 20 years ago. But even today, I always looking for something new.

    You’ve done a good job but I have the right to give my opinion.



    do you mind sharing? or are you just going to have an attitude.

  • @oztea:

    A few liberties taken with my ruleset perhaps?

    No matter, some comments……

    Comments noted!

  • I think we all can share our passion, so lets keep it friendly please!

    Game Master is one of the best at what he does.

    Don’t fault him, produce your own and share your ideas.

  • Ok let’s go

    (Don’t forget that those N.A are for the 1939 world at war games but can be use for any A&A games )


      German player can move 1 infantry in a new conquered European territory.
    2. WOLF PACK: If you have 3 sub or more, sub’s attack at 3 in the first round of combat (Same as common national rules).
    3. BLITZKRIEG: German player can play 2 rounds in one turn.
      Warships are not included in the Blitzkrig and must be played during the first round.
      Maximum of 2 blitzkrieg. Cannot play 2 Blitz in a row.
      German infantries defend at 3 in the first round of combat anywhere in Germany.
    5. THE AlP’S
      Only German & Italian units may pass through the alp.
      Once Germany is at war against the allies and USSR, German player can make a second roll after a missing attempt.

    German infantries defend at 3 in the first round of combat anywhere in Germany.

    This is rather amusing. Exactly why is this an NA’s I mean German soldiers shout “Deutschland!” and they “poof” into great defenders? What is this based on? you can make this claim for all nations even Italy.


      If you only attack with infantry, All infantries attack at 2 in the first round of combat but they cannot retreat.
      Destroyer can transport 1 infantry during the non combat move in a new conquered island.
      Japanese infantry defend at 3 in Japan or everywhere in the pacific.
      1 fighter may be choose as kamikaze.
      Attack at 5,move 2. (Fighter is remove from play whatever the result)
      Heavy & light cruiser can retreat in an adjacent sea zone after a winning naval combat.
      Once during the game, Japan player can play 2 round in 1 turn.

  • lets see your Italian NA’s


      If the allies pass through Northern Italy,axis infantry defend at 3 in the first round of combat.
      Allies tanks cannot attack in the first round of combat if they pass through the frontier of Libya.
      Italian player gets 3 IPC from bank if Italy control Egypt & Libya.
      Italian transport can move 3 sea zone.

    That’s enough for Italy.

  • talian National Advantages
    1. Light Tanks
    Italy’s tanks were not on the same level as the modern armor of other nations, however this reduced capability came with a reduced cost.
    Italian tanks have a reduced cost of 4 IPCs; however their defense is reduced to “2”.

    2. Axis Influence
    As the stage was being set for war, the smaller nations of Europe watched carefully, waiting for the right moment to throw their lot in with one side or the other.
    During each game turn keep track of how many national advantages were achieved by each power. At the end of each turn, total the number of Axis National Advantages and the Allied National Advantages, If the axis value is greater, Italy is awarded that many “Influence Points” (represent them with Italian control markers) These points are placed on any the following territories and can be exchanged during the purchase units phase of any Italian turn as follows.

    Spain 4 Points – Spain lends its hand to the Axis, at the end of the turn place a free infantry in Italy, also Spain opens its borders briefly, attacks may be made by Italian land forces through France to Gibraltar as if the two territories were connected during the combat and non-combat move phases of this turn.

    Spain 8 Points (One time only) – Spain joins the Axis! Its forces are represented by Italians; place one infantry in Morocco Algeria (this may result in combat) and 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and one AA gun, and an Italian control marker in Spain. Spain is now treated as a 2 IPC territory.

    Turkey 3 Points – Turkey opens the Dardanelles to Italian forces for one turn.

    Turkey 8 Points (One time only) – Turkey joins the Axis! Its forces are represented by Italians; place 4 infantry, one AA gun, and an Italian control marker in Turkey. Turkey is now treated as a 2 IPC territory, Turkey is considered adjacent to Bulgaria Romania by land and furthermore Turkey controls access to sea-zone 16.

    Saudi Arabia 2 Points – Axis supported Arab uprising in Trans-Jordan, place one Italian infantry there in the combat move phase. Conduct combat as normal if necessary

    Saudi Arabia 6 Points (One time only) – Coup d’ etat! A government in Egypt, Trans-Jordan, or Persia pledges its support for the Axis. Place 1 infantry and 1 artillery in the territory with the least allied units present. Conduct combat if necessary.

    3. Axis Cooperation
    The European Axis powers cooperated greatly during the early stages of the war, but much less so as Italy’s power waned.
    The German and Italian player may utilize each other’s Industrial Complexes; units can only be built at the friendly powers Industrial Complex provided both powers currently satisfy the conditions of at least one of their National Objectives during the current place units phase. The cost of units placed may not exceed 6 IPCs.

    4. Trains Run On Time
    Fascism brought to Italy a modicum of efficiency, specifically in transportation.
    Italian transports may unload into two different territories when conducting amphibious invasions or during the non-combat moves, provided the transport is in an adjacent seazone.

    5. Italian African Resistance
    The Italian forces stranded in Sub-Saharan Africa continued to fight on in a limited role against the British. However, they were drastically undersupplied.
    The territory “Italian Africa” begins the game controlled by Italy and contains one Italian infantry. However, this unit may not move until an Italian or German unit (Including aircraft) arrives in Italian East Africa during a non-combat move phase.

    6. Live to Fight Another Day
    The Italian military often found itself outclassed when attacking entrenched allied forces, this stemmed from the lack of initiative on the part of the average Italian soldier; this sense of self preservation had some benefits.
    Once per game during the Italian turn, after attacks are declared and combat begins the Italian player may choose to, after the first round of combat ends and casualties have been allocated for both sides, return all casualties (friend and foe!) to the game board and immediately conduct a retreat as normal. Units taken as casualties from anti-aircraft fire, or submarine “first strike” may not be returned to the game board and are removed as normal. This ability may not be used in a combat involving paratroopers or an amphibious invasion.

    Some of these need SERIOUS work

  • Allies N.A tomorrow….

    Well, I think the german and japanese soldiers (and staff comanders) was better than Italian or Rumanian.
    I just base it with the comments of Rommel, Von Runstedt and others commanders.
    Yes some Italians divion as Ariete, Alpine troops or cavalry was great but the moral was poor inside the Italian army.
    In fact, the problem was the Italian chief of staff not the soldiers.

    Of course…battle won = moral = efficiency

  • Hey Otzea

    You got some good point abpout aixs influence.

    Don’t forget Iraq.


      If the allies pass through Northern Italy,axis infantry defend at 3 in the first round of combat.
      Allies tanks cannot attack in the first round of combat if they pass through the frontier of Libya.
      Italian player gets 3 IPC from bank if Italy control Egypt & Libya.
      Italian transport can move 3 sea zone.

    That’s enough for Italy.

    you seem to prefer the number 3… :-D

  • I really think together that we can iron out some really nifty NA’s

    I want to see some Spanish, Turkey and more Italian ones.

    Some neutrals need some. I like the “Italian trains run on time mantra”

    You could have their infantry move 2 spaces in Italian controlled areas

    Keep this up and refining them. Then we take the best and submit to larry. He is working on these for AAE40. At least we can try to influence the process.

  • I realy think that you can do something with minelaying and/or magnetic mine.
    Friends and member of our club love this little rule.
    It’s free and it’s easy to apply.

    Each turn just put 1 marker in the sea zone of your choice.
    If a ennmy warship pass through the sea. (During combat or non combat move).
    On Roll of 1, you sunk a ship. (your choice).
    One mine exploded, its remove from the gameboard.

    German & Italian mine make a lot of damage in the med (to block the Malta route) and in the Atlantic ocean.
    A least, it could be use for axis N.A.

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