Here’s the specifics for Improved Shipyards:
Improved Shipyards, Your sea units are now cheaper to build. Use these revised cost:
Battleship 17
Aircraft Carrier 13
Cruiser 10
Destroyer 7
Transport 8
Submarine 5
Although I was wondering about jet fighters since it would obsolete tac bombers if it cause fighter to attack on a 4. Does jet fighters increase fighter defence or what would be even better is if it imporved interceptors in SB.
Yep… The world was not ready for Jet propelled dive bombers yet. Jet fighter defense is not increased. I like the improve “interceptors” (they don’t now). This could become one of those Designer Endorsed House Rules I’ve been talking about starting up. I think I should call it Larry’s Endorsed House Rules … Yeah! That’s the ticket… LH’s Endorsed House Rules.
But its your game so why dont you make tech rules you like.
It’s long past my doing just what I want. At this point in time there exist a very firm and well established set of rules that absolutely dictate what can and cannot be permitted from a design point of view. Kreighund is my Constitutional lawyer (among other things) and he keeps me in line. … maybe “Rules Supreme Court” would be a better analogy.
Have you ever thaught of designing a tech expansion for A&A, with tech rules everyone will enjoy?
I have been thinking of writing a manual or book (what ever) and including things like that. Speaking of an A&A book Do you think you’d buy one (or 6 copies to keep up with IL)?
What would you like to see included in such a book?
Hey man… keep your researchers if you like… No big deal. If you like we could make it a LH’s Endorsed House Rule. I mean everyone would be playing the same system and that levels out the success or failure ratio for all. But to answer your question… yes we have no research dice today.
The Mediteranian….and Middle east…the likes of which weve never seen before (larry you might need a new catch phrase)
Got one in mind? How about… they’re the bees knees.
So by your rules, straits are controled by 1 land territory (a assume), unlike canals that need two…so does that make it the Panama Strait? becuase its one territory? or is the Suez canal now controled by one territory? Just a territory named Suez or Siannai? Also are the territorys containing a strait surroned by one seazone, and deny movement PAST that zone, or are they touched by multiple zones, but deny movement across a certan line? Help me larry, I am confuse
You’re giving me a headache. You figure it out.
What brought about the +4 for france? Historical Freedom fighters? Balance Issue?
a reason for germany to protect it so france doesnt get free guys?
First of all that should be France (with a Capital F). I would recommend Reading a thing or two about Leclair’s 2eme DB. It and other material that cover this period and place are very interesting. From a design prospective I must admit that I was guided more by Historical implications than any thing else. I felt that France needed a NO like all the other powers represented in the game as well. Balance… Come on… if the Allies liberate France it’s about time to start winding down the game. Other than symbolism and providing the Allies with a few more defensive units, 4 more French units are not going to make all that difference one way or the other.
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Ha hahhhahah. I don’t feel like it right now. Oh ok… here’s one:
Italy- 5 IPCs if there are no Allied surface warships in the Med.