Allright, new update of the 1942 module, any complaints, suggestions or requests are welcome ;)
Krieghund states:
The official word is that these islands are game spaces. Iceland should have a UK roundel, and Formosa should have a Japanese one. This will be in the FAQ.
So it should be integrated.
Hmm, I’m not happy with an extra two useless territories. But alas, Krieghunds will is our command, so they are integrated now :-P
Just an approach:
Used them, tnx!
I would say leave it in. Some of us will probably play AA42 with the techs from AA50 irregardless of what Larry or the official rules say.
I couldn’t agree more.
Allright, Kenya == Rhodesia, will be changed in the next upgrade ;) Tnx for the keen eye!
Only one other issue:
What is Cuba in the module is “West Indies” in the original map. Same as in AA50 btw. There we labelled it “Cuba” - what I would prefer to do here, too.
I don’t really care about this. Anyhow, Cuba is still Cuba, Kenya is now Rhodesia.
I just think we should continue to work with one *.pdn.
This is why I “updated” it: to have all options for the individually preferred map.bmp.
Hmm, owkay, didn’t spend much thought about it. Will make the .bmp’s when I’ll work out the ABattlePack as a .exe self-extractor (between now and 6 months :roll: )