• @Imperious:

    Heavy tanks should be restricted to building only one per turn. to instantly get all your tanks at 4 then just start buying tons of these will lead that player to victory because its 4’s for 5 vs 2’s for 3…

    If Tanks that defends on a 4 is too much perhaps artillery will do as a strategic defensive tech. Once Germany had been thrown on to the defensive in WWII the burden of combat shifted away from aircraft and tanks to the infantry and artillery. This were not because the former were not needed but rather their short supply forced reliance on the latter. The shortage of artillery therefore carried severe penalties. The inabillity to conduct effective large-scale counterbattery operations,as well as the loss of air superiority, was primary cause of German failure in both the West and the East. The early hopes of victory through mobility were replaced by an insatiable demand for the firepower of artillery.

    Artillery was mostly a defensive unit during WWII. However, in A&A, it is usually only used as an offensive unit, mainly to give large infantry formations more punch, not for counterbattery fire upon enemy artillery. The task of destroying enemy artillery batteries can also fall to attack aircraft, but unless they are already on patrol overhead, they are usually not quick enough to save friendly forces from damage. More often, ground-based counter-battery fire would suppress the enemy artillery batteries and force them to move, while aircraft would follow up later with a strike to destroy the rest of the enemy artillery.

    Fortress Artillery or Heavy Artillery
    Your artillery defends on a 3.

  • So what does this have to do with heavy Tanks?

    You want to replace HT with HA?

  • @Imperious:

    So what does this have to do with heavy Tanks?

    You want to replace HT with HA?

    Ok, here we go again. What we need is a more defensive tech that is not overpowered, but simple and easy to play. Not at least since Jet Fighters have turned into an offensive tech. My suggestion is a better artillery, since the one in the box rules is offensive, and more over not historical correct. An artillery defending on a 3, would make lot of scence here, don’t you think?

    _Once Germany had been thrown on to the defensive in WWII the burden of combat shifted away from aircraft and tanks to the infantry and artillery. This were not because the former were not needed but rather their short supply forced reliance on the latter. The shortage of artillery therefore carried severe penalties. The inabillity to conduct effective large-scale counterbattery operations,as well as the loss of air superiority, was primary cause of German failure in both the West and the East. The early hopes of victory through mobility were replaced by an insatiable demand for the firepower of artillery.

    Artillery was mostly a defensive unit during WWII. However, in A&A, it is usually only used as an offensive unit, mainly to give large infantry formations more punch, not for counterbattery fire upon enemy artillery. The task of destroying enemy artillery batteries can also fall to attack aircraft, but unless they are already on patrol overhead, they are usually not quick enough to save friendly forces from damage. More often, ground-based counter-battery fire would suppress the enemy artillery batteries and force them to move, while aircraft would follow up later with a strike to destroy the rest of the enemy artillery._

  • This is the question you ask:

    An artillery defending on a 3, would make lot of scence here, don’t you think?

    But you write:

    What about these three land techs:

    Heavy Tanks
    Your armor defends on a 4.

    The answer is not possible because i am not sure you want both or one or the artillery tech and not the armor tech. If you want both id say its redundant.

    If you want only one I would definatly dump the artillery tech and have Heavy tanks.

    In a best possible outcome id just have elite armor, which is a 4-4 unit or 4-5 unit representing Waffen SS or Shock armies limited by 6 total on the map at any time and limited to build one of these a turn. Any more will bust the game as hordes of these would be built and break the game.

    Now then are you fixing on having both of these or just one?

    and no its not “here we go again”

  • @Imperious:

    The answer is not possible because i am not sure you want both or one or the artillery tech and not the armor tech. If you want both id say its redundant.

    If you want only one I would definatly dump the artillery tech and have Heavy tanks…

    I am thinking of replacing the Advanced Artillery tech with my Heavy Artillery or Heavy Tanks, and ask you about it. No more new units, just simple tech upgrades that are easy to play. And sorry about, here we go again…

  • ok than just use HVY tanks. tanks is what its about. I would feature them for some Tech.

    But again limit them or the game will be busted with hordes of these shooting out all of a sudden. Its like 1/2 price fighters!

  • @Imperious:

    ok than just use HVY tanks. tanks is what its about. I would feature them for some Tech.

    But again limit them or the game will be busted with hordes of these shooting out all of a sudden. Its like 1/2 price fighters!

    But then getting heavy armor, also comes with the negative effect of limiting the number of tanks you can produce.

    I am not saying it is bad, i am just saying it would then be very different from the other techs.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    But then getting heavy armor, also comes with the negative effect of limiting the number of tanks you can produce.

    I am not saying it is bad, i am just saying it would then be very different from the other techs.

    Well, one can always think outside the box. It should always be simple and easy.

    Heavy Tanks
    Every third tank you have in each combat cycle, attack or defend on a 4.

  • What about Jet Fighters, is no1 or no2 best:

    1. Jet Fighters
    Your fighters now fire in the opening fire step, whether on attack or defense. Any casualties are destroyed and removed from play, with no chance to counter-attack.

    2. Jet Fighters
    The attack value of your fighters is now 4 instead of 3. They may now intercept bombers in a SBR. Bomber interception last for one cycle of combat only. The defender declares intercepting jet fighters before any defending AA-guns fire. The intercepting jet fighters attack on a 3 were as the bomber defend on a 1 (2 if heavy bombers). The surviving bombers are on the second cycle of combat subjected to any AA fire. Any jet fighters used in a interceptor role may also defend in a regular land attack against that same territory on the same turn.

  • This is better.

    1. Jet Fighters
    Your fighters now fire in the opening fire step, whether on attack or defense. Any casualties are destroyed and removed from play, with no chance to counter-attack.

    except add Jets are unaffected by AA fire. They also cannot be used on Carriers. The preemptive fire goes for defense in SBR attacks as well ( if using the optional rule for escorts and interceptors).

    AA guns could never hope to shoot down these planes because at that time the guidance was not fast enough to track or get a good shot on planes moving twice the speed of prop planes.

  • What about fortress artillery :?

    Fortress Artillery
    Your antiaircraft guns now also defends on a 5 during the conduct combat phase (but only one antiaircraft gun in a territory can fire, even if they are controlled by different powers), but can still shoot down attacking air during the opening fire step of combat. Antiaircraft guns cannot be destroyed, and hence not taken as a casualty.

  • no not good.

    I think you got some thing for artillery lately. I don’t see any need for changes or modifications except perhaps on first round if they roll a one they can choose the target, but thats it.

    The only other option would require an actual piece and including self propelled artillery which is a gun on a tank chasis ( and move 2)

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